Saturday, October 31, 2020

Roommate Refuses To Pay Rent, Gets Schooled In Court

Man, nothing is worse than realizing you've ended up sharing a roof with a completely terrible roommate. In this case, we've got a horribly smug roommate who simply refused to pay their rent. Well, they clearly didn't anticipate the fallout that'd eventually ensue back in court. Hopefully they learned their lesson, and won't go and try to pull this ridiculous stunt again. 

Check out some more juicy roommate drama with this guy who outwitted his roommate by using the Pavlovian method.


Text - r/ProRevenge u/Drumhedd • 173d + Join 1 You won't pay rent? Good luck finding a new apartment. So this happened to me about 10 years ago in a big city on the West Coast . Hopefully this counts as pro revenge. I had just finished grad school and was looking for a way to cut down on rent in an already expensive rental market. Now, mind you I was young, desperate, and inexperienced with roommates at the time and this was a huge life lesson for me and hopefully for my roommate too.


Text - I placed an ad for a roommate on Craigslist which in hindsight wasn't a smart move. Enter Bad Roommate. Bad Roommate was a few years older than me and at first seemed really cool with a stable job as a licensed masseuse. After interviewing her, hitting it off really well and getting to know each other for about a month, we rented a loft in downtown around October with the agreement rent/utilities would be split.


Text - Around the time our first rent was due (November) Bad Roommate said that her work had been slow and she would pay rent in the next two weeks. Luckily I had enough in savings so I covered rent. Well the two weeks came and went and still no rent. When I asked her about the rent, she yelled obscenities and accuse me of being abusive and harassing her. No kidding! While claiming she didn't have money for rent, she would be out of the house from around 9am until around 2am "visiting friends."


Text - Fast forward to the beginning of December and you guessed it, still no rent. This time in addition to yelling obscenities, accusing me of being abusive, and breaking my stuff, Bad Roommate called the police on me accusing me of making threats. The cops did not do anything as there was no evidence I did anything (for the record I didn't) but they did give me a "lecture" about making threats and said next time they come out I could be arrested or forced to leave the residence. By this time


Text - The final straw came when I came home from work to find her threatening my two cats who were cowering in the corner. I almost lost it, but due to what happened before with the police I didn't want to poke the fire. This is when I remembered the officer saying "I could be forced to leave the residence" and a lightbulb went off in my head. Now the revenge part:


Text - I alled my Best Friend whose father, "Best Friend's dad/attorney" was an attorney. After a phone consultation with him he told me to pay up the rent and utilities through December and then simply surrender my key, garage remote, etc with a signed note saying that I surrender possession of the property with a specified date. I snapped a photo of this note and left it with the secretary in the management office. I then proceeded to sign a new lease with the last of my savings. One week befo


Text - BOOM....dead silence until April. In April I was served with a summons for breach of contract for abandoning the lease by the landlord. I contacted the attorney (aka Best Friend's dad) and filed a response to the court with a hearing date set in late May. I showed up to the hearing with my friend's dad (attorney) and his two I'm guessing they were assistants. Bad Roommate was also there looking smug (think wine bottle incident smirk). Next thing I know the other attorney announces they ar


Text - The final cherry on top? I came to find out a month later via an angry voicemail from Bad Roommate that after being kicked out of a friend's house while couch surfing her credit was trashed, she had an eviction on her record, and subsequently could not get another apartment and that again I was a horrible irresponsible person. I never heard from her again afterwards but she was on the news a few months later (mugshot and all) for trashing a convenience store. Last I heard she moved to Las


Text - In the end my credit did take a small hit. Even though the suit was dismissed the debt was put into collections and reported to the credit bureau. For the next four years I tried unsuccessfully to have it removed. At the 4 year anniversary of the lawsuit, I petitioned the credit bureau under the advice of my friend's dad/attorney to clear my record as the statute for filing suit had expired at the 4 year mark. Failure to comply with the request would result in a lawsuit against the credit

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