Monday, April 6, 2020

Incompetent Production Manager Signs Off On His Own Fail

This incompetent production manager served himself up a slice of humble pie. Sounds like the dude's carelessness had persisted to such a point that a reality check was inevitably headed his way. A wakeup call, if you will. And oh boy, did he get one. The look on the dude's face when he realized that he'd literally signed off on his own humiliation must've been one for the books. 


Text - r/ProRevenge + JOIN u/Desrep2 · 23h Crosspost from MC : Don't tell people how to do their job, if you don't know how it should be done As the title says, this was originally posted in MC, but i was sugested to post it here (If this doesn't belong here, or is better suited for another revenge thread, let me know <3) Standard warnings: I ain't a native english speaker, so don't eat me over poor spelling/grammar!


Text - So, backstory:l used to work at a factory who suffered severely under a director who wanted to make more money, with little idea as to how you run a factory, or how you see through people trying to BS you to gain favor. One person in particular was notorious for licking buttholes, when i started he was the boss for about a third of the production unit. And as it happened, he was also the guy who took over whenever my own boss needed time off, was out liasing with other companies, or other


Text - So, as for the story itself:My partner and i made up the companys goods-reception, and quality controll department. basically our job was to recieve the goods, and inspect that everything was in order (Correct amount had been delivered, no transport or production damage or mistakes) and then prepare the things for storage. But as you might expect sometimes things weren't quite in order, some things were unimportant and we just ignored them. Most things we send in to get them repaired. sin


Text - And this particular assclown, was allowed to "greenlight" things that my partner and i had send in to get repaired. So, one day, the director comes out, with the head of productions behind him, wanting to know why a particular type of good, from a particular contractor, always got send in for repair (And i do mean everytime) and we explained that becouse purchase opted to use the cheapest place to get these things done, quite frankly one particular part was suppar, but it could be fixed s


Text - With every piece of good we recieved, we'd pull the schematics in order to meassure if everything was in order or not. And then on this schematic we'd write some addition information (Purchase number, steel certificat, ect) so that we could easily trace everything back, should there be a problem. And for this particular thing, we drew an arrow to the part that was done incorrectly, wrote what the problem was, and "Aproved by: Mr. Assclown" asked the production manager to sign it. and off


Text - So, about two weeks later, our "trap" sprung, our assembly unit (whom i'd already spoken to) needed these particular parts. And they recieved the ones that weren't made correctly, so they ofcourse contacted their boss, who (acording to plan) didn't contact my boss, since he was away, but the director himself! about how quality controll had realy messed up. Ofcourse, the director came flying over, howling and creaming about our incompetence. To which my partner and i calmly asked him "So,


Text - Mr. Assclown stood there, all smug expecting his next big promotion, but we called storage, and asked our storage worker to bring up the pallet with the remaining goods, and the schematic that had a very neatly "Aproved by Mr. Assclown, signed: production manager" written on it. The half a second it took him to realise, that these goods that risked delaying the shipment, and thus costing a small fortune in delays. had been greenlighted by him, was priceless! His face went from "Oh yea, i'

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