Saturday, September 12, 2020

Employee Counteracts Annoying Coworker With Plants

Man, just picturing what this employee was going through with coworkers depositing stuff on their desk, is enough to bring the blood to boil. Fortunately, they were able to use some handy plants to offset the BS. Janet wasn't ready for the petty jungle. 


Text - r/pettyrevenge + Join u/ezeebee • 1d Desks are for plants, not paperwork At my previous job, I had fridge and microwave. People congregated there while they were making their lunch, and sometimes just because they happened to meet each other next to my desk while they were both walking up the length of the office and stopped to have a conversation. This meant that the end of my desk became the dumping ground for the stuff that people were carrying but didn't want to hold while they had th


Text - It didn't inconvenience me hugely most of the time, but I really hated the fact that people dumped stuff on the end of my desk while I was sitting there working without even asking "is it okay if I leave this here for a moment?". Plenty of people would put stuff down then walk off without it, meaning I had to either deal with it being there in my way or chase them down to give it back to them.


Text - To counter this, and to annoy Janet in particular, I decided to completely block up that end of the desk, solely to stop people putting stuff on it. Over a few months (so as to not arouse suspicion), I bought houseplants and brought them to work, arranging them on my desk in various positions. Eventually I had created a complete fort of houseplants that covered the end of my desk. You could see Janet get visibly confused as she went to dump stuff on the end of my desk but found a jungle i

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