Monday, May 18, 2020

Employee Takes Horrible Boss's Advice, Publicly Quits

Most of us have wished we could be someone who doesn't give a heck and publicly confront a horrible boss. This person worked for an unfair manager in what must have been a murderous slog, but they got their mic drop moment in the end. For another bad boss story, here's on about a new boss who tried to play alpha.


Text - r/MaliciousCompliance - Posted by u/horrorflickguy 16 hours ago 3 2 "If you don't like it, quit!" Message received loud and clear oc L TL: DR at bottom I initially posted this story on r/TalesFromYourServer. I think it fits better here and I've included more information for story cohesion. For almost eight years, I worked at a popular U.S. chain restaurant which specializes in breakfaast food that may or may not heavily feature various flavors of pancakes.


Text - Over time, several managers came and went but the one who stuck around was the ladder-climbing, brown-nosing GM, whom we'll call Hope: a narcissistic, verbally abusive, control freak Mommie Dearest knock-off. Hope had the most grandiose opinion of herself. She had a way of making "please and thank you" sound like "Screw you." I did my best to get along with her. Although when dealing with someone who thrives on conflict, the best often isn't enough. She made it clear, it was her way or th


Text - Among Hope's countless trademark annoying traits included: breathing, coming in to work wasted and talking smack about everyone to guests and staff alike. She often delivered instructions orders, without allowing any responses, then concluded those interactions with "Mmmkay? Mmmkay" As if that couldn't get any more obnoxious, her faux sincerity was almost always accompanied by an annoying Crypt Keeper cackle. Then she'd roll her crap-brown eyes, toss her mouse-brown hair over her shoulder


Text - I was one of those "highly valued" employees, but the way I was treated completely belied the compliments and accolades I received i.e. my schedule being flipped without my consent, day off requests being denied while new employees (usually the maried and/or single moms) and Hope's drinking buddies got preferential treatment, always taking the side of the guest when they were angling for a free meal, etc. Perhaps the worst was the bullying and pettiness among certain employees. It was lik


Text - Once another employee poked me in the face with a tampon right in front of Hope and Sunny, the drunken assistant manager. I filed an official complaint and nothing came of it. This is one such occasion where they couldn't claim ignorance. My complaint made it real and they had to address it. Address it, they did. They saw me as a whistle blower. Neither Hope nor Sunny could've cared less about staff morale. It was typical of both of those embittered hags to accept hearsay as fact. They ra


Text - This whole horror story came to its climax when a cokehead, now-former employee, circulated a rumor that, I refused to wait on an elderly African American military veteran because I was a "racist." Being one myself, I respect all veterans. I found it alarmingly laughable, at best, because: 1) I am a very gay man and 2) most of my boyfriends haven't been white. Hell, everyone including Hope and Sunny met my Brazilian ex-boyfriend when he had previously popped in for Sunday brunch. So, you


Text - So, the write-up came. I was absolutely furious as my suspicions that I'd been setup were confirmed. Both Hope and Sunny would not let me get a word in. I finally got their attention by stating, in a raised voice, that I had a right to have my say. Surprised at my assertiveness, both went slit-eyed and rather smugly said, "Go on." I pointed out to them that all of my guests love me. Several of my regulars are Hispanic or African American and, in nearly eight years of employment, never onc


Text - I also pointed out that the drama-starting liar who filed the complaint against me had been fired because she was caught by Hope snorting cocaine in the ladies room. Given her predisposition to lie, the validity of her accusation should be questioned and the write up destroyed. Based off of their surprised expressions, it was clear I had exposed their complicitness in creating a hostile work environment, but they refused to take the bait. Completely done with it all, I flat out bellowed:


Text - You could have heard a pin drop. Diamanda, the Creole prep cook, was walking by the open office door when I let out that line and she nearly doubled over with laughter. There were two training managers facing away from us while they were on the computer doing online courses. They almost collapsed onto the keyboard then turned around looking at me with shocked expressions on their faces. Sunny's face went beet red. Hope's face turned white and her eyes widened.


Text - "You know what, Hope? Remember how you said if I didn't like the way you ran things, I should quit? Goodbye." I didn't give them a chance to respond. My shift was about to start in less than seven minutes. I took off my key fob, laid it on the safe, emptied my apron, put everything in a takeout bag, did an about face and walked out echoing: “Have fun trying to cover my shifts.“ It was exhilarating and liberating all at the same time. It was like the end of Private Benjamin, when Goldie Ha


Text - I have a new job at a wonderful company with great bosses that value me as an employee and as a person. I actually look forward to going to work now. I never thought that was possible. Double-plus: they don't expect me to be an emotionless robot. TL: DR: I slaved away at a horrible job for nearly eight years working for malevolent bosses. They tried to play me. I played them right back and got my mic drop moment. EDIT: For those of you who are triggered and declaring that I "could still b

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