Saturday, June 6, 2020

AskReddit Thread: People's Craziest Rich Kid Syndrome Encounters

Someone on AskReddit got a thread going about people's wildest encounters with rich kid syndrome. Some folks walk around with the kind of delusional entitlement that just stops you in your tracks. 


Text - clevermine2tine • 1y I lived with 5 guys and I was the only one whose parents weren't millionaires, not close at all. They never cleaned. About once a month I would deep clean the house but two days later there was garbage and food on the floor. I found out they all told their parents the poor kid made all the messes when one of their moms came by to scream at me.


Text - StiffyStephy • 1y I use to have a friend who would constantly say "I love when my dad gives me money." and "If I ask for a certain amount of money my parents always give me $50 extra.". This girl then bought a apartment boasting about it on Facebook and how proud she was of herself how at 23 she was able to afford a home at such a young age all on her own. Still makes me want to face plant into a pile of jagged rocks.


Text - Fit_Official • 1y A consulting manager I worked with was literally Stiffler. Even looked like him. He was a Harvard grad, dad was an exec at a huge consulting firm. Smart, but incredibly ditzy and trying really hard to be normal. He walked into work one morning and asked one of his "trainees" if he/they got paid this week because he literally couldn't see the difference in his bank account.


Text - PazzaCiccio • 1y A girl in my school was "surprised" by her parents in the school's parking lot with a new BMW. A freaking BMW. Everyone who is out is basically watching this go down and she starts crying. At first we are all thinking its because she's so happy but then she runs back into the school. Apparently they were supposed to show up earlier (I'm assuming when there would be more students to witness the surprise). I felt bad for the Dad because he looked totally embarrassed and sad


Text - Pencilowner • 1y Knew a trust fund girl whose dad gave her the money to start a company. She lost it when she went on vacation for 6 months and forgot she was supposed to pay her employees all the time. She assumed they would not get paid for 6 months and be there when she got back. I quizzed her on this for a few min and it was clear she had no idea what a job was.


Text - RhapsodicRaven • 1y Not exactly "rich kid syndrome," but there was this family that had two children who attended the elementary school that was connected to my middle school. Every day the two parents would leave the house and drive separately to pick up their two kids before returning home. I should mention at this point that they each drove a Lamborghini, one black and one orange, back-to-back in the pick up line to get their kids from elementary school. At first I thought they were ju


Text - PracticalSpinach • 1y I was in a theology class where we were talking about compromises. teacher: What are some compromises your parents have made? very rich girl: My mom wanted to go to Hawaii and my dad wanted to go to Mexico so we went to the Bahamas instead. going to private school makes life full of these stories, like earlier this week when I asked why this girl who I sit by was gone. Her friend then told me "She's skipping this week because she wanted to go to the Bruno Mars and Pi


Text - bad-pickle • 1y I had two friends in college who were from UAE. They were brothers, and their parents were sending them to school in the US. They were actually pretty cool and down to earth... if not a good bit weird. They knew I didn't have a ton of money and couldn't afford to do the cool stuff they did, so they covered me all the time. Crazy stuff, like renting a private plane to go to a concert, black cars with drivers, expensive dinners in exclusive clubs. On the weird side... they s


Text - steve-the-sloth • 1y Gf family is wealthy, she's working her way to it. But, she was waiting to get a chance for a promotion and the words "I cannot believe anyone would make somebody work for almost a year to get a promotion" came out of her mouth. And I laughed.


Text - pipsdips • 1y Look up Corona del Mar high school cheating scandal, happened at my school. Parents payed around 50k a piece to have a tutor bug the school computers and change students grades, they all lawyered up big time when it came out and all the kids got off free and all made it into their top three schools. Edit: I would also like to add that this made the news, and all the parents whined that their children were innocent and "just had a bad tutor" Had a girl I went to school with t


Text - maklershed • 1y My personal favorite was in college - kid down the hall from me bought a brand new Fender Stratocaster and played with it for a day and got bored and sold it to me case and all for $20. I still have it and play it fifteen years later. It's a great guitar.


Text - SpiritualAmbassador • 1y Ex-girlfriend's friend said to me, "Can you believe there are people who have never been on a private jet??" "Uhh, yeah, I'm one of them..."


Text - [deleted] • 1y Girl I went to high school with got a Mercedes for her 16th birthday. Bitched and moaned about the fact that she didn't get a Lexus, because her name was Lexi and she thought it would be "sooo00 coo!" for Lexi to drive a Lexus with a custom license plate saying "Lexi". Her parents did cave and buy her a Lexus for her 17th birthday. My college roommate threw a massive tantrum, like on the floor screaming and crying, because her parents got her a used big ass truck for gradua


Text - FriendFryFrench • 1y I knew someone who goes out of the country just to have a haircut


Text - Andykbrown • 1y A 3 3 Awards Funny short story. My ex wife used to drive a 1998 Honda Accord. She treated it like shit and so one day I got into it to drive somewhere and I noticed that it was falling apart. I had two options; junkyard or sell it, and so I put it on Craigslist for $250. I thought it could go to a low income family that had someone with some know how who could semi restore it, but when I meet the buyer he was not who I expected. He pulled up in a brand new Escalade and tol


Text - AncientEldritch • 15h This past Monday actually. My neighbor has 3 dogs she CONSTANTLY lets outside without leashes. We share a driveway that connects our two small backyards. I have an older dog. I went to take my girl out before work and she let her dogs out without looking. Her Pitbull attacked my dog and for 20 minutes we couldn't get it off her. At the end of it, my dog was seriously mauled, I was bit on the hand and arm pretty badly and suddenly, I had to be thr adult. I had to know


Text - FizzyBeverage • 15h • Graduating high school • Losing my first grandparent Graduating college Getting my first job out of school "Here's the keys, here's the tag, here's the registration, here's your license back" Marrying my wife Having our daughters "Ok Fizzy, this mortgage will be 360 months with this much owed on the 1st of every month, we'll escrow your taxes and insurance" • Losing my dad "Ok Fizzy, these are the 12 engineers reporting to you, review their profiles, we'll pay you $


Text - Syliase • 15h When I found out I had to choose between being dropping out of college and homeless, or going back to live with my abusive family. It really hit me hard that I didn't know what to do, but knew I had to do something. At the time, those weren't the only realistic options. But I was a kid and didn't know that. It took a lot of learning and making mistakes over and over for me to really understand that adulthood meant making it up as I went. I did end up dropping out of college


Text - Buffyoh • 13h When I flunked out of undergrad, and I got a job in a factory building electrical machinery. I'd my reflection of myself in overalls with my toolbox, and it hit me hard that all the fun and games from HS were over, and I was not "Joe cool" anymore. Reply 96 ...


Text - wormsquishy • 15h when it was Christmas Eve and i wasn't as excited and tried to get myself excited Reply 188 ...


Text - laughwidmee • 1y This happened a couple of weeks ago at the Infiniti dealership. I was in the waiting room with a very well dressed lady for our loaner cars. She left the waiting room to look at her loaner and came back crying. She said she drives a fully loaded qx80 and they gave her a qx60 with nothing in it. I said sorry that happened and asked how long she was going to have the loaner for. She said a couple of hours. I wanted to tell her to suck it up but instead I sat there quiet thi


Text - ACrossEyedSnipr • 1y Had a kid that lived across the hall from me my freshman year of college from Honduras. During one of the ice breakers after freshman move in he leaned to me to ask if I knew when the maids came to make his bed/clean. I guess his family was very well off in his home country and the entire semester was an eye opener for him in actually taking care of himself.


Text - MMMLG • 1y I went to college with a guy who totaled five Mustangs in a year. I don't think he was sober enough to remember any of them.


Text - Aiku • 1y A Saudi guy in the UK got in a crash, with light damage to one side of brand new Mercedes. He called for one of his assistants to come get him, even though the car was fully driveable. My friend rolled up on call with his tow truck and asked the guy where he wanted the MErc towed. The guy gave him the keys and said "Keep it; I don't want it.'


Text - swampjedi • 1y 1 Award Sitting in a group discussion in college, and having one kid whine that his parents were so disadvantaged that they only brought home $500k a year (20 years ago). I sat there and kept quiet, because my family only had $30k a year. I was only there because of scholarships and financial aid. The worse thing is all of the sympathy this kid got from the other people in the class. The school was so proud of their racial diversity, but 95% of the students came from famili


Text - humanextintion • 1y 3 1 Award First day as a librarian in a private school. Help a 7 year old with the printer. He offers to tip me.


Text - ReddishWedding2018 • 1y Teacher here. Two spring to mind: 1. My first teaching job was at a private middle school in one of the wealthiest enclaves in the United States. I taught a kid who told me he didn't finish his homework because his helicopter had stalled over the weekend so he couldn't leave his family's island. He was telling the truth. Same kid was also a huge pain in the ass who wanted to misbehave with the "cool" kids, and then would lie through his teeth while crying when held


Text - [deleted] • 1y I knew a chick in high school who threw a tantrum that the SUV her parents (NEW btw) wasn't the right color. 9.2k ...


Text - EggSuccer • 1y When I was in 6th grade this kid would talk about how his computer is 10,000 dollars, yet whenever I beat him in a game he would say hes having fps lag. He would bet money that he would win then refuse to pay it because of "unfair lag" 2.0k


Text - UncleTrustworthy • 1y I knew a kid named Thor growing up. He treated everyone like trash. He lived the giant obnoxious post-modern house in an otherwise normal neighborhood. I'm talking gravel lawn decorated with random spheres of differing colors. The house itself was an aluminum-clad cube with curved yellow rooms jutting out. One year for his birthday, Thor got a 25 foot glass bird-watching bridge, which was affixed to the top floor. I don't know that they had all that much money. I sus

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