Friday, October 23, 2020

Strangest Things Sailors Have Seen At Sea

It's easy to forget just how massive the ocean is, and how we haven't even scratched the surface when it comes to exploring the depths of that mysterious realm. Plus, if you ever find yourself out sailing the seas, you're bound to come across some bizarre and unexplainable sights. These sailors certainly have had their share of unexpected encounters. 


Text - gozba • 7h A dolphin swimming with a sponge in his mouth. The crew member I was with asked if I knew why the dolphin has a sponge in his mouth. I didn't know, of course. He said because dolphins have no hands. Reply 1.0k ...


Text - Abyssus_J3 • 8h The first time you see a large sea turtle is kinda strange they look like floating boulders. But the sea for as strange as it is is an amazing place as well seeing a flying fish or looking in the water and seeing fish as far as you can see is incredible. I saw this quote on one of these once: "The sea gives and takes in equal measure" Reply 522


Text - david_bowies_hair • 6h I was out sailing alone and a couple of huge ocean sunfish came up next to my boat. They are so derpy, but the size of those things up close is pretty shocking. Reply 416 ...


Text - buttmagnuson • 5h I wouldnt say strange, more just amazing and pretty rare. I saw the green flash one morning while on watch somewhere in the Mediterranean sea. Sea was smooth as glass, sky was gorgeous. I was on the bridge wing drinking my coffee and having a smoke just before sunrise and I happened to be looking at the right spot at the right time as the sun crested the horizon. The smallest brightest flash of green and then the sun started climbing. Reply 271 ...


Text - Back2Bach • 8h Seamen jumping overboard to capture their dinghy which somehow got away from the ship. Reply 197 ...


Text - Talia_is_bored • 4h A unicorn pool toy it was really big in the middle of no where the only thing you could see was the toy and a island almost 20 mins away Reply 1 41


Text - Algae blooms. North Red Sea in 2003. Pitch black night (no moon or cloud cover). The sea was calm, no whitecaps or even any swells really. I was a Quartermaster in the US Navy and was standing the mid watch (0000-0400 and a Quartermaster or QM is a specialist in nautical navigation for those who aren't well versed in the Navy). So we're transiting they Red Sea headed south toward the Bab-Al Mendeb straight, I'm on the bridge wing shooting stars, and all of a sudden the ocean starts explod


Text - 123wtfno • 6h I've always sailed around Europe, so the first time I came into waters where flying fish are a thing was a trip. I thought l'd seen flying fish before but it turns out those were just jumping fish. Flying fish really do skim over the water really long distances! They're magical. And overnight some of the dumbasses end up on your deck and then die there. That's kinda sad. Reply 260 ...


Text - skovt_98 • 4h Found this odd if not strange when I started sailing. On ships we can have days which are more or less than 24 hours.On multi day voyages clocks are advanced as we travel east and retarded as we travel west to adjust with local time. The wall clock in our cabins were analog but the advancement or retardation was automated by some mechanism. For an hour of retardation the minute hand would smoothly glide anticlockwise a full circle.This was usually done at mid night. Kinda lo


Text - darkknight109 • 5h Was out boating one day and a harbour seal flops up onto my boat (which was moving at the time, albeit not particularly fast) and displays absolutely no interest in getting off. At first I thought he just didn't want to jump off a moving boat, so I slowed right down, but he still stayed put. Then I thought he was disoriented or something and I got down towards the stern to shoo him away. It was then that I noticed that I was being tailed by a pod of orcas, which was pre


Text - BnZAwkward_Lab5858 • 6h Not me, but my grandfather who was in the navy. The ship was heading to Norway and the watch said something unknown was spotted near the ship. My grandfather and some of his mates saw a black thing spinning about 100 m away from the ship and 20 m above the water. It didn't make a sound just was spinning. It then dove into the water and was gone. It was seen during the day, can't remember what time he said, but he said it was very very strange. He and others did won


Text - kingkazul400 • 3h Got roped into sea trials for an aircraft carrier several years back when I worked for Huntington-Ingalls. Couldn't sleep one night and decided to go up to the flattop in the middle of the night to get some fresh air. It was eerily quiet and the water had this odd obsidian black mirror sheen. Kinda hypnotic. Dunno how long I stood there but apparently it was long enough to warrant a roving watch to get my attention and escort me back below. Got chewed out by my superviso


Text - Espadajin • 2h Left my sailboat anchored off the coast of Saturna island. Go visit friends, spend the night on land. Next day, on my way back, as l'm rowing and getting closer to my boat, I can swear there is a sound coming from my boat. Some sort of small commotion is happening. As I go up my ladder, in ninja mode, I'm trying to figure out wtf...I see 2 otters, laying in a bed of fish carcasses , fucking...on my deck. They haven't noticed me yet and so I do the polite thing and cough a b


Text - Azure_Lake • 4h A father and a daughter on a small boat not far from the dock screaming DAUGHTER: "I WANT A GOLDFISH!!!" FATHER: "WE'RE NOT GETTING A GOLDFISH" DAUGHTER: "FINE I WANT A SEAHORSE" FATHER: "THIS IS WHY I DON'T TAKE YOU FISHING" DAUGHTER: "WhAt Do YoU mEaN wE gOiN flsHiNg" FATHER: "I SHOULD HAVE TAKEN YOUR BROTHER" daughter is heartbroken and starts crying. FATHER: you can fish for a goldfish the daughter stopped crying and they continued on their way. Reply 41 ...


Text - Bush_Hiders • 1h My dad was in the navy and spent 2 years on a submarine when he was really young. He told me about how he would see flying fish and dolphins and stuff, but the thing that fascinated me the most that I really want to see with my own eyes was bioluminescent plankton. He described it as if the ocean beating against the boat looked like fire. Reply 4 V


Text - soulglo987 • 55m Five rainbows in the middle of the ocean after a rainstorm Reply Vote ...

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Tagged: scary , wtf , creepy , askreddit , ocean , Reddit

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