Friday, October 23, 2020

Man Gets DNA Test For Birthday, Soap Opera Ensues

We're honestly just glad that this particular DNA test surprise turned out for the best, and that everyone seems to have handled the shock with grace and love and understanding. Those DNA tests just have an uncanny knack for exposing all the skeletons hiding out in people's closets. Check out another family's shocking experience with a DNA test over here.


Text - r/tifu + Join u/chabbiedabbie • 15h 1 17 2 8 e 25 3 19 19 30 TIFU by giving my boyfriend a DNA test for his birthday M Edit: the DNA test was a 23&me health and ancestory kit So this happened back in August but he finally got the results back a few weeks ago. But brace yourselves, this is some soap opera shit. Turns out he has a half sister and aunt he never knew about. Both the aunt and sister are on his dads side of the family so... he spoke to his dad.


Text - His dad didn't know the aunt, although she shared the same last name as his family and his dad never knew he had a daughter but the timeline of events checked out. Next, my boyfriend went to Facebook and searched the hell out of his half sister. She looks EXACTLY like his dad. Needless to say, his dad was shocked. They were trying to figure out how to tell the rest of the family. My boyfriend didn't want to message her first because she may not know she was adopted or if she didn't know w


Text - He proceeded to tell her he thought SHE was adopted because she looks exactly like his dad. Then she said HE looks exactly like HER DAD!! Needless to say everyone was confused. They send pictures of their fathers and my boyfriend did indeed look like her dad. But there's still the question of, who is the aunt?? And do the half sister and aunt know each other? Yes. Yes they do. The half sister said the aunt is her aunt. Yet, my boyfriend and aunt share the same last name?? So now my boyfri


Text - She is adamant that he does not. Until my boyfriend sends the picture of his half sisters dad and his mom absolutely recognized the man. Turns out, my boyfriends dad and mom were on a break and his mom hooked up with this man. His mom and dad got back together almost immediately after my boyfriend was conceived so they assumed my boyfriend was the product of their relationship and not her fling. They were wrong. Turns out, my boyfriend is the product of his moms fling and has a dad he nev


Text - And get this, one of his new siblings was born the SAME year as him and has the SAME name!! As for the aunt who shares the same last name as my boyfriend, we're not sure if it's coincidence or if she's somehow related to his "adopted" dads side of the family. It's only been a few days but everyone is taking the news surprisingly well. My boyfriends "adopted" dad is such a saint and is encouraging my boyfriend to get to know his bio dad and family.


Text - My boyfriend has since been communicating with his bio dad and 2 half siblings and it's going great. They seem like such a kind, loving, and welcoming family. Although this was such a shock for everyone, it's turning out to be the best case scenario for such a strange situation. So yeah, I essentially gave my boyfriend a whole new family for his birthday. You're welcome boo! TL;DR:I got my boyfriend a DNA test and it resulted in him finding out the dad who raised him isn't his biological

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