Friday, February 12, 2021

Compelling Fan Theories People Choose To Believe

Sure, every story has a whole lot of loose ends, but extra enjoyment can be had when we try to tie up those loose ends into an impenetrable, Gordian-knot-monkey's fist-like-forlorn-Christmas-light-ball of double meanings and equivocated contexts. Y'know, fun. For some more over-analysis, here's Tumblr's extreme analysis of Ratatouille.


Font - CorporateNonperson 21 hours ago O e The town from Footloose is the same town from Tremors. The ban on dancing wasn't a puritanical attempt to control the youth. The town elders were aware of the graboid threat, and banned dancing out of the fear that it would cause rythmic vibrations waking up the creatures sleeping below the town. Kevin Bacons character in Footloose stayed in the town, growing up to be his character in Tremors, at which point he has to try and contain the danger he inadv


Font - whitey522 1 day ago The show Johnny bravo is being shown from Johnny's perspective. In reality he looks nothing like that, which would explain why he never gets any girls despite the fact that he's "buff and good looking." I know his personality is completely self-absorbed but for some reason I like this explanation better.


Organism - irishamerican 1 day ago 2 S 2 Andy's parents are in the middle of a divorce when the first Toy Story is taking place. 42.0k , Reply Share Report Save AwkwardJeweler 1 day ago 12 I remember asking my parents why is it just Andy and his mum and they said "well some people live like that"


Smile - shronkey69 23 hours ago e S 6 Willy Wonka knew what he was doing. There was no seat for Augustus aboard that boat. He knew Augustus Gloop would fall in there.


Head - Mecmecmecmecmec 1 day ago 2 37 Courage the dog is exaggerating normal occurrences into scary things cuz he's a dog


Font - taz20075 23 hours ago & 21 More Glinda dropped Dorothy's house on the Wicked a Witch of the East, not the tornado, and uses her to gain control of Oz. One of the first things Glinda tells Dorothy is that SHE killed the witch. They praise her so she'll accept it, and when the Witch of the West comes along, who killed her sister? Dorothy. Glinda then puts the ruby slippers on Dorothy's feet but DOES NOT TELL HER THAT SHE CAN USE THEM TO GO HOME. Instead, she sends Dorothy to Oz in possessio


Font - maleorderbride 1 day ago e2 S E 3 Scooby Doo is a show about draft dodgers during the Vietnam War 28.1k Reply Share Report Save PotentialRegister8 23 hours ago 2 I also remember a theory that it takes place during a severe economic downturn. How else do you explain all the abandoned houses and barns and airfields and such, along with a glut of desperate criminals in what seems to be a fairly small town.


Font - hehehaha24 23 hours ago 43 & 4 More Barney from How I Met Your Mother isn't actually as much of a womanizer as Ted says he is. Ted's an unreliable narrator and could've presented this image of Barney to his kids either because he was jealous of Barney's relationship with Robin, or because he wants Barney to look unsuitable for her. That way, Ted's kids see Ted and Robin as soul mates.


Font - Mikeavelli 22 hours ago 2 2 e3 34 & 4 More The "real world" in the Matrix movies is just another layer of the Matrix, designed specifically to appeal to people unwilling to conform to the normal Martrix. Humans in this outer Matrix have confirmation of their belief that something was wrong, and get to indulge in the fantasy of being a heroic freedom fighter against the faceless evil machines, thus choosing to accept this false reality. The anomaly of the One is that he's capable of reject


Rectangle - maleorderbride 1 day ago 23 e4 3 2 The Last Airbender is not, as many have suspected, meant to be a big screen version of the TV show of the same name. It is, in fact, a subtle but clear adaptation of the show's episode "the Ember Island Players," in which a poorly informed in-universe theater troupe recap the events of the series in an inaccurate and comedic style.


Font - Random-Rambling 1 day ago 3 4 2 Ditto are failed Mew clones.


Head - AlphaNepali 23 hours ago 2 4 5 3 5 Mr. Bean is an alien. That would explain his weird behavior and why he falls out of the sky at the beginning of every episode.


Font - Iboughtcheeseonce 1 day ago 2 2 e 3 3 Inception Leonardo's wedding ring is his totem. Not the spinning top. If you watch, he only wears it in dreams, never takes it off or puts it on, and no one ever touches it. The top was Mal's and doesn't work for him which is why he always picked it up before a full spin.


Rectangle - FrostbyteFlash 22 hours ago 3 S 3 2 This was a Reddit post awhile ago actually but the theory was : In Empire Strikes Back , when Luke tells R2 to stay in the ship at various times, he doesn't stay put, because the last person to tell him that was Anakin and he never came back


Font - AlexIsACarrot 1 day ago · edited 16 hours ago 2 3 2 Bikini bottom is a nuclear bomb testing site which is why the fish have legs Edit: yes it's bikini atoll


Font - BettyVonButtpants 21 hours ago E 22 James Bond's primary purpose is to be a distraction to keep attention off the spies who actually spy. Villains and other spies know him, he rarely takes an alias, he makes his presence known early on and keeps messing up operations for the villains, but other spies have already infiltrated their ranks and work while Bond does as much visible damage as possible to keep the others safe.


Font - cant_Im_at_work 22 hours ago My own theory that in The Office when Andy proposes to Angela the people playing his parents are different actors because they are literally actors. As in he hired them to pose as his "perfect parents" because his own parents couldn't be bothered to come. The people in the season 9 episode Garden Party are his real parents, who clearly are diks.


Font - reallygoodbee 1 day ago O e Mad Max folktale theory: The movies and games all 34 8 have different narrators and different takes on Max because they're all stories being told by people in the wasteland. All of these great deeds and accomplishments are being attributed to one man who may or may not have ever really existed.


Font - lowsodiummonkey 19 hours ago 2 2 2 S 4 The Jetsons and the Flintstones are living at the same time in a dystopian future where the 'haves' live above the clouds and the 'have nots' are stuck on a wasted Earth. The signs include that Flintstones celebrate things like Christmas and other holidays which doesn't make sense and The Great Gazoo alien appears in both series.


Font - Sir-Tiedye 23 hours ago · edited 21 hours ago The velociraptors in Jurassic Park were genetically modified to be larger so they would bring more visitors


Smile - GageTorrance 23 hours ago S 2 Joker from The Dark Knight was former military/CIA, which explains his skills in weapons and interrogation, as well as that comment about the truck full of soldiers.


Smile - GimmeNewAccount 22 hours ago 2 3 2 George R. R. Martin is having a difficult time finishing A Song of Ice and Fire because the fans already guessed everything and he's forcing himself to change up the story.


Hair - Happy8Day 1 day ago e 2 Jessie's Girl is Stacie's Mom.


Jaw - Worried_Ad2589 22 hours ago Caillou is a cancer patient. There's no other explanation for why his parents put up with the little st and his incredibly terrible behavior.


Font - cold_french_fry 21 hours ago 4e 3 3 Pokedex entries are written by young trainers. When a professor sends a bunch of ten year olds out into the world to document Pokemon, of course the "research" can't be expected to be professional in the least. This is how we end up with the creepy legends of ghost pokemon that might have been passed around as playground rumors, or impossible facts like macargo being hotter than the actual sun. There's no reason why out of all the Pokemon professors, on


Font - A_Nerd_With_A_life 22 hours ago S Kevin from the Office is secretly involved in a money laundering scheme. I can't imagine a guy as smart as him saying so dumb otherwise. 9.9k Reply Share Report Save A_Account98 21 hours ago · edited 18 hours ago S I think it's a given he is smarter than he leads on and acts dim on purpose. The episode where Oscar says he makes up a number called" kleven" he knows how to cook the books. He is leading on to be so dumb if a audit comes he won't even be a bl


Smile - BigDirtii 20 hours ago 93 e 3 3 The reason each It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia episode starts with a date and time is because they're all testifying against each other in court.


Font - Bev-Low 20 hours ago 2 (@ 2 2 In Disney's Ratatouille, the old lady in the beginning of the movie living in the house next to the river is the food critic, Anton Ego's, mother. In the flashback scene where he eats the ratatouille you can see similarities of the house from the beginning, her face and I think the bridge.


Font - Milemiel 22 hours ago a2 Avatar the last Airbender takes place on a much smaller planet with lower gravity. This is why all of the characters can jump double/triple their height and fall multiple stories without grievous injuries.


Font - MidKnight_Corsair 21 hours ago · edited 10 hours ago Peter Parker wasn't screwed out of his pay by that wrestling promoter. The promoter cut his pay because Peter didn't understand how wrestling worked Wrestling isn't actual combat sport, it's putting on a show. The pay was for lasting 3 minutes in the ring, that makes it the match's time limit. If he did only that, it would have been fine. But not only did the match go under 3 minutes, he also defeated Bonesaw, the promotion's top guy. S


Font - Bowserdude 22 hours ago 2 King of the Hill: Dale knew about Nancy and John Redcorn, but feigned ignorance. Both to keep his home life stable, and because he knew Joseph would be raised as his son rather than Redcorn's. 7.6k Reply Share Report Save KHSkulldust 19 hours ago 2 @2 3 2 "She cheated? Hank. I knew about Nancy and John Redcorn. I knew about them the day Joseph was born. But every day since he was born I've been taking my revenge. That boy, he loves me Hank. He loves me. Love that


Font - DKFShredder 22 hours ago At the end of The Thing, MacReady has gasoline in the whiskey bottle. He made all the bottles into molotov cocktails. He knew he was going to die with the thing, or likely from it, so there was no reason for him to save an entire bottle of just whiskey on his person when that could have been another weapon. At the end, he offers the bottle to Childs, who drinks it as if nothing was wrong. The Thing wouldn't know what whiskey tastes like, and reveals Childs as bein


Font - Grandioz_ 23 hours ago 9 The only way to get into Gryffindor is to want to get into Gryffindor. All the other houses are specific traits, where Gryffindor is primarily about bravery. The bravery you need to get in is the bravery to want to be in Gryffindor. Also adds up with Harry being Slytherin-y, Hermione and McGonnagall being Ravenclaw-y, and Ron and (if you ask me) Dumbledore being Hufflepuff-y. If anyone is a natural born Gryffindor that we see, it's Cedric, and he's a Hufflepuff. I


Dress - Dark-Knight179 23 hours ago Spinach is just a front. Popeye is on steroids!


Font - INAGF 23 hours ago The secret ingredient is crab meat 5.7k Reply Share Report Save mihir_lavande 21 hours ago It's probably seaweed. Seaweed is a source of Mono Sodium Glutamate, the stuff that makes meaty things taste meaty. Hell, there's a real seaweed that tastes like bacon once you cook it.


Human body - isntthathilarious 1 day ago · edited 19 hours ago Kevin from Home Alone grows up to be Jigsaw from Saw lol so dumb, but amuses me.


Rectangle - jinlamp 1 day ago Dumbledore was manipulative and intentionally left Harry to be raised in an abusive household so he would be trusting of anyone who showed him kindness and would be easier to manipulate.

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