Thursday, February 4, 2021

Simple Questions That Reveal A Lot About People

Asking questions is how we get to know each other, and some totally innocuous questions have a way of revealing more about people than you'd think. Sometimes they're good for revealing red flags during job interviews or getting to the bottom of an awkward and bad first date. Also, definitely make sure anyone in your social circle is on the right side of the shopping cart theory of morality.


Rectangle - Tmadred 14 hours ago 92 S9 & 5 More What's the last thing you did for the first time?


Font - ThadisJones 13 hours ago O One of my standard job interview questions is 3 5 33 "Tell me about something you like doing that you're good at". I don't really care what the answer is. I just want to see passion, effort, and creativity.


Font - Darth_dubj 11 hours ago 93 e2 5 My father-in-law went on a job interview about 10 years ago and absolutely nailed the interview, as he was being shown around the office a high level person in that company who normally wasn't there just happened to be there that day. After they were introduced he asked my FIL what kind of animal he would be. My FIL said he panicked and picked bear( he's a bigger guy ) and the other guy said something along the lines of "that's a little to aggressive maybe


Rectangle - Dunsparces 17 hours ago O 3 3 2 E 3 Do you put the cart back when you're done shopping?


Rectangle - Johnny_Vinyl 12 hours ago 2 S What would you do if you won the lottery? For me, it's a non invasive way of listening to people's attitudes on finance in general, and also how they feel about the rich.


Font - Billliejean 12 hours ago 2 e3 3 3 5 It's not a single question but by the second or third date with a guy I would ask him to go bowling. As it turns out there's many ways to play the game. Do they take it too seriously and get competitive or angry if they don't do well? Does he act disinterested or bored of the game? Do they try to teach me how to play or do they just try to be goofy have fun with it? Do they order two pitchers of beer and get totally smashed? In my opinion you can learn


Font - pandaaadrew 11 hours ago When I was a manager in retail I used to ask the question "What was the last thing you've ever stolen?" during interviews. I was asked it during a previous interview for a job and I asked my manager why she asked it. It's a good way to tell if someone is capable of being honest and accountable in a situation that may not have favorable results (i.e. "screwing" up the interview). I noticed that most of my associates that answered the question honestly would usually


Font - jealousofhiscat 13 hours ago 2 3 3 E What book would you like to live in? 16.2k Reply Share ... TheRealPheature 12 hours ago 3 7 33 E4 A really, really big one


Font - -EDGAR- 16 hours ago O 2 10 2 3 3 & 2 More I've shared this before, but I feel it's pretty relevant and a great way to find out more about a person. Years ago I went out on a first date with this girl I met online. I thought she was very attractive and we had so much common that I thought she was perfect. In addition to that we seem to hit off well through texts, so I figured this date would go well. We're at this bar and she suggests we play a people watching game where we try to make up


Font - conduit 13 hours ago 2 Are you in favour of homeowner associations? 14.6k Reply Share . snailberrie 11 hours ago This is a good one because everyone (who is familiar with them) has such STRONG reactions. 5.9k , Reply Share ... AZZTASTIC 10 hours ago Yeah I knew a guy that was a coworker in a different department. Apparently he was on the HOA board in his neighborhood and loved it. He was a total asshole at work so I knew that he terrorized his neighbors.


Font - b_o_p_g_u_n 12 hours ago · edited 7 hours ago 2 3 S 2 Got this one in an interview once: How do you go about eating a muffin? Learned a lot about muffin anatomy that day. It was a bakery after allI. Edit: the bottom is also called a stem btw...just in case anyone needs some muffin trivia in their back pocket Edit2: also known as stumps, yes. This was a highfalutin' place so they preferred to refer to them as stems


Font - regular_gonzalez 11 hours ago e 9 11 e2 3 2 & 2 More In a job interview, ask your prospective supervisor how much vacation time and sick days they took last year. This is great because both extremes take pride in their answer and so will answer honestly. The no/low vacation boss is proud of how hard she or he works, but really it's bad if they don't take time off. They're coming in when they're sick, they're not recharging by taking vacation, and the expectation -- even if unstated -- is


Organism - American-Dragon88 11 hours ago 2 2e 3 40 I had a TA ask me in a get to know you activity "What my vision was for a perfect world?" And I said round lol


Font - _MaddAddam 16 hours ago e3 "What's a situation where you realized 'oh shit, I'M the asshole here'?" Way too many people try to give a clearly made-up story, or one where they still come out as the hero somehow. A few will tell a story where they were a total jackass, but use it as an excuse to brag. It's rare you get someone who admits to a time they well and truly fucked up and were in the wrong.


Font - --_bort_-_ 13 hours ago S What super power they want. 1 5.7k + , Reply Share ... dwynalda3 13 hours ago O 2 2 S 3 I love this question because this girl i knew in college had just the best answer. She said " the power to fill things" and after i looked at her kind of funny she said "you know like filling my bank account with money, filling my belly with spaghett or fillingmy enemies bladders with urine"


Font - adanipse 16 hours ago S You're in a desert, walking along in the sand when all of a sudden you look down and see a tortoise. It's crawling toward you and you reach down and you flip the tortoise over on its back. The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over but it can't. Not without your help. But you're not helping. Why aren't you helping?


Font - SoftwareCycle 12 hours ago · edited 2 hours ago My girlfriend's dad always uses one interview question that makes or breaks a possible hire. "Why are man hole covers round?" The goal isn't to know the answer it's to show that you are willing to critically think about a problem before you say you need help.


Dress - gayboi667 12 hours ago what order do you take eggs out of the carton


Jaw - WhichSpirit 12 hours ago "What do you know Tim Curry from?"


Font - not_a_library 12 hours ago How would you describe the internet to a caveman? It will show you how they look at what the internet is used for. For example, some might say it's a source of information, or it's a way to connect people who are far away. I know one person who said they wouldn't explain it to a caveman because they wouldn't go back in time without AC.


Font - SuiTobi 7 hours ago One I saw on a dating-site of all places (I forgot the name of it) was: "Do you think the concept/consequences of a post-apocalyptic world is, in some ways, interesting?" And it really resonated with me. It shows whether a person is interested in abstract thinking and imagining. Most people on the site voted no. I even had a conversation with someone who was like "no? Why would you want the world to end?!" - I don't, but the idea of how it would be like, how the world

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