Thursday, January 7, 2021

Omega Karen Pesters Employee, Employee Wastes Karen's Time

People that mistreat other people working customer service jobs are the absolute worst. Working a customer service gig is already innately tough. You're regularly subjected to fiery tempers and entitlement. With that being said, sometimes the folks working the customer service gigs push back a bit. Take this dude for instance. They'd had it with entitled Omega Karen's antics, so they decided to waste some of Karen's precious time. 


Text - r/pettyrevenge u/[deleted] • 28d + Join 1 1 2 O 5 3 4 8 4 Customer bitched me out for not wanting to reopen my department to make her a pizza, so I wasted her time Edit: friendly reminder this is petty revenge, not AITA. Whether or not I am a dick for this isn't really what I'm lookiny for her. I got petty revenge against a customer who was treating me poorly. If you don't like that, tough. I really don't care if my work ethic at a minimum wage part time job is coming under question here.


Text - This is a really dumb one, but it was satisfying so why not share it? I'm a university student working a supermarket job that's just slightly above minimum wage. It's a nice enough job, and the managers and colleagues are friendly, so I don't mind doing it. The customers are a mixed bag though. Every single week without fail, this old woman comes in and asks for four gluten-free pizzas with "triple mushroom and triple bacon". She always arrives super late into the shift, normally when we


Text - I don't mind making large orders, but it's pretty inconvenient especially when she comes so late in the evening. Worst still, she always has an attitude and is overall a nightmare to deal with. I've always worked with the rule that if a customer is polite and nice to me, I wil return the favour and be nice back. Thjs might mean I give them extra toppings, or l'll work on the presentation a little more for them. Normally it just means l'll be friendlier to them. Similarly, if a customer is


Text - She immediately starts complaining that she has been told we are open until 9pm. I tell her that the store is open until 9, but the pizza department closes at 8pm at the latest. And as I am only working until that time, I have to close everything down an hour earlier. She gets even angrier and walks off, before returning maybe 5 seconds later after the thought of a sad, pizza-less night flashes through her tiny brain, and she tells me something along the lines of "No, you have enough time


Text - So I dip out to the warehouse, knowing full-well that we have bases, and just chill there for 10 minutes or so. Catch up with the warehouse team, check my phone, you know the rest. When I feel like enough time has passed, I head back and she's still waiting there. With the most deadpan voice I can muster I just said "We don't have any of the bases". The look of anger and defeat that flashed across her face was so damn satisfying. She kinda just threw her hands up before leaving, and I got


Text - The thing is, I don't mind making late orders for customers. It's super inconvenient and making a late pizza means I have to resanitise the surfaces, reclean the utensils etc, but if somebody is polite to me l respect the urge for a late night pizza. If a customer's gonna be a dick though, there's no way in hell l'm gonna make that pizza. I will go out of my way to make sure they can't have it. Hope you enjoyed hearing about this :) If anything else like this happens l'll share it here. 5

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