Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Quick Tumblr Post On Humans' Willful Ignorance

Many of us suffer from some kind of self encouraged amnesia, involving our well being and various medications/supplements/etc that we use to maintain that well being. For whatever reason, the process of time crawling along invites in us a terribly self-destructive forgetfulness. In this particular, quick Tumblr thread we see a couple solid points made about the importance of Head and Shoulders shampoo/conditioner for the dry and itchy scalp, as well as the life saving role played by medications for anyone who has had a liver transplant. 


Text - andhumanslovedstories I started using Head and Shoulders ten years ago for itchy scalp and dandruff, and then for ten years I have not had itchy scalp and dandruff, so I thought "why do I still buy shampoo to combat itchy scalp and dandruff when I do not have itchy scalp and dandruff," so I stopped buying the shampoo for itchy scalp and dandruff and can you guess I have now? Can you predict what currently afflicts me? It's alright if you can't because apparently I fuckin couldn't either


Text - andhumanslovedstories Cutting something out of your life because you think you don't need it any more only to realize that it was in fact working as intended and preventing a problem that will return should you stop doing this is a good experiment to run periodically with something small like dandruff shampoo, lest you start to think it would be a good idea to do this with like let's say public health and the social safety net and vaccines


Text - thomrainierskies Follow I had a liver transplant when I was 14 and like six months later I was chatting with my surgeon and he said “there's gonna come a time, probably when you're a teenager, where you're gonna think, 'I feel great, why am I still taking all this medication? I haven't needed it in years. and you're gonna want to stop taking all this medication. Guess


Text - what's gonna happen then? You're gonna go into rejection and your liver is gonna start failing, and you're gonna be dying again, and we're gonna have to find you another liver. So don't do that." And I said “why the fuck would anyone do that?" and he said “people are stupid."


Text - every once in a while when I get annoyed by a pharmacy or don't wanna get out of bed to do my drugs I think "ugh, this is dumb, why do I do this?" and that conversation slams into me like a truck and I remember that I am, in fact, stupid Source: andhumanslovedstories 93,388 notes

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