Saturday, October 17, 2020

Leasing Agent Learns About Lease The Hard Way

The best part about this shady leasing agent is they thought they'd go ahead and get away with some unadulterated BS, without the tenant actually reading the finer details of said lease. Well, they certainly got humbled and learned their lesson in the end. Check out some more juicy housing drama with this landlord who encouraged their tenant to research their rights, and ended up losing the battle as a result.


Text - r/ProRevenge u/yellowfin35 • 2y + Join How I taught a leasing agent about her lease, the hard way. Since we are talking about apartments recently. I was living in Atlanta ~10 years ago and won a 1-year lease at a charity auction. My rent was -$600 a month (prepaid), market rent was ~1,500. A good deal! The security deposit was only $150 (more on that later). A year is nearly up and I sign a lease at a new place. About a month before I am ready to move out the leasing agent for the apartme


Text - Agent: Well we require a 2-month notice, so you have to give us a notice in writing, and we are going to charge you the market "month to month" rate of ~$2,000 per month. If you don't live here during that time it is your fault. Me: Let me read my lease and get back to you. As I am in real estate, I know how to dig through a lease. T read it and set up a meeting. About a week or two later: Agent: Thanks for coming back in, I hope you understand how much trouble you are in and your financi


Text - Me: Yeah, about that. Per the lease, you are required to give me notice of my new rental rates before the 2- month notice commences. Failure to do so invalidates the 2-month notice. Agent: We did that! We left it under your door! Me: I don't know if you did or not, either way, it clearly states that the notice must be given VIA certified mail, return receipt. Agent: But hand delivery works just the same. Me: Not according to the lease. (I hand her a copy of the lease with the notice secti


Text - Me: (Interrupting her) As my lease is up in 15 days (some time had expired between the meetings) the 1- month notice puts me half a month into next month. You can keep my security deposit for these 15 days. My old lease rate is still in effect as notice was not given of the new rates. This gives you 2 weeks to splash and dash apartment upon my departure and have a new tenant in by the first of the following month. Agent: It does not work like that. Me: Call corporate, I think their attorn

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