Saturday, November 28, 2020

Choosing Beggar Expects Drummer To Play For Free, Drummer Sets Them Straight

Yikes. This entitled musician had the audacity to ask a talented drummer to fly out from Germany on their own dime, and also play the commercial gig for free. When confronted on the absurdity of the "offer", the choosing beggar tries to play the lame "do it for the love of music" card. Yeah, the love is great and all, but people gotta eat, my dude. Clearly, there was no wiggle room in this guy's entitled little bubble. 


Text - Hey bro, saw you play at the with gig. You are amazing bro! 18:23 Hey I appreciate that, man. Glad you had a good time!


Text - No worries bro! So l'll just get to the point bro. Listen. In the end of the month there's a Product launch and like a dinner sort of thing and my band needs a drummer for that show. It's gonna be 4 sets around 45 minutes each. I heard your the best drummer in town to ask. Would you be intrested in it?


Text - Sounds great, man. I'm not really sure if you've noticed though, but I live in Germany now, so it may be a bit trickier Have you got a solid date? No worries bro. You can just fly here right?


Text - Of course man! Just let me know what dates work for you and we'll work something out. Seeing as you're going to have to fly me out, we can even work something out with the rate okay firstly I thought you will do this for free and also have you seen the costs of a flight from Germany to lol


Text - So let me get this straight. You want me to take the time to learn your repertoire, take time off work, fly down to on my own dime to play a commercial gig for absolutely free? Why not bro? It's the love of music that feeds us right?


Text - Actually, it's the money I earn which I exchange for food that does the trick... Either way, I'm sorry, but l'm going to have to decline this offer. It's a rly good gig actually and I think your making a big mistake to not do it. also you just told me yes and now you tell me no. It's a little bit unprofessional bro comeon


Text - bro I already told the band that we are going to have the best drummer playing with us come on bro. I was praying to jesus that you will say yes and he answered my prayers so come on bro Like I said, I'm happy to do it if you're willing to fly me down and I'm happy to give you a good rate because of it. It makes no sense for me to do it for free. It's an absolutely ridiculous offer.


Text - Look i'm going throuh a divorce and I need this gig bro. Dont do this to me I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm not doing it for free are you heartless?

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