Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Woman Trains Cousin's Terrible Kids like Dogs

Having a family member straight up dump their kids on you is an unfair situation, especially when said kids are undisciplined little monsters. This person decided to do the best they could and broke out the M&Ms to condition these kids. Not everyone was so happy about it. For some more questionable parenting, here's a parent who blamed the teacher for their kid not being in virtual class.


Text - r/AmItheAsshole · Posted by u/throwawayAAAAAHHHHH 15 hours ago 24 12 14 3 14 4 AITA For keeping my promise of training her kids like dogs if/when my cousin dumps them on me? I'm sorry if the title isn't accurate, I can't think of another description to describe the "training". My cousin Amy (25F) has (6M) twins and has a nasty habit of dumping them onto relatives to babysit for the entire day without any warning or regard for their time. I (27F) have a very strained relationship with her


Text - When she initially gave birth to them, she teased me that I'll have to take on babysitting duty from now on. I'm no good with kids, so I remarked to her that if I ever have them, I'll train them, not babysit. She brushed me off. The kids now are hella destructive and loud. Pulling out stuffing inside furniture, holes inside walls, smashing anything glass and porcelain, screaming louder than a fire alarm, you name it. When it was my first turn to deal with them, I immediately walked with t


Text - Soon enough, every time the kids were dumped on me, they went with my guidelines and behaved. Whenever I say sit, they sit at the table. When I say stay, they don't leave that spot, etc. Two days ago there was a party planned with the whole extended family (I know, pandemic. Didn't want to, but mom insisted) and I grabbed the M&M's since the twins were there. Arrived, twins were being so destructive (an entire tray of food was spilled) that all the adults had enough and yelled at Amy to c


Text - Halfway through the party, every time something similar came up or they just weren't behaving, I was the one able to calm them down. When Amy saw what I was doing, she got angry and started yelling at me about how her children aren't animals and that I shouldn't be giving them so much candy anyway. I told her that I'm their aunt, not their parent, why am I the one disciplining them? Isn't that her job? She screamed the same argument at me and since she's their mother, to stop giving them


Text - I repeated that she's their mother, and just sat in the living room watching it all unfold. At the end, Amy blamed me for them turning out this way. The other relatives she dumped them on (a majority) disagreed, but when I told a friend about the situation, he told me that the training I did can really fuck up the kids mentally later in life. So, AITA?


Text - sammysmokess 22.7k points · 15 hours ago 4 2 2 e2 S 4 NTA this is hilarious


Text - Luna-Strange Partassipant [2] 10.0k points - 14 hours ago NTA. This is kinda funny. Shes not a good parent for not discipling them herself. You told her they would be trained. They where. At least they have a system for discipline


Text - Dutch-woman 6.3k points · 14 hours ago Yeah these kids are not gonna be harmed by you training them with m&ms. If anything, it should show their mom they are apparently able to control themselves. You do you, it's very smart and also hilarious. Also. I think you just might be their favorite aunt lol. Go girl! throwawayAAAААННННН 3.3k points - 14 hours ago Now that I think about it, that's probably why she kept dumping them on me after the first time. I don't even know if they get candy ou


Text - Majestic_Will3111 2.9k points · 14 hours ago NTA. If Amy doesn't like you treating them like "animals", maybe she should have come up with a better parenting strategy than just dumping them on other family members. They sound destructively out of control, too bad you're the only one who has come up with a solution


Text - blackpawed 2.3k points · 14 hours ago NTA. You should try clicker training ( Clicker Training Your Dog in 10 Simple Steps O) which would eventually remove the Candy, much better for their health! And seeing as they are such high energy, consider Agility Training - fun for all involved!


Text - Competitivelecture5 309 points · 14 hours ago NTA. You've proven the kids can be taught to behave. Your cousin just lost her go-to line when she lets the twins run wild. At least she won't dump the kids on you again...


Text - Techsupportvictim Partassipant [1] 275 points - 12 hours ago · edited 7 hours ago ESH. Training kids like animals really isn't cute or cool. But she seems to have assumed you exist to be a free babysitter and she doesn't discipline her kids.


Text - alicesheadband Asshole Aficionado [11]] 169 points · 10 hours ago I mean... this is just amazing, but your friend is right. This kind of training where people only behave decently if there's a reward then misbehave again if there's no reward is great for a dog, terrible for humans. If you've ever watches Parks and Rec, there's a female character who goes around saying "money please" and breaking things if she doesn't get money. That's the end result. So, was this story good? Absolutely! S


Text - anOn3mou5 65 points · 13 hours ago As a zookeeper and a parent I love this. I taught my son to do his own laundry with positive reinforcement. Used m&ms for teaching him colors, shapes, alphabet letters and numbers. NTA. What you're doing isn't going to harm them and is infinitely better than your cousin's idea of "parenting"

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Tagged: candy , wtf , drama , kids , parenting , lol , training , family , train

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