Sunday, September 13, 2020

People That Didn't Understand Everyday Objects

Someone on AskReddit asked for people to share their most hilarious and outright ridiculous experiences with witnessing other people not understanding how to operate everyday objects. Confusion can strike in the most seemingly of obvious situations. Sometimes people's brains take a break, and they forget how to operate. 


Text - WL14K • 22h I dropped and ice cube on the floor once and threw it in the sink. My roommate at the time was flabbergasted - she had never thought of that, and always put dropped ice cubes in the garbage.


Text - BaconConnoisseur • 22h I was checking into a hotel and asked if I could get access to the conference room to start setting up for the training I would be conducting all week. The lady at the desk was adamant we hadn't booked their conference room for a full week. It had only been booked for today. We went back and forth for a little bit until she got out the schedule book to show me. The schedule book was just a spiral bound book with calendar pages. She points at today the 31st and says


Text - piscDSM • 23h My roommate didn't know to cut the lemon/fruit in half before he tried to juice it


Text - 1 Award As the youngest in the office, I'm now the official "Printer Guy", anyone has a problem with the printer they come to me dumbfounded. Sometimes it's just the machine telling them there's a jam and they refuse to read the display telling them where the issue is.


Text - TroperCase • 23h 31 Award I once saw someone in my office start to climb up the wrong side of a common metal ladder before being stopped.


Text - EveFluff • 23h My 70-year old dad frustratedly shaking the pepper grinder at an Italian restaurant


Text - My wife is a middle school teacher, and her principal is technologically illiterate. He updates the same Powerpoint (not the same template, but the same literal Powerpoint file) for every single presentation he makes. It's now an illegible mix of fonts, font sizes and formats. His bullet lists switch between unordered and ordered, and different types of sub-bullets (so there would be three "bullet" points, followed by a "4" and an "e"). The worst, though, was when he was giving a presenta


Text - mrdewtles • 22h I just got back from a vacation. This isn't the worst thing, but it's on my mind right now. It's how BAD people are at getting their luggage off of the... Luggage thing at the airport. Like... People were literally falling over unable to grab their baggage. It was sad to watch


Text - Poes_hoes • 1d Had a kid at one of my jobs not know how to use a broom. He swept back and forth as a cartoon would.


Text - arcsine • 22h 3 2 Awards I worked deskside IT support at a Fortune 10 company. There was a Director of some super important division, I think it was involved with the launch of new products. Like all Directors there, he had an assistant. Unlike the rest of the directors' assistants, she had THE biggest printer we supported sitting right next to her, and connected directly to her PC. It wasn't even on the network, so no one could use it but her. Turns out, it's because EVERY DAY, this woma


Text - The_Sceptic_Lemur • 1d My mom and Gmail. Quote: „No, I don't need a password to log in. Now get my emails back." get older generations are not as tech-savy, not having grown up with computers and internet, but come on, you've had that stupid computer for at least ten bloody years. You must have picked up on the basics by now.


Text - Ving_Rhames_Bible • 23h I see examples every time l'm watching people putting carry-ons in the overhead bins on planes. Like whatever part of their brain is responsible for geometry, at even the level of understanding of a toddler, goes completely dark. You can see it in their faces, frustrated and completely baffled why they can't fit their luggage in there, and I just want to scream, "Turn it SIDEWAYS you fucking idiot!"


Text - tiptree • 23h My sister in law had a flatmate who never cleaned up after himself in the toilet. There was always poop left. My SIL and their other flatmate were annoyed, but didn't want to embarrass him by telling him. When they were moving out and cleaning the apartment the others told the poopguy to clean the bathroom, and pointed to the toilet brush and told him to make sure to use that too. When they came in a while later to see how it was going he was using the toilet brush. But not


Text - BrilliantWeight • 1d Served in the army for a brief time with a girl who didnt know you had to rinse clothes after you soaped them while manually doing laundry. We had incidents where our laundry services would be woefully behind schedule, so occasionally, you had to do some sink laundry here and there. She would get hers wet, soap it up, and then just hang it and wonder why hers always came out worse than everyone else's.


Text - ReeG • 1d As an IT manager at a small office l'll just say the majority of people when it comes to understanding and operating a Windows computer. The amount of people that get hung up and stop working over the the most minor issues is astounding. Want to prove yourself more efficient and put yourself ahead of 90% of the current workforce? Learn basic proficiency in how to operate a Windows 10 PC


Text - ImInJeopardy • 1d My boss doesn't know how to forward emails. He also doesn't know how the printer/scanner works. He will call me over to his office, have me print an email, then he'll tell me to scan what I just printed and send it to the person he wants to send it to.


Text - shandower • 23h One time, my wife and I were at Taco time. They have one of those touch-screen coke machines. Unfortunately, we were in the back of a long line that wasn't moving, because the group in front couldn't figure out where the ice was or how to make the coke come out. So my wife goes to the front and asks if they need help. She ended up taking several minutes describing the machine, where the ice was, where the coke was, and how you could add different flavors to your drink. I w


Text - Bellamy1715 • 1d Roomed with a girl who did not know how to open a can.


Text - Kantotheotter • 23h I got stuck in a mini cooper. I could not find the door handle. my friend (who owned the car) let me out when she was done laughing.


Text - artbento • 1d I almost stapled my hand or my face with a staple gun if my teacher hadn't intervened in time. I had never seen one in my life and was just handed one to put up some posters. I'm not sure how I held it but it was wrong enough for the teacher to dive over like a baseball home run.


Text - remes1234 • 23h It was me. Operating a self check out at walmart. I scanned a thing, and held it in my right, then proceeded to try to scan the next thing using my left hand. The machine said "please place item in bagging area" like 15 times. I just stared at it like it was speaking swahili. The check out person had to help me. I was completely sober. I just vapor locked. I have no idea WTF Happened.


Text - Miolner • 23h My girlfriend never used a toaster until 4 years ago. She inserted 2 slices of toast and started the toaster. When she thought the toast may be finished, she took a metal knive and wanted to get the toast slices out of the toaster by picking it up with the knife. I just noticed a second before she would have put that knife into the electric heating wire and shouted "WHAT ARE YOU DOING" from across the room. Maybe I saved her life. Now she knows toasters stop automatically af


Text - d33jaysturf • 22h A friend got a call from her cousin who recently went to college - "hey so I'm about to do laundry, how should I sort the clothes? Is it by brand?"


Text - thisismycourage • 23h My old roommate claimed she was the smartest person around. I thought she was smart enough (I guess??) but THEN she bought her first wallet. I turn around to her trying to force the wallet shut with the cards in the wrong way. She insisted the wallet was manufactured incorrectly because the wallet wouldn't close with the cards sitting upright. I silently took the wallet, turned one card 90 degrees, handed it back to her, and went back to what I was doing.

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