Sunday, December 6, 2020

A Quick Tumblr Post Appreciating Riddles

Most everyone loves a good old fashioned riddle. They make your brain run around in circles, desperately trying to dig up the answer, and they also make for great distractions during stressful times. Maybe this Tumblr post will inspire everyone to share their own favorite riddles. Check out some more gold from Tumblr with this thread that delves into the unsettling reason for unrealistic animation.


Text - teaboot I love the weirdly specific rules that go with answering a riddle. Like, "I Have Two Eyes But I Cannot See: What Am I?" And the answer's supposed to be the word 'iridescent' because 'two *i*'s' right, but like. Why can't the answer be like... A guy with really bad cataracts. Someone wearing a blindfold. My uncle's dog. Like why does it gotta be deep teaboot "I have a face but no eyes lips or nose, what am I?" Slenderman. Next


Text - teaboot It walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon and three legs in the evening. What is it? A dog with a muscular disease. What has a head, a tail, is brown, and has no legs? Snake. What disappears when you say it's name? my brother when it's his turn to get the trash skyykkeli I think you have missed the meaning of the riddles


Text - teaboot Listen. Listen if I'm trapped between a wall of sentient fire and a goblin mage who will only reveal the one true path across the forbidden glade if I answer his riddles three, I'm not going to waste time struggling for the answer with the deepest life lesson. I'm gonna pick an answer that fits the criteria and l'm gonna stick with it. "A poor man has it and a rich man needs it" it's a flashlight. They're in a cave. The poor man is a tour guide. Next Question before my ass burns o


Text - deaf-fellas-partner This is the real way how ravenclaws get into their rooms gilalevana The secret to the ravenclaw riddles is that you don't actually need to know “the answer", you just need to be able to defend the answer you give. legisaskerator that's the definition of being an English major

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