Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Teachers' "That's Amazing But Please Stop" Stories

Students are curious and motivated individuals especially when it comes to breaking the rules or mocking each other. They'll go to impressive lengths in order to tastefully vandalize restrooms or expertly cheat the system. You can't tell them it's the right thing to do, but it's at least impressive. To give the kids some credit, here's a Tumblr thread on a teacher who underestimated their students during a social experiment.


Text - Text - TheOnlyVertigo 11.6k points · 4 hours ago · edited 1 hour ago 2 I teach a tech certification class here for a local non-profit. Just a week or so ago I was walking the students through using Task Scheduler in Windows when my phone started to blow up with emails. Turns out one of the students created a dozen scheduled tasks to send me an email every five minutes. Title: CATS CATS CATS CATS CATS Body: CATS CATS CATS CATS CATS CATS CATS You get the picture. Needless to say, his punish


Text - hansol1986 9.9k points · 3 hours ago · edited 1 hour ago ESL teacher here. So I teach high school ESL class where most 4 of my students either don't speak any English or they speak very little. I had a student in there who was constantly disruptive and liked to bully the other kids to "establish his manliness". One day, the disruptive kid is doing his normal annoying shtick and out of nowhere, my quiet little Latina in the corner of the room, in the clearest pronounced English I've ever h


Text - Text - the_procrastinata 7.5k points · 6 hours ago 8 My husband used to work in after school care. One time he saw two kids starting to fight in the sandpit. He headed over to try to calm them down, but while he was on his way, one kid ran at the other, who just calmly flipped the first kid over his head like a textbook martial arts move. My husband said he had to stop himself from shouting 'Wow! Great job!


Text - Text - jdbrew 5.8k points · 3 hours ago & I had a classmate jump on the teachers computer and visit a website that would go full screen and make it seem like it was a Mac now instead of a PC. It was April's fools day and this was his prank. This was in like 2003, so security wasn't the conversation it is today. Anyway, he still got in trouble. The teacher got really angry and kind of yelled at him to sit down in the corner. She called in the vice principle, then the principle... then the


Text - Text - Charlie24601 3.3k points · 3 hours ago I was a new teacher at a school that had a demerit system. Do something bad, get a demerit. At the end of the week, get punished for every demerit over three. One kid talked like a sailor. I gave LOTS of warnings to prevent him from being punished to hell and back, but that didn't phase him. So he got demerits. Friday rolled around... Kid: "Charlie24601, how many demerits do I have?" Me: "Four" Kid: "What?! What the hell for?!" Me: "Swearing"


Text - Text - mgraunk 3.1k points 3 hours ago My coworker and I discovered that one of our students was running an underground crime syndicate selling individual Icebreaker mints for 50 cents a pop. We agreed not to punish him or inform the administration, but we did confront him privately and told him he needed to stop before it got him in trouble. He had about a half dozen employees and was selling at every grade level by the time we put an end to it. Kid was a C student at best, but he's defi


Text - Text - VelociraptorNom 2.9k points · 5 hours ago · edited 1 hour ago Obligatory not me but I was there. Background: my principal was like mid fifties and always wearing suits. (Christian high school ayyyy). He also had a lazy eye and a pot belly. Nothing too out of the ordinary. We have spirit week and one of those days is twin day. So one kid decides to have a fucking mad lad day and dress up as our principal. Bonus points: he was the only kid at school with a lazy eye. So this little pu


Text - teacherboymom3 20 points · 1 hour ago My students had one kid distract me while I was grading tests, and another took a photo of the answer key. They thought it was like Mission Impossible. I realized when I graded their tests. There were many that I suspected weren't ready; I was going to let them work through corrections for credit back. Well, too many did better on this than they should have. One kid in particular, who consistently made D's, no matter what I tried, made a B on this sto


Text - Text - Hagisman 26 points · 2 hours ago Back in the day my friend found an exploit in the school laptops that allowed him administrator access. It was pretty clever. He brought it up to IT. Problem was it was very obscure and no one would have been looking for such an exploit unless... they wanted to bypass the school's security. So he got suspended.


Text - 420dankmemer69 2.1k points · 6 hours ago Not a teacher, but when my mad lad English teacher was in school he was voted in by his peers as prefect after he promised them vending machines and pool tables, he then told everyone that he lied about putting in vending machines and pool tables and explained why democracy is inherently flawed


Text - sionnach 1.5k points · 3 hours ago I can't remember the question that was asked of my niece (about 6 at the time), but she stood up in the class and said "Sister Bernadette's a bitch" (sister as in a nun). The teacher told my sister (normal sister, not a nun) that whilst she couldn't condone the behaviour, Sister Bernadette was in fact a total bitch. They had a good laugh about it.


Text - Text - HunterE30 886 points · 6 hours ago I was the punished student. Here we have some little stick (about 3 cm long and 5mm diameter) firecrackers that if you scratch them to rough surface it will create a little cracking sound. I invented a magnificent way to let them explode, put the firecrackers below a stone then fricking stomp it, literally the sound was like a flat tire and actuallu a bit deafening. I try it outside my class, the principal was walking by, the whole school heard it


Text - Text - eternallasting_ 665 points · 2 hours ago First 6 months of teaching. Grade 8 English. Kid did a 360 on one leg of his chair. I was impressed but gave him a time-out because it was dangerous. Part of the requirement for time out was that students identify what got them sent out in the first place. "I did a mad 360 on my chair but Miss said it wasn't safe". I've still got that time out sheet on my desk 2.5 years later. Yes, Ethan, it was a mad 360. But it was still dangerous.


Text - Text - squeakyshoe89 595 points · 2 hours ago The first time I caught students cheating it was two 8th grade girls that had all of the same wrong answers on a vocabulary matching test. I pulled the girls aside after class to ask about it, and after some sheepish grins they both admitted that a third girl (their friend who was an A+ student) had fed them both incorrect answers on purpose. She screwed over her friends because she was pissed they were mooching! For punishment, the first two


Text - Text - Zirael_Swallow 364 points · 3 hours ago Our class teacher (? Dunno whats the right word, he was basicly the teacher responsible for us) really had to hold back his laughter when punishing a guy in my class. That dude managed to redneck engineer a smoke bomb, that made the class room unusable for 2 days, in like 15 minutes. We all probably inhaled not so healthy fumes that day, but damn it was impressive, espeacially when comparing it to the YT tutorial he followed.


Text - Text - tadeu_fo 296 points · 2 hours ago After grading an exam, I realized two students were cheating because they had the same answer. I knew who had copied since one of them had straight A all over the semester while the other was struggling. So, as I did not saw the cheat happening, I gave a chance to both come out and tell the truth and said: - Ok, the one who copied will receive 0 and the one who really did it will receive half the grade. So which of you really did the original answe


Text - Text - AM_Conspiracy 293 points · 2 hours ago I'm not a teacher but a student who witnessed the whole event.Where I go to, you can get detention for drawing or vandalizing the school bathrooms. Anyways a friend of mine who happened to be an artist himself thought it would be a good idea to paint the Mona Lisa on one of the bathroom stalls and it was so impressive one might even think he copied and pasted the actual painting onto the stall. After lunch everyone was gathering around to look


Text - Text - Bartigo 219 points · 3 hours ago In 9th grade our school got a vending mashine for softdrinks and water. They all were damn expensiv (3€ per 0,51) and the pledge (dont know if this is the right translation, money you get back when you return it...) was 0,5€. All students and most of the teachers said it was too expensiv and wanted it removed cause younger students spent all their lunch money on one Sprite. The mashine had a return slot for the empty bottles. So we ripped one label


Text - Green_Giant25 24 points · 2 hours ago I'm an English teacher in Spain and one of my students (8y), started screaming and cursing at another student in near perfect English. I was so impressed by his pronunciation and use of the various abusive terms, I almost gave him a house point until I remembered I'm meant to be a responsible professional.

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