Sunday, May 31, 2020

AskReddit Thread: Gamers Proudest Achievements

Someone on AskReddit got a fun thread going about gamers' proudest achievements. Some of these might ring a bell, or at the very least get the gamers out there reminiscing about their claims to video gaming fame. 


Text - SlueRL • 9h I am in the top three of players in my county in game called Trackmania


Text - Radboudboi • 10h I played COD Black Ops Zombies Kino der Toten so much that I bet a friend I could get past the first two rounds blindfolded, using my memory of the map and good headphones to locate the sound of where the zombies are coming from. I actually reached round 5, I died at the first Hellhound wave because those are just too damn fast


Text - TheManlnReddit • 9h When I was a little kid I managed to complete all 100 Grand Theft Auto San Andreas Missions


Text - TheSoviet-Union • 7h Beating Doom on Ultra Nightmare.


Text - Cyphmos • 9h Beating the Chocobo Racing mini game in Final Fantasy X to power up Tidus' ultimate weapon


Text - MeddlinQ • 9h Several world 50 and country/realm firsts in WoW raiding, spreading across multiple expansions. As you can imagine, my life wasn't the most fulfilling back then.


Text - spamgolem • 8h Completing the first Myst game using no hints or spoilers, just a pad of graph paper for notes and drawings.


Text - Themunchiekid • 7h Theres a game called robocraft. Back in its early days when I would play it had a mode where once you died you were out. It also would try balance teams so if one person kept winning the other team might have slightly more people or higher tiered robots, up to a limit of 7v11 and 1 tier higher. As part of a clan of four we consistantly dominated to the point where the entire opposite team would be 11 and be in the higher tier. Whilst we would only have 7 people. In one


Text - 21stcenturyhum1 • 9h Finishing halo 2 on legendary.


Text - TheUnknownPerson3 • 9h How did we get here? The end, again - Nothing but 20 water buckets. Literally finishing YuGiOh! Duel Generation Full Pokedex in Pokemon on the Game Boy Reaching Level 25 in Tetris


Text - DepressedCrumpet • 6h Completing the Titanfall 2 campaign on master difficulty, and beating Viper on the first try.


Text - DavidNordentoft • 6h - Telling my little brother to reload and heal in Apex Legends; he is young, and tunnel visions a lot due to ADHD, so it helped him out a lot it seemed. - Winning with some random (polite) kids in Apex Legends. When we won, one of them was like "I love this game so much, this game is so good." IDK, I guess those experiences stand out to me, because I was happy for someone else and not so much for myself. Wins are easy to come by, but when you help a kid get one it is


Text - kerred • 8h I reated my first video game in 2006 called Slyde. It was done in visual basic, had 112 levels and used a percentage completion rate with unlockables and a map editor. Neversoft also gave me my own vault in THPS4 to share all the parks i created.


Text - TunaHero • 7h Last week I earned the title "Conqueror" in Destiny 2. It requires a very high power and a lot of teamwork/ strategy. This is from a very casual player who started playing the game just for fun a few years ago.


Text - NotGAF • 4h I stopped playing League of Legends.


Text - dacringeyfangirl • 9h I'm a level 57 in Skyrim and I completed the World At War campaign on Veteran.


Text - apollo412c • 6h 100% on LEGO Star Wars TCS. Took way too long and many hours even with my roommate.


Text - Kjmac92 • 8h Fifa 17, daily knockout tournament.. I was playing in the final and was losing 4-1 by the 80th minute. Ended up drawing the game, scoring 3 goals in the final 10 minutes and beat the guy on penalties. Unbelievable feeling


Text - IcyMiddle · 6h I beat Jedi knight 2 and Jedi Academy on the hardest difficulty without using the force or a lightsaber except when required for puzzles. It's not actually as hard as you might think, the guns are pretty good in that game but most players hardly ever use them since lightsaber and force powers are super fun and powerful.


Text - Forestxavier20 •6h Not me, but my Uncle. The man holds the top records for multiple charts in multiple Rock Band and Guitar Hero games. He memorized the charts so well that he played against my other uncle, going Hendrix on his ass. He played behind his back, eyes closed, facing away from the screen, absolutely shredding him. To this day, I still remember hearing of these exploits, my dad and uncles have all moved on from it, but damn if he ever gets back into it, I am recording it and po


Text - Diamond_117 • 6h Beating Halo 2 on legendary in 3-4 Hours when I was 12. On original Xbox ofcourse.


Text - Lightninghurler • 8h Playing PvP in the original Halo against my little brother and his mates. One of the mates brought around his Xbox and there was lots of smack talk about how'd they'd take me down. None of them realised l'd basically spent the last 2 weeks playing co-op non-stop with my cousin - including my bro who had been off at a camp. In Blood Gulch from memory, one of them comes over a hill on a Ghost and starts flipping over in mid air. I have the sniper rifle, scope in, single


Text - hunter006 • 6h Being ranked as and maintaining a slightly above average player in Overwatch. There's people with mechanical ability and intuition who can left click heads and know when they're about to get flanked, and there's people with technical know how who do things like ice wall under Junkrat traps to break them. I'm the latter. I have very little mechanical ability (and l've done drills, had coaching, changed my setup, etc.). I climbed my way from low bronze to high plat. I haven't


Text - yahnne954 · 7h I haven't one yet (haven't played enough), but since I love Touhou Project (music, story and such), I believe that, one day, l'll finally play Embodiment of Scarlet Devil on normal without dying. Can't say for the Extra Stage, though.


Text - rayray_trash • 7h i beat the boss dragon in skyrim.. i can't remember how to spell his name and i'm rlly sad about it • i think it's spelled alduin or sum like that


Text - Unliving_Engineer • 6h world of warcraft: i was playing a tauren warrior in a wrath of the lich king server, questing in northrend when an ally paladin spotted me. we stared each other down for a couple seconds before charging each other, cue in duel of the fates. as our epic duel contiuned, i used spell reflection, hoping to make paladin stun himself, but instead i reflected a spell from another ally, a mage, who dared to interfere. i killed the mage first, then with a few close calls, t

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