Friday, April 10, 2020

Americans' Opinions On Switching To The Metric System

Let's take it back to the entertaining AskReddit thread that centered on how Americans feel about switching to the metric system. The opinions vary. Some folks are quite resistant to the idea of change, while others are all for it. Gotta love the silly wordplay that transpired as well. 


Text - heymattay • 196d S 1 Award What difference does it make when Big Tape Measure is lobbying with tens of dollars to keep inches so they don't have to paint more lines?


Text - Thenandonlythen • 196d My persuasive speech in high school speech class was about why we should convert, this was 20 years ago. I got a good grade but people love multiplying and dividing by 25.4 apparently.


Text - BigXris • 196d A 3 4 Awards Americans will never accept a foreign ruler.


White - Guest_1337 • 196d 3 1 Award not moving an inch


Text - j-houston • 196d I would fucking love to do that. It is a lot easier to work with. As far as the country as a whole switching I would be fine with the UK method of using both imperial and metric to save on having to entirely revamping everything.


Text - am03lett • 196d S 2 Awards The US tried to convert back in the 70s. But everyone bitched about it. I'm all in for switching. It would be really nice to go to litterally any other country and understand size and speed.


Text - echilon • 196d S2 Awards If that means rounding up a 32oz beer to 1 liter, then yes please.


Text - dan_iksse3 • 196d A S 2 Awards I'm fine with it, but a larger priority is getting rid of that damned daylight savings time.


Text - The_Travelling_Gamer • 196d The Metric System is the official measurement system of the US. It has been since he early 1980s. However, it wasn't actually put into practice because we've already been using the Imperial system for so long that changing everything over would cause trouble to the infrastructure. Like someone else already said, it's the equivalent of forcing a new language onto society because "it's now the official language of this country".


Text - Crowbar_Faith • 196d As an American, I'm all for switching to the metric system and adopting the pricing rules other countries have where TAX IS INCLUDED IN THE GODDAMN ADVERTISED PRICE for products.


White - CreepiMacaroni • 196d S 1 Award bald eagle screech


Text - happygolucky66• 196d I don't really care either way. I find it weird that people obsess over it unless it actually affects your day-to-day life. I see why it's annoying if you're dealing with scientific calculations.


Text - Acklay12537 • 196d I would if decimeters were more commonly used because the gap between meters and centimeters is too much


Text - sexchoc • 196d Oh jesus, this again. I'm a tradesman and machinist regularly working in US standard units and occasionally metric. Each has their strengths and weaknesses depending on what you're trying to do. Most computation is done on a calculator today, so you're just hitting buttons and reading the answer anyway. If you can't figure out how to do whatever task you're doing in both, you probably shouldn't be doing it. The exception to this is estimation, because being accurate at that


Text - righthandoftyr • 196d 3 6 Awards I reject your false dichotomy that it must be one or the other. We already use metric for science and medicine and such. We use imperial units for a lot of human- scale things where they're more useful increments of measure. Anyone that thinks America can't deal with the metric system clearly slept through all their science classes. "American should switch to metric" is just a stupid r/ iamverysmart-esque bandwagon people jump on to feel superior to those


Text - m_sporkboy • 196d In general I wouldn't care, but you'd have to pry my Farenheit from my cold, dead hands. C degrees are too big.


Text - yerbie_wurbus • 196d I honestly believe that we should switch to the metric system for MEASURING DISTANCE SPECIFICALLY. It is amazing at doing that, and it makes it really accurate. BUT, I also believe that we should keep the Farenheit temperature when it comes to weather and medical. Farenheit was built on what the human body feels, not how the water feels. It also sounds a lot nicer to say that the human body should remain around 100 degrees, rather than 23.whatever the celcius measure


Text - PoeticMadnesss • 196d Metric system AND the fucking International Fixed Calendar, would you kindly? 28 days per month, 13 months per year, with one free day just hanging off the calendar as a party day? Yes please, no more guessing the day shit.


Text - Fuck_You_Downvote • 196d S 2 Awards The metric system is the tool of the devil. My car gets 40 rods to the hogshead and thats the way likes it.


Text - alexja21 • 196d The people who need to use it - the academic community - already do. But the imperial system is so deeply ingrained in American culture I can't ever see it going away. If there was a real, concerted effort by the government and several private enterprises (the NFL, car manufacturers, construction companies and suppliers) then maybe. But it would cost billions of dollars and there is little financial incentive to do so. Even if there were gains to be made in the long run, c


Text - tonysbeard • 196d I literally don't care. They're all numbers and the circle jerk about metric vs imperial is just kind of annoying at this point. It's all relative to what's useful to you. If you can't picture how long a centimeter is in your head, it isn't a useful form of measurement for you. Same thing goes for temperature. I grew up knowing Fahrenheit and can't conceptualize what degrees in Celsius feel like so getting my temperature in Celsius is useless to me. Also, people in other


Text - biggerdundy • 196d Yes please! I'm sick of trying to teach my kids how many ounces are in a gallon, or seconds in a mile, or whatever it is that they use to measure these stupid things.


Text - unluckyroller • 196d I am a huge advocate for the metric system, I work with metric system at work because it is more precise and way easier to convert. It is absurd that we haven't just because it's the way we've done it for year's. Imperial system can die and that's saying it nicely.

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