Monday, November 2, 2020

Wholesome Memes for a Shot of Niceness

Life is stressful, there's no doubt about that. But there's always room for some positivity in life, even when things are strained. Wholesome memes can provide a little boost when life is being a whole lot. It's probably better for everyone to take some time and accept some wholesome memes because some things are still nice.


Text - Grandma: You need to eat 4 more bites, since you're 4 years Me: But I'm 5.... Grandma: Oh, well I don't think you can eat that much Me: *eats 5 bites to prove her wrong* Grandma: In case you haven'tnoticed, you've fallen right into my trap.


Photo caption - My gi explaining to me why we're pertect for each other Me who has already decided to propose to her


Adaptation - My family: For sure when he gets a girlfriend, he'll mature. My girlfriend and I:


Photo caption - All men in trade driving past houses they worked on: See that house? I worked on that house


Metropolitan area - -Hug me! -But we're buildings! -Doesn't matter. I need it! -...Ok, bring it in!


Face - Class when you accidentally call teacher mom: The teacher when you accidentally call her mom:


Human - Did you speak politely and treat everyöne with respect? Yes. What did it cost? Nothing


Arm - Me eating at a restaurant Please Thank you The waiter


Cartoon - My grandmother* *Random websites Giving me Cookies


Cartoon - My girlfriend wondering why I'm not responding Me trying to spell georgeos for 5 minutes


Stuffed toy - 8 yr-old me home, Bob Barker sick & The Price is Right


Barechested - 105 SULI MeSpaghetti CHICKEN MCDO RES-TATNG DICKEN ALUE MELS 125 125 ABOWLE HAPPINE 125 $5 SPICY CHICKEN me ordering something "107 S n 147 my little siblings playing shop , 冷,


Adaptation - When they say there's plenty of fish in the sea, but she's your fish


Adaptation - When you close all your tabs after finishing a huge assignment Finally, inner peace.


Crochet - When your grandma's bad ass & also loves to crochet. Crochetverse Stephanie Pokorny


Terrestrial animal - When you're broke and your friend buys you food Thank you I will never forget this I would fight for you


Cat - My friend: Literally introduces me as his best friend to his other friends Мe:


Cartoon - Skeletons who dwant to be friends with me Me, surprised, būt excited to be friends with skeletons


Font - The boys playing literally any online game When we find out a homie is trying to ask out a girl


Text - When you put the spider outside instead of killing it


Cartoon - The thing is, Eeyore was clinically depressed, but his friends never left him out. They never expected him to be happy on their adventures. They loved him for who he was and never left him behind.


People - When you're watching your dogs nap and you realize how much you love them and how lucky you are to have them


Cartoon - when ur in an argument but then u realize u love the person unconditionally


Invertebrate - When you see your friend in public and you just And they just


Selfie - "Who's a good Speaker? -yeah, you're a good Speaker"

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