Sunday, July 19, 2020

Craigslist Room For Rent Goes Sour, Nuclear Revenge Ensues

I mean, the Windows 98 touch was just pure evil. Jill was in way over her head. Good for this dude for assessing the situation as it spiraled out of control, and ultimately taking the kind of pro revenge that left the nasty "landlord" in a helpless state of psychological rage. Check out some more housing drama with this case of pro revenge where a landlord wouldn't return a security deposit, and proceeded to get defeated by a smart tenant ready to bring about their demise.


Text - r/ProRevenge u/Kuriente • 3y Join Craigslist Room For Rent Goes Sour I was in the process of joining the military, simply waiting for the date to enter service. "It would take at least a month, but no more than a year." Apartment lease had expired, no month-to-month payment option. Looking for some short-term housing. I was single, worked 2 part time jobs, & had cash in savings. I'm quiet, flexible, simple needs. Just needed the simplest of accommodations. I went to Craig's List. Met with


Text - awful graphic art fan fiction on her PC, probably never sold anything but was completely obsessed with her own work and would talk about it constantly. Jill had pets. So. Many. Pets. Like 20 cats, 4 dogs, a room of birds out of their cages, and several acquariums. A bit weird/slightly skewed version of reality, but seemed nice, had a room available and price was okay. I would pay a flat rate for rent and utilities, provide my own food, and come and go as I please. Neither of us ever signe


Text - Things fell apart rapidly after that. She became manipulative, started making financial demands. The electric bill was high, I needed to pay "my part". She had bought enough groceries for both of us without informing me, but now that milk had soured and bread molded I needed to pay for "wasted groceries". Old busted up door knob on the side of the house broke off while taking out trash, so I needed to buy a new one. Etc... Individually these didn't bother me much, but there was a pattern.


Text - Got back from work. In my room my guitar was gone, and in its place, a bill. A bill from a plumber who had installed a toilet. "My bathroom" needed some work done. Jill had "lost all trust" that I would fulfill "financial obligations" after I "freaked out about money before." My guitar was hostage, locked in her bedroom until I paid for her toilet upgrade. She literally added a padlock to her bedroom door. Time to get out. I told her I was moving out the next day (a friend already offered


Text - A week later, called Jill the day before the cable transfer. She said she would drop off the equipment, oddly, only while I was at work. I texted a reminder, "please don't forget to drop off modem", and she responded, "left it in a bag outside your front door". Weird, but whatever. I get home that night. No bag. No modem. I text, "did you leave it at the right house? can't find it", she responds, "yes". Cable got installed, still no modem. It'll cost me if I don't turn in the old one. Now


Text - Jill took a pottery class on Thursdays, out of the house for 2 hours. Her front door had a combination keypad for entry instead of keys. She claimed she would change the combo when I left, but probably didn't know how to do that. Waited until after the time she left. Drove past. No one home. Parked a block away, walked to front door, entered the code. Still works. Straight to her bedroom. Not padlocked anymore. Look, there's my router and modem, right where they shouldn't be because they'


Text - Called me in a frantic rage 30 minutes later. "YOU STOLE FROM ME!!!" "What?? Jill.What are you talking about?" "YOU BROKE INTO MY HOUSE AND STOLE FROM ME!!!" "Wait...someone broke into the house?? I'm sorry, I don't know anything about that... What did they take?" Her remarkable psychological gymnast skills. Walks right up to the ledge of almost admitting that she lied to me and stole my things (after-all, such an admission was required for her version of events to make any sense at all)

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