Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Twitter Users Share Their Thanksgiving Traditions

There's no doubt that Thanksgiving is completely different this year for most of us. Many folks have been forced to cancel their plans to see family members. This is a time that's testing us all, and certainly making us dig deep. But with this tumultuous rollercoaster comes an eventual state of acceptance, and a recognition that this storm too shall pass. Before it does, it's on us to find ways to still have fun during the holidays from the safe and cozy confines of our respective homes. Plus, if any family members bring up awkward topics during a potential Zoom Thanksgiving Dinner, you can just pause your screen and blame it on bad reception. That's quite the clutch get-out-of-jail-free card right there. 


Text - jimmy fallon O @jimmyfallon Replying to @jimmyfallon The turkey now pardons the president. #NewThanksgiving Traditions


Text - Centamhain @pennyzwyz 000 Replying to @jimmyfallon #NewThanksgivingTraditions This year, instead of giving thanks before eating, my family will be revealing their latest COVID19 tests results. Also, instead of name tags at each setting, we will have new masks with our name on them.


Text - Mike Merlocco 000 @mike_merlocco Replying to @jimmyfallon Blessings will be counted and then recounted to ensure a "free and fair" Thanksgiving -- and not at all because of the electoral value of your state. #NewThanksgivingTraditions


Text - Miranda @MsMiranda03 Replying to @jimmyfallon I'm still cooking like people are coming over but I am going to not invite anyone. Then just eat all the food myself. #NewThanksgivingTraditions


Text - Text - Nicole Massabrook 000 @NKMass Replying to @jimmyfallon Instead of changing the subject after the fam pressures you to get married and have kids, you can just pretend you're frozen on the Thanksgiving Zoom.


Text - Bill Bradley @gumgumerson Replying to @jimmyfallon #NewThanksgiving Traditions At least listing "Things we're thankful for" this year will go pretty fast.


Text - Text - Corinne 00 @Corinnee96 Replying to @jimmyfallon Being thankful that zoom only offers free 30 min calls so your aunt can only tell one embarrassing story #NewThanksgivingTraditions @jimmyfallon


Text - Text - Ghost @Ghost 7 Replying to @jimmyfallon Starting the Christmas season early by declaring that "Home Alone" is now a Thanksgiving movie #NewThanksgivingTraditions


Text - Text - Upstate Matthew @Matthew_Bapst Replying to @jimmyfallon Invite the in-laws over for the Thanksgiving dinner. They can sit outside on the front porch while we watch them eat from the ring doorbell video stream. Currently testing whether a turkey leg fits out of a mail slot. #NewThanksgivingTraditions


Text - Text - Olivia 00 @olivethegiant Replying to @jimmyfallon Eating turkey coldcuts with canned cranberry sauce on stale white bread on a zoom call bc you don't know how to cook & you can't go home to your mom #NewThanksgiving Traditions


Text - Brad Korpalski @BradKorpalski 00 Replying to @jimmyfallon #NewThanksgiving Traditions This year when I eat too much, at least I won't have to unbutton the pants I'm not wearing.


Text - Marcos Monteiro @_marcosfm Replying to @jimmyfallon My #NewThanksgivingTradition: STOP THE COUNT I'lI shout at the scale the day after


Text - Eily Dunleavy @dallas_mavs33 000 Replying to @jimmyfallon Hitting mute on the Zoom meeting when someone brings up politics #NewThanksgivingTraditions


Text - Lori B @lorilovesgolf2 Replying to @jimmyfallon Dear relatives: your turkey dinner can be picked up curbside betweet 5:00 and 5:15. #newthanksgivingtraditions


Text - Ashley Miller @llikeyourbutt11 Replying to @jimmyfallon Happily sitting 6 feet apart from your aunt Karen. #NewThanksgivingTraditions


Text - Ann Ruhmkorff @AnnRuhmkorff Replying to @jimmyfallon Can't smell or taste the food, but will ask for seconds, anyway! #NewThanksgivingTraditions


Text - Keith ONeil 00 @ThatKeithONeil Replying to @jimmyfallon Declaring you claimed a piece of Pecan Pie, when someone else clearly had it. #NewThanksgivingTraditions


Text - Alli E 000 @alli_ekstrom Replying to @jimmyfallon Relax and enjoy my dinner because I don't have to justify my parenting & life choices to my mom & sister. The pie will taste extra sweet this year. #NewThanksgivingTraditions


Text - Albatross @Albatross MacCaulay Culkin isn't the only one home alone. #NewThanksgivingTraditions


Text - Dana Grace @Dana283 Revealing your Covid status will be the new 'What l'm Thankful For' around the dinner table this year. #NewThanksgivingTraditions


Text - Annie Cassutt @ACassutt Replying to @jimmyfallon Going to stand outside and FaceTime my grandma while sending turkey emojis to my family. Just as our founding fathers intended. #NewThanksgivingTraditions


Text - Sofi 000 @sofietch Replying to @jimmyfallon #newthanksgivingtradition secret Santa with your family, but instead of presents we send eachother Uber eats while on zoom to see your loved ones face of disappointment


Text - peter denz wears a mask @peterdenz Replying to @jimmyfallon been in my thanksgiving pants since march #NewThanksgivingTraditions

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