Saturday, January 16, 2021

Manager Tells Pregnant Employee To Stop Slacking

This is one of those instances when the person involved and the question their asking is so far out of left field that it's genuinely hard to believe that they are in fact a real person. Like, dude. You really have the audacity to give a pregnant woman grief over her energy levels? The fact that they're asking folks on Reddit's AITA section whether or not they're in the wrong should've already been an indication that they'd misplaced their moral compass. 


Text - 1 2 1 A1 8 1 6 AITA for telling an employee that pregnancy is not an excuse for low productivity? Asshole I work in an office (due to the nature of our work and our employer, we are not working remotely right now) where I supervise a team of three people. The end of the year is our crunch time, and it means that my entire team is putting in more hours than normal and everyone is expected to answer their phones and emails pretty much round the clock (Christmas excepted, of course).


Text - Most of my team is doing great, except for one woman I'll call Cara. Cara told me two weeks ago that she is pregnant, and she is about 10 weeks along. The only reason she told me in the first place was because I had to write her up for not being as available as she needed to be. She was calling in sick at least once a week for the past four weeks, and when she was at the office she was not 100% focused on her work. She explained that she has severe morning sickness, and that she has been


Text - This all seemed perfectly reasonable to me, as long as she held up her part of the bargain and maintained her productivity during this stressful time. Well, she has not. She has called out sick once already since then, and she has not made herself available for calls during off hours. My other staff is staying at the office until 8 or 9 in the evening, but Cara is out by 6 and apparently goes straight to sleep when she gets home and keeps her phone muted during that time. We have had to s


Text - I sat her down yesterday and relayed my concerns. She acknowledged how her lack of productivity has hurt the rest of the staff, but claimed that she is physically struggling a great deal. I told her that was no excuse, because she is only in her first trimester and barely even pregnant yet. I also questioned whether it was fair to other women that she was using a normal bodily function as an excuse for low productivity--this is what women fought to counteract during the feminist movement.


Text - TheWaystone • 4d • Asshole Aficionado [12] 3 Awards YTA if this is even remotely true, HR needs to fire you. 4.3k ...


Text - Leolover812 · 4d · Partassipant [2] 1 Award YTA. This must be a joke right? Please tell me this is a terrible joke. No no no no. The first trimester of pregnancy is incredibly taxing on a woman. Her sleeping immediately going home is probably exactly what is happening. She is exerting more energy and burning more calories growing a human than you do during any workout. Hyperemesis gravidarum is a true condition. Morning sickness is just a saying. Women really are sick all day. Some more t


Text - SharpBlackberry3 • 4d S 2 Awards YTA. Bonus AH points for the mansplaination of the feminist movement. 2.4k ...


Text - f1shandwhistle · 4d · Partassipant [3] 2 Awards YTA - your wife is right, you have no effing clue what you're talking about. People like you are why we have to have anti-discrimination laws. I hope this is a troll. 8.7k ...


Text - B4pangea · 4d · Certified Proctologist [28] 3 Awards Hard YTΑ. Pregnant. Women. Aren't. Making. This. Shit. Up. Stop thinking/acting/treating them like they are. 3.7k ...


Text - thiswasyouridea · 4d · Pooperintendant [65] YTA First of all, if employees are not paid during the off hours then they should not be required to answer office phones and emails during those hours. You pay for work done. Period. "I told her that was no excuse, because she is only in her first trimester and barely even pregnant yet." WTF. Pregnant is pregnant- there is no "barely pregnant." You are or you aren't. She's vomiting constantly and can't keep anything down. You want her on the ph


Text - aSeaPersonByNight · 4d · Asshole Aficionado [14] ΥΤΑ. No way a real person could be this obtuse. For anyone curious, morning sickness does indeed last all day and varies in severity from pregnancy to pregnancy. Pregnant women are frequently encouraged to eat small meals throughout the day instead of a few large ones to help with blood sugar, nausea, and other symptoms. Exhaustion and headaches are common first trimester symptoms. You can't be "barely even pregnant" - you either are pregna


Text - thefrOstypenguin0 · 4d 1 Award Please god let this be a troll.... Just in case YTA. Some women can skip through pregnancy, with giggles and rainbows, looking a tampon commercial. Others live in the deepest bowels of hell, fighting a never ending battle against themselves, others and the dreaded smells. You unfortunately never how this is going to effect you. Unless your company has it written somewhere that during the holidays you are required to " put in more hours than normal and everyo


Text - Doris_Useless • 4d · Asshole Aficionado [17] 1 Award You're right that it's not fair to the rest of your team and that sucks, but she's not making this up. Look at it like a temporary disability and make the accommodations. ΥΤΑ. 1.2k 3 ...


Text - MrBoo843 · 4d · Asshole Aficionado [10] YTA And where I'm from that sort of harassment towards a pregnant worker is illegal. You could get in a lot of trouble for doing shit like that. 4 301 3 ...


Text - robodebs · 4d YTA- you sound like a terrible boss and I feel sorry for your team. I wonder if she can possibly file some sort of discrimination lawsuit against you for holding her pregnancy against her at work. 205 3 ...


Text - Catz10000 • 4d YTA. Pregnancy is hard on a body. Especially the first trimester. Yes, it's her personal decision to have a baby. Where is your humanity and compassion? This is a medical matter. You are completely unsupportive. Would you want your wife, mother or sisters to be treated this way? 447 3 ...


Text - NottheNSA94·4d ·Asshole Enthusiast [5] 1 Award Might I suggest you do some things to understand what she is going through and will be going through soon 1. Have someone punch you in the gut and kick your ribs 2. Everytime you eat, make sure you throw up after 3. Want a drink? Try it and then throw up 4. Want to know how tired she is? Don't sleep for days and see if you can function 5. Think of the nastiest smelling thing, and go smell it. That's probably what her favorite things smell lik


Text - vox1028 · 4d · Partassipant [1] YTA. your wife is right, you couldn't possibly know anything about pregnancy. not to mention it's different for everyone; while one woman might have a very easy pregnancy, for another it might be absolute hell. If she has cancer and needed frequent time off for doctor's appointments and sick days, would you still think you needed to "relay your concerns?" why is this situation different just because what she's going through is female-specific? and it's very


Text - queenoreo · 4d • Supreme Court Just-ass [110] YTA for saying "barely even pregnant". Pregnancy is either you are, or you aren't. There's no in between stage. 136 ...


Text - ScubaCC • 4d · Certified Proctologist [24] YTA And you're going to get yourself sued. Your employee has indicated a condition that qualifies as a disability under the federal ADA and she has indicated that she needs reasonable accommodations. Consult an HR attorney on what you are legally required to do for her. 94 ...


Text - Feisty-Donkey · 4d · Asshole Aficionado [10] YTA, and you're setting yourself up for lawsuits if you continue to engage in pregnancy discrimination. Also, are you paying all these people overtime? If not, what entitles you to more than 40 hours of work from them per week? 67 ...


Text - Puffincake_throwaway • 4d · Asshole Aficionado [18] YTA Morning sickness is most common in the morning but certainly isn't limited to it. It can also be debilitating and severe. Also YTA for saying she's 'barely pregnant yet' at 10 weeks. That's 10 weeks of daily vomiting, headaches, and exhaustion for Cara. How productive do you think you would be if you were vomiting every day for 10 weeks? Good news for you and the office, I guess, is that morning sickness tends to peak around 12-15 we

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