Saturday, September 12, 2020

Employee Discovers Food Allergy At Company Potluck

This employee came to learn what constitutes a food allergy, a bit later than they might have expected. The tingling that their brain had registered as perfectly "normal" was an allergic response to the bananas they were eating. Their co-workers must've gotten a kick out of the revelation. 


Text - TIFU by not realizing I'm allergic to bananas, and making my coworkers think l'm a dumbass M This didn't just happen, this was about a year ago when the staff in my office was 95% southern ladies over 65 years old. They were mostly retired, working part time as office staff. And they LOVED potlucks, they lived for them, to the point where we had one pretty much every month.


Text - They honestly didn't need a reason to bring in a ton of food, and I had to problem eating it. The day the fuck up happened was a potluck day, and when I was putting my food in the break room fridge I saw someone had brought in a banana pudding. It was beautiful, covered in whipped cream in a pretty crystal dish, and you know it was made with grandma love. I love banana pudding, and made a mental note to save room for some.


Text - So lunch time comes, and l'm sitting there with everyone surrounded by all the food, when I remember the banana pudding. I grab a huge bowl of it, and I see that there's also a layer of sliced banana mixed in with the pudding and wafers and whipped cream, and I've never had it with real banana before. So I start eating it, it's delicious of course, and I tell that to the lady who made it. And then I say "I've never had banana pudding with actual bananas in it! You'd think the tingling wou


Text - Then the sweetest, oldest lady of the bunch leans over and pats me on the back and says "bless your heart, I think you're just allergic to bananas." For those who don't know, saying 'bless your heart' is southern lady speak for 'well you're an idiot, aren't you?. I finished the banana pudding, but they never let me live that day down. Sometimes I would come in and they would leave a banana on my desk as a reminder. Jokes on them though, l'd still eat them.


Text - TL:DR I thought it was normal for your mouth to tingle after eating a banana. It turns out I'm just allergic to bananas and the old ladies I work with thought I was an idiot. Edit: Wow I can't believe how popular my fuck up got! Thanks for the gold! I mentioned this to the ladies who are still working in the office and they say thank you for making them internet famous!

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