Friday, November 13, 2020

Some of the Great Trollings of History

People have been around for long enough that prankery, shenanigans and cons have enjoyed a great heyday. Pranks and trickery are nothing new, and it's a breath of fresh air to learn that governments, generals, and famous historical figures totally messed with people. For some extra history, here are some history memes that are technically educational. For extra shenanigans, here are some mad lads who played by their own rules.


Text - Madhighlander1 36.1k points · 23 hours ago 5 27 e3 S 3 3 I forget the name but that one guy from the 1800s who bought specific tickets to a play and then gave them away to bald men on the street so that when everyone took their seats and the bald men's heads reflected the light from the stage, they spelled out 'FUCK' as seen from the stage.


Text - Angel_OfSolitude 9.8k points · 21 hours ago Please tell me you have a source on this Madhighlander1 22.1k points · 21 hours ago · edited 21 hours ago O 24 3 2 His name was Horace de Vere Cole him included: & 4 More Other pranks attributed to Walking around the streets of London with a cow's udder poking through the fly of his trousers, and cutting it off with a pair of scissors when he judged he had caused 'maximum outrage' • Depositing a load of horse manure in Venice's Piazza san Marco,


Text - Blitzilla 27.6k points - 1 day ago This Chinese general whose city was besieged by a much larger army, so he opened the main gate and sat atop it playing his flute. The enemy thought it was a trap so they packed their stuff and left.


Text - anoukdaae 654 points · 20 hours ago Steve Wilhite He invented the gif, then he won a Webby Award for it. Webby Award speeches are only allowed to be five words long. He went up and said "it's pronounced JIF, not GIF." Jod himself could come down and tell me that, I wouldn't believe it. It's GIF. Forever. Bye.


Text - TheGermanMofo 18.2k points · 21 hours ago O 2 2 3 2 There was a Prussian (I can't remeber his name) who managed to make a officer uniform out of scraps of clothing. He used it to convince a few gaurds on patrol to follow him into a goverment building, ordered the arrest of the man in charge, confiscated all the money personally, sent the arrested man to Berlin calming it was all on order of the King. He then ditch the uniformed, got on a train to Berlin him and managed to beat the guards


Text - danielokane 17.2k points · 20 hours ago 3 3 3 3 Mozart didn't like this singer so much that he 2 wrote a piece for her with high and low notes constantly because he noticed that when she hit low notes her chin went to her chest and when she hit high notes her head would fling back. So it was like she was bobbing like a chicken


Text - FatBOlisFatter 547 points · 21 hours ago This will prob get buried but here goes: Whoever came up with the American Armed forces plan during the cold war to drop boxes of extra large condoms labeled as medium on the soviet troops. The result was the soviets thought the Americans were PACKING. Greatest military troll of all time.


Text - dirtyaccomplice 16.0k points · 20 hours ago E 22 04 S 3 The guy who opened a fake no 1 restaurant in London using Google reviews and his back garden and shed with microwave meals.


Text - igpdvs 15.3k points · 20 hours ago A 6 O 5 e3 5 April fools day 1974 when a man burned 70 rubber tires on a dormant volcano in Alaska! This has to be up there. He waited 3 years to get a helicopter to fly the tires to the top to get a picture perfect condition. He even got the coast quard called out too And heres the link to the story. database/permalink/the_ er uption_of_mount edgecumbe/


Text - Anom8675309 19.1k points · 1 day ago 2 & 2 More Diogenese MCAfee SECURE He became notorious for his philosophical stunts, such as carrying a lamp during the day, claiming to be looking for an honest man. He criticized Plato, disputed his interpretation of Socrates, and sabotaged his lectures, sometimes distracting listeners by bringing food and eating during the discussions. Diogenes was also noted for having mocked Alexander the Great, both in public and to his face when he visited Corin


Text - ThrowawayKarensBane 14.5k points · 21 hours ago - edited 13 hours ago 2 3 & 5 More I was thinking more like the mortician who patented the automatic telephone switch 3 years after finding out his rivals wife worked as a telephone operator and would reroute calls asking for his funeral parlor to her husbands. The guy put a whole worldwide workforce out of work for one persons actions.


Text - mexploder89 11.6k points · 22 hours ago - edited 20 hours ago The dude who somehow got a network news program to say that a plane that crashed was piloted by 4 men with the names: Hoo Lee Fuk Sum Ting Wong Wee Tu Lo Bang Ding Ow


Text - VictorBlimpmuscle 32.7k points · 1 day ago 2 2 4 & 6 More Theodore Hook OMSECURE - the perpetrator of edited 22 hours ago MCAfee the Berners Street hoax in London in 1810 SECURE in which Cook sent thousands of MCAfee letters summoning all manners of various vendors and service people and physicians and dignitaries and others to all come to one random person's home, literally shutting down a large part of London as they all descended upon the same address throughout the day, all while Cook


Text - Rayux 11.1k points · 1 day ago 3 The guy who decided to put an ice troll 3/4 the way up the path to High Hrothgar.


Text - redsuslmao 9.4k points · 21 hours ago Stephen Hawking was in an interview, when a cord was unplugged, and alarm went off (this was before he was completely immobile), and he slumped in his chair. The people interviewing him were scared out of their minds, until they realized that he was alright, and chuckling at his joke. The cord and alarm were for a computer.


Text - doowgad1 9.3k points · 1 day ago Orson Welles did a radio play that told people the Martians were invading. The next day he told everyone that his play had freaked out millions of people, when it was a few dozen at most.


Text - Text - Kang-The-Time-Lord 6.2k points · 1 day ago The old-timey NYC newspaper the Sun imo. In the 19th Century, they published some articles about the presence of life on the moon like unicorns, winged humans, and other creatures who built temples and lived peacefully. This caused a massive moon craze until it was later outed as fake.


Text - grubb_flowers 4.8k points · 1 day ago · edited15 hours ago Marcel Duchamp who, among other fun things, submitted a urinal as an art piece to the Society of Independent artists under a pseudonym, and then was part of the board that was set to approve pieces. He also spread rumors of another piece he was working on so people wouldn't suspect anything. Love that dude. Plus he sparked an interesting discussion in art.


Text - ScarletCaptain 4.1k points · 20 hours ago Technically this isn't a troll since it was serving a purpose, but Admiral Nelson was escaping a French fleet when a man fell overboard. It was Nelson's policy of never leaving anyone behind so he turned his ship around to go pick him up. The French saw his ship turn back toward them, assumed he had reinforcements coming beyond the horizon, so they turned and ran.


Text - Voicedtunic 3.0k points · 21 hours ago In the 30s-40s BBC did an April fools broadcast where they told people how spaghetti was made... on trees. They literally showed fake spaghetti trees and since not many people in that time knew how spaghetti was made, lots of people believed it.


Text - FarPension2 2.5k points · 22 hours ago Theodore Roosevelt He got shot, went on a 1 hour speech mocking his assassin and then went to hospital


Text - JustAnotherAviatrix 1.9k points · 20 hours ago This will be buried, but Sergei Korolev. The dude was getting frustrated with the Soviet government because they weren't interested in funding his space exploration projects, so he got his propaganda group to publish articles about how Russia was getting close to sending something into space. As expected, the US took the bait and started working on their satellite program, and the Soviet government freaked out when they saw the US doing that,


Text - SirTimelord 1.6k points · 20 hours ago Gregor MacGregor. He was a Scotsman who claimed to own land in the New World. He got fake maps printed, fake pictures drawn, then published it all in a big convincing book. He then got over 200 people to emigrate to this paradise and, get this, dropped them in the Central American jungle. Many died. Some returned and blamed the expedition guide for directing them to the wrong location, still believing Gregor's story. The more you read, the crazier it


Text - maleorderbride 1.2k points · 1 day ago When God told 100-year-old Abraham to go kill his only son and then was like "lol sike" right| before he actually did it


Text - Nag-A-Ram-Gear-Toner 716 points · 20 hours ago -. edited 11 hours ago Basil Zaharoff A Greek arms dealer, he once donated a submarine to the Greek government. He then told the Turks that the Greeks had a submarine and sold them 2 submarines. Lastly, he went to the Russians and told them the Turks had 2 submarines so he sold them 2 as well. None of the submarines actually worked. Edit: donated to the Greeks, not sold

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