Sunday, November 22, 2020

Girlfriend Changes Diet, Gets Sleep Recording App, Learns Hard Truth

Man, the expression on this woman's face as she listened to her handy sleep recording app, only to learn the real, potent truth behind why her boyfriend was being "distant." Homie was trying to break free of a rather dank room that'd been infused with the smells of a high fiber diet. Hey, nothing wrong with mixing up the diet, and certainly nothing wrong with passing the gas, when you've got to let it out. This is really just a hilarious snapshot of a situation that must impact plenty of couples out there. This particular couple just decided to get the app that uncovered the ultimate truth. 


Text - TIFU by downloading a sleeping app that records noise , changing my diet, forgetting to check said app and blowing hot balls of fire at my boyfriend for months M Edit: spelling Sorry for formatting I am on an iPhone edit: and throwaway I've ( 27F) had trouble sleeping at night since I was a child , finding out my boyfriend (32M) of two years also has trouble sleeping at night we decided to both download an app that basically records movement , snoring , extra noise and your level of consc


Text - Now , I am known for eating right before bed and recently my doctor had recommended that I add more fibre to my diet along with some sleeping pills . This was my first fuck up. Unknowingly to me fibre causes MAD GAS. the kind noise that is only found by a heard of elephants running though a concrete desert. Months have gone by and I started to sleep better than I ever had before due to the pills and diet change, forgetting all about the app. But one concerning thing was that my boyfriend


Text - About an hour ago , I remembered the app records noise and decided if I checked the app I should be able to tell what time he is getting up and leaving the bedroom and maybe see if his phone rings or anything of that sort to try to piece together why my lovely caveman was leaving me to go sleep downstairs. WELL LET ME TELL YOU. I Found out why. And I am about to reveal my sad embarrassing truth to you. I have been indiscriminately but vigorously farting the most thunderous claps from the


Text - So my friends , do not take too much fibre and sleeping pills if you don't want your significant other to mildly dislike you and be distant TL;DR changed my diet to more fibre , took sleeping pills to knock me out , recorded myself blowing gas as strong as a whale coming up to breathe. Edit: since you guys are wondering I did bring it up to him when he first started to go to the couch and he just shrugged it off saying he's having a hard time sleeping in the bed and I was not buying it lo


Text - Edit ok it took me forever to figure out how to post photos to Reddit but I think I got it : confrontational text confrontational text Edit :I sent him this post and we are now having a great laugh about it. Thank you for all the stories I enjoyed every single one lol Edit Ok I'm sorry for all the edits but the app is - sleep booster : auto tracker


Text - S I'm going to order skip the dishes instead of cooking l'm not in the mood tonight lol chicken breast is still leftover from yesterday though Have fun play some good hands ! Xo love you Love you too chicken Did you order yet ?


Text - I did But I wanted to ask you something You've been a little weird lately and I was honestly thinking it was because you were talking to someone else P!!! You know I would never ! Come on now


Text - I just listened to the recordings of that sleep app we downloaded and heard myself fart like "big foots" long lost uncle " big fart " and I heard you walk out after a while. Why on earth didn't you just tell me Oh my god lol

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