Sunday, December 6, 2020

Store Mislabels Computer's Price, Customer Buys It, Store Demands It Back

If something in life seems too good to be true, that's probably because it is. Take this customer's experience with being able to buy an $89 computer. Turns out that $89 computer was actually supposed to be over $800. Whoops. With that being said, the customer didn't do anything wrong. That doesn't mean that they're not going to be potentially legally implicated if they refuse to meet that store in the middle. Seems like quite the tricky and awkward situation. 


Text - 4 2 4 91 S 2 3 AITA for refusing to return a computer I bought after the store called and told me that I paid the wrong price for it? Last week, I went to a local pawn shop to sell some stuff. While I was there, I was window shopping and saw that they had a computer for $89. I only really use a computer for youtube or websites and my laptop is pretty old so I tested this computer, everything worked so I bought it. The next day, I got a call and it was from the manager of the shop. He was


Text - I said l'd think about it and he said that if I wasn't in by the end of the day, he'd just charge my card the amount. I told him that he can't do that and he said if I didn't bring it in, or pay the difference, he was gonna ban me from the store and also call the police for theft. I just said l'd thnk about it again. I think he was mad cause the last thing he said to me was "listen, b***ch, either bring it in or go to jail, your choice". Or "you decide". Something like that. Then ended th


Text - It's not my fault that him or an employee labeled it incorrectly and it's not like I knew it was a wrong price when I bought it. I just saw a cheap computer that worked and bought it. I asked my friend who's into computers to look at it and see if it's actually worth that much or if this guy's just trying to scam me or something and he said that the parts are pretty high end and expensive. I don't think I did anything wrong but my friend said that I should take it back so idk. 1 18.5k 3 2


Text - DaiZzedandConFuZed • 15h • Craptain [178] NTA. The manager is just mad he has to eat a $800+ loss. It's actually HIS fault, because in the end, he's the one responsible. You bought the computer. You have a receipt and honestly it's yours now. You don't need to take it back. His threats are BS. The only one of real merit is that he can ban you from the store, but really, I wouldn't shop there after this anyway. Reply 11.1k ...


Text - ohimjustagirl • 14h NTA. Can you imagine if one of the things you sold them turned out to be valued at 10x the price? They're a pawn shop, I can assure you it happens! If them up and said "hey you bought you rang something off me for $90 but l've just realised it's actually worth $900, please deposit the extra into my account" they would laugh themselves sick and hang up on you - they don't get to complain because it happened in reverse this time. Reply 330 ... +


Text - yellowish • 15h NTA, you paid the price it said it was and they finalised the transaction. They can't just claim it costs 1000% more the next day - everyone would try to sell their stuff that way.. "oh it's $1 (until tomorrow, if you decide you like it and don't want to return it, you'll have to pay another $100" - nope! Reply 4.6k ... +


Text - kalkiki • 15h • Supreme Court Just-ass [120] NTA That's their fault not yours. Call the police yourself and let them know what happened but the shop owner literally can't do anything. You didn't alter the price or anything, their mistake, their loss. Q Reply 1 1.2k 3 ...


Text - Herdnerfer • 15h • Asshole Aficionado [19] 3 2 Awards NTA, personally l'd be calling the police to report that you were threatened by this person and now you don't feel safe. Reply 26.2k ... +


Text - FourLeafClover0 • 15h • Asshole Enthusiast [5] NTA. You paid the price that was stated for the computer. Any screw up is their responsibility to handle on their own. Reply 15 ...


Text - loloannd • 14h • Asshole Aficionado [10] NTA. If someone labels something incorrectly, and they don't correct you at time of purchase, too bad for the company. Guess they'll learn to double-check their prices on big items, huh? Reply 15 •..


Text - anchovie_macncheese • 15h • Supreme Court Just-ass [140] NTA. This is the shop manager's mistake, not yours. But he was unbelievably unprofessional and threatening on the phone.. he should be reported to his boss at the very least, or Better Business Bureau (depending on where you live). You might also want to call your credit card company ahead of time to explain the situation- if they try and charge your card the extra amount, it can be flagged as fraudulent and the transaction won't go


Text - izaby • 15h • Partassipant [4] NTA obviously. Legally it is yours and you may keep it. The person who should be punished is whomever labeled it. Just stay extra vigilant as it's an 800 dollar loss... check who is at the door or even better make a report if you receive a call like this one again. E Q Reply 4 21 3 ...


Text - LazyOpia • 8h • Partassipant [3] 1 Award NTA, but... The owner's threats and insults makes him TA, for sure. But l'm really surprised at everyone's comments being like "you bought, it's their fault, they can eat their loss". This is not the "Am I legally in the right" sub, it's "am I acting like an asshole" sub. Let's say the owner called and had asked nicely, explained there was an error and that the price was significantly higher. No, OP would not have to return it, they bought it, if t


Text - LiquidHUTCH • 15h • Partassipant [1] NTA Sounds like an issue between the manager and his employees. I would leave them a bad Google and/or yelp review to deliver your answer. Reply 17 ...


Text - DOOMCarrie • 14h • Partassipant [4] NTA. Your deal is done, if it was mispriced and noone caught it thats his problem, not yours, though I dont think it was. I think he's just trying to scare you into paying more. Reply ...


Text - Bansidhe13 • 14h • Partassipant [2] NTA. Their mistake not your problem. Don't remove the sale sticker and tape the receipt to the computer so they dont get lost. Send a friend in to see if there's a "all sales final"sign and snap a pic. You might want to give your credit card company the heads up on this guy. Reply ...


Text - Maximum_System_7819 • 14h • Partassipant [1] NTA. They made a mistake and can't force you to fix it. Since it was in a pawn shop, I don't think you could be expected to know it was mislabeled. As long as you didn't alter the price, you should be fine. Record any further calls with that person. I'd probably just let it go to voicemail. Also, hold onto that receipt to contest the charge to your credit card if they change the amount. If you have his email, you might take a photo of the stick


Text - OregonMrBear • 14h NTA. Shop owner made a mistake. Him calling you and being a completely rude ass about it is stupid on his part. If he had called and been totally cordial and apologetic, who knows where the conversation goes? I do customer service every day, and this guy sucks at it. He should learn to work with steel or bricks or something else inanimate. But anyway, I agree with what others have said. I would call the police and explain your side and that you are being threatened and


Text - azh88 • 14h NTA literally at any retail store if the price is wrong it doesn't matter how low that's how much you get charged. The guy was so rude about it too don't give it back. Reply ...


Text - Evil_Queen_87 • 14h NTA.. You should definitely call your bank and see about getting a new card in case store does try to charge you. Thad a similar situation few years ago at a pawn shop. Also of course keep receipt and bank statement. Manager is just mad it was priced wrong. Reply 4 3 ...

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