Sunday, October 4, 2020

Resume Red Flags People Have Seen

Finding a job is an annoying, stupid process that makes you rethink how you present yourself. The whole ordeal is frustrating and it feels like employers are just out to disappoint you.. That said, sometimes people do themselves a disservice by having a filthy email address or including weird and dumb achievements that raise eyebrows too high. For the ones who got a little further, here are hiring managers' biggest WTF moments during interviews.


Text - Text - Copenhagan 18.3k points · 11 hours ago A water mark of their face on each page of a resume.


Text - Text - SleepyConscience 10.8k points · 11 hours ago I once got a resume that listed under his "Awards" section "Champion & Master of the Chug n Tug" at some dumb ass ASU fraternity whose name I can't remember. I'm still not 100% certain what the fuck that is but I know I didn't want it.


Text - Text - SteakGunsandBeers 923 points · 8 hours ago I wasn't an actual manager my old firearms retail job, but being that I was the senior sales associate, my manager included my input in the hiring process, which entailed a lot of resume reviews. We had a guy in his late teens/early 20s drop off a resume for an open gunsmith position. He had no technical training, no gunsmith training, and had never even owned a gun before. He had recently joined the National Guard, and his only experience


Text - Text - UniverseBear 40.2k points · 10 hours ago 9 2 O e6 & 11 More People keep saying "gaps in work history" but honestly guys, make sure you inquire about it before just writing someone off. I had a guy who had a year or two gap in his resume. Most people would just write this dude as "well obviously there's something wrong with him." Well there was, the dude was diagnosed with brain cancer and had to go through intensive treatment. He lived but came out the other end jobless. Couldn't f


Text - Text - lady_molotovcocktail 23.2k points · 10 hours ago 2 Listing every single accomplishment from high school and/or middle school.. when you've been out of high school for 10+ years. Had a guy list every: part he got in a musical/play. Sports he played (with scores!). Clubs he was a part of. Etc. all of these dated from at least elementary school on. The man was 50+. The job had nothing to do with any of these items.


Text - Text - autumn_skies 16.1k points · 7 hours ago A 5 2 & 9 More edited 7 hours ago My husband put "built a life-sized iron man suit" on his résumé. He got the interview because they wanted to meet the kind of guy who has an iron man suit and the personality to put it on his résumé. He also got the job, which is pretty cool.


Text - Text - JYWH22 13.3k points · 9 hours ago · edited 3 hours ago I've seen someone put their certificate of baptism under Certificates and Awards. Edit: Wow, I didn't expect this comment to garner this sort of response. Maybe I should add that the job had absolutely nothing to do with religion, which is why the baptism cert seemed so out of place!


Text - Blessthefall 594 points · 7 hours ago · edited 5 hours ago I have a certificate of knighthood (or whatever) from Sealand. I like to think that would at least peak pique a potential employer's interest but im not currently willing to risk it.


Text - Text - LSDevious 9.6k points · 9 hours ago Not an employer, but failed miserably to get a high school job. I thought I was doing everything right. I mentioned previous volunteer experience, work ethic, and always came dressed in a button up shirt, slacks, and a tie for interviews, or even asking about a job. After a year of getting turned down by Taco Bell, KFC, and really any good high school job I found the issue. Under the previous criminal charges section I put "Assault and Battery".


Text - Text - RatMaster999 9.4k points · 9 hours ago I used to do the "hiring triage" for a university library. Gearing up for the fall semester, I'd have to read through 500+ applications (my record was in the 750's) for a usual 30 hires. Used to get some terrible ones. The most common were: • 133t / txt spk • all lowercase • ALL CAPS • Three word answers to multi-part questions • No federal workstudy award (Not an indication of a bad applicant, but we were clear upfront that we couldn't hire a


Text - Text - Ignoring the questions about putting things in alphabetical or numerical order, doing them but obviously not reading the directions (ascending vs descending order), or (to a lesser extent) getting them wrong. Normally, calling to check up on your application was an immediate bump up to be forwarded on for further consideration (assuming availability and WS checked out), but if you had your parents call... Came in one day (I worked 4pm-2:30am) to a blinking light on my phone, indica


Text - Text - application, as she'd gotten an angry voicemail from the mother, and when she looked in my files, she hadn't seen it anywhere. Other, normal messages followed. Well, since this woman demanded I call before twelve, I was all gung-ho to call her at 11:45pm, to explain my work schedule to her, and that I couldn't legally discuss her son's application anyway. But, I figured I should talk to my supervisor, and at least warn her of this plan. Turns out, when the woman called again, aroun


Text - Text - Damn, I wish I could've seen that woman's face when she was told we didn't hire her son because he never called us back when we contacted him for an interview.


Text - Text - Alleylovescoffee 8.3k points · 9 hours ago A very unprofessional email is definitely one. You see some insane emails. I ask knew someone who got an email address that had "big daddy" in it.


Text - Text - lady_molotovcocktail 6.9k points · 10 hours ago 2 Thought of another, although it's in interview: being a dick in an interview. I work in a predominantly male trade. I'm a service lead, so I do know my trade. I may be on the younger side, but I've been working in this business for over 10 years. My (male) boss ask me to start an interview a guy before he got there as he's running late and the guy was going to be my employee anyways. The guy comes in seems okay, at first. Then it go


Text - Text - MentalWyvern 4.7k points · 9 hours ago The guy who applied for a design job and attached a photoshopped image of him as a centaur comes to mind. Also typos. I was hiring a very senior level person who seemed like they could do an amazing job, but there were SEVERAL typos on her resume. I asked the recruiter to let her know.


Text - Text - winkelschleifer 4.4k points · 11 hours ago if this phrase is written anywhere: "my chickens have come home to roost"


Text - Text - dan1son 3.0k points · 9 hours ago Lies. I'm that hiring manager that'll dig into the weird shit. You're interviewing for an enterprise software job but list Unity 3d on there? Let's dig in. You're interviewing for a React gig but for some reason list "raspberry pi project to control kegerator" lets talk about that one. You wrote a minecraft plugin? O... let's figure that out. I figure the weirder the thing on the resume is the higher the chance you were passionate about it. If you


Text - othybear 1.8k points · 9 hours ago We had an application where the applicant had a felony on their record. They spent half a page in the middle of their resume explaining how the felony wasn't their fault and that we should hire them. Their felony was from stealing from another department from the last time they worked at the company they were applying to. It's a big company so it think they were hoping we wouldn't care since we were in a different department. I don't know how they made i

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Tagged: wtf , job , work , strange , mistakes , lol , resume , red flag , weird

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