Friday, February 12, 2021

Career Red Flags To Watch Out For

This helpful AskReddit thread aims to spread some much needed knowledge on the career red flags that the world's job hunters should keep a watchful eye out for. The last thing you want to find yourself dealing with is starting up with a new gig only to realize that said gig is a complete waking nightmare. Fortunately, we have plenty of people who are ready to dish out their hard-earned wisdom on the career red flags that they wish they'd have noticed during the hiring process. 


Rectangle - DancesWithElectrons · 21h "We work hard, we play hard" Expect more of the working and less of the playing. G Reply 4 616 3 ...


Rectangle - shaylaa30 · 22h 3 1 Award If a job hires you on the spot it's most likely because they're desperate. If a place has a high turnover, it's a shit place to work. Lastly, if you're thinking of leaving a job, make sure you have a backup. G Reply 3.1k ...


Rectangle - forge-n-tinker • 1d 1 Award If you have to initially pay something out of pocket to work for that company, it is probably an MLM pyramid scheme and not a real job. G Reply 1 3.8k 3 ...


Font - pso_lemon • 23h I haven't been working for too long (about 3ish years out of collage), but this is what I've learned so far. • Get everything in writing. Days off are more important than you think they are. Do your research and know what you should be paid before you ever talk money. Don't be afraid to counter-offer. They've spent a lot of money and effort on you already to get to the point they're offering a contract. Interviews go both ways. You are also interviewing them to see if you'


Rectangle - thrownawaybyuser · 1d If you get invited to an interview and they have a big group of people sitting in a room and watching a slideshow first about what they do but it doesn't really say what they do, it's a scam. Also nobody in this "company" was older than 25. Reply 583 3 ...


Rectangle - nonconformistnugget • 23h Even if you're a seasonal worker, you are legally entitled to breaks. Learned that the hard way.


Rectangle - Galactic_Blacksmith 23h 3 9 Awards I'm a high school teacher and I'm going to start a unit in one of my classes about careers and the professional world. G Reply 1.7k 3 ...


Font - Spazztastic85•23h Don't be afraid to get fired. So many places will try to get you to quit because then they don't have to pay unemployment. If a place does that "group interview" shit and you didn't apply for sales, don't be afraid to walk out. They are wasting your time (ie I went for an office manager job and they tried to put me on insurance sales in a group interview.) Track your breaks. I had one job try and say I kept "disappearing" and it was because they "forgot" they let me have


Font - GreatJanitor • 22h "Be Your Own Boss" "Set Your Own Hours" "Unlimited Income Potential" Giant red flags to avoid. You'll be the boss to the friends and other fools you've suckered in. Setting those hours? Be prepared to work 60 hours or more a week. That unlimited income potential is for your upline. For you? On a good week, you will make minimum wage for 40 hours, only you'll work 70 hours more to make it, and you'll have to use your car, your gas, and your supplies. Flip burgers instead


Rectangle - Sean_Ornery • 1d 9 Awards Think long term. Work backwards from the result you want and then think of the things that will get you those results. If you just think about what you need now, you will spend a lot of time living hand-to-mouth. G Reply 656 ...


Organism - niles_crane_phd_md • 1d When visiting a prospective workplace, just like when touring a home, keep an eye on the surrounding area. Does everyone look happy and upbeat or is the place drab and depressing? Does everyone look overworked or like they're enjoying their day? G Reply 1 1.7k 3 ...


Rectangle - The_First_Viking • 19h If it's not in writing, it's a lie. "Oh, starting pay is minimum wage, but you'll be making twice that in a year." G Reply 128 ...


Handwriting - galvingreen • 1d When someone offers you a job with the promise you'd gain a lot of money from it, but first you had to recruit people to do the same tasks like you so that you can climb up the ladder, you should run. G Reply 1 424 3 ...


Rectangle - purchase_product · 23h If they're looking for "gurus" or "rock stars", they're going to overwork you to the point where you have no free time. GReply 977 ... +


Font - Darthbulbasaur · 23h if they are often looking for people.. well it means no one wants to stay there for some reason. Reply 117 ...

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