Saturday, June 6, 2020

Seller Shatters Choosing Beggar's Common Sense Completely

People are always coming up with new ways to try to wake up clueless choosing beggars. In this case, we get to witness a choosing beggar seemingly have their already lacking common sense, completely shattered. What ensues is nothing short of comedy gold. Check out more choosing beggars and their irrational demands over here.


Text - Outdoor Electric Grill Outdoor Electric Grill • $100 Rate Buyer Mark as Sold Is this still available? Would you take $60? waiting for your response.


Text - 7:25 AM Yes, it is still available. I can do $70 9:22 AM The Do $50 and you got a deal Why would I take less than your first offer?


Text - Because I was given a budget that I wasn't given before The ere That's not how negotiating works My price isn't tied to your budget Excuse me? My husband said $50 and I can't go over it eno


Text - Then why did you offer $60 initially? Because I thought he would give me the extra $10 $75 and it is yours Oh and you went up on your initial offer so why did you do that?


Text - I thought my wife was going to give me $5 but she isn't Aa

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