Sunday, July 19, 2020

IV Tech Lets Absurd Patient Think He's the Janitor

This one is partly on the patient and partly on the hospital. It's like that classic joke where a patient gets poked and prodded by random dude in a doctor's coat. Sometimes people's expectations and rudeness precede them, like this customer kept asking for a man, and he ended up in the legal department.


Text - r/MaliciousCompliance · Posted by u/Truthislife13 22 hours ago Medical care provided by the garage man oc M I finished my PhD in the middle of a terrible recession, and I was having a hard time finding a permanent job. I stayed afloat financially by adjunct teaching (low pay, no benefits) and by doing whatever odd jobs I could find. I was a volunteer EMT at the time, and a friend was able to get me a night shift job in a local hospital as an IV technician. Strictly speaking, that should h


Text - The nursing staff made it abundantly clear they thought the EMTS were uneducated halfwits (two suggested that I try to get an associate's degree to "better myself"), and that we were utterly beneath contempt. We were completely at the mercy of the charge nurses, and all they ever wanted us to do was take out the garbage and clean up patients after their diapers had exploded (me: "How did you manage to get it on the ceiling?"). Contrary to what the job description implied, it was actually


Text - One time I was asked to start a line on a woman, and the second I stepped in the door she bellowed, "I ONLY WANT SOMEONE WHO DOES IT PROFESSIONALLY!" I had enough practice with that sort of thing from my volunteer work that I could have threaded a needle on a roller coaster ride, and I calmly assured her I could manage it without difficulty. Reluctantly, she let me take her hand and I was able to get the line in quickly and painlessly. As soon as I returned to the nursing station the char


Text - Predictably, the woman I had just started the line on saw me with the trash bin and she started screaming, "THEY HAD THE GARBAGE MAN START MY IV! WHAT KIND OF A @#%&! HOSPITAL IS THIS??!" Post Script: As the early morning approached I went to the lobby where the janitorial staff was gathering. I quickly picked up on the fact that they all had chips on their shoulders, and they felt like they were being treated like lower lifeforms. And I from my own experiences, I knew they were absolutel


Text - Cusslerfan Score hidden · 21 hours ago When I went to college, one of my government studies classes didn't pass anyone unless they could name everyone on our custodial staff who had been there more than 5 years. Bonus points if you knew their birthday! It was a super easy class, mainly stuff learned in high school, videos, and guest speakers. All you had to do was talk with them, maybe buy them a drink. Sadly, some people opted to change classes at the beginning of the year because "janit


Text - algy888 Score hidden · 17 hours ago Same thing here, never judge a person's intelligence by their job. Things happen. I used to fix amusement rides as an outside contractor. Well paid equaled respected. I would help the regular maintenance staff with their rides. The maintenance staff as a whole tended to look down on the ride operators as most of them were young part timers working through school. I on the other hand treated them as most acquainted with their individual rides. I mean the


Text - TheGreatPoopWizard Score hidden · 20 hours ago I worked janitorial in the administration building of a midsized state university. I witnessed the bigwigs throwing a fit that they used standard office trashcans in their fancy boardroom. They ordered "executive" trash cans for 20k each. Bet your bacon I told everybody who would listen.

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