Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Mom Gets Tricked Into Praising Kid's Cooking

What's really messed up about this petty revenge is the fact that mom's support literally had to be tricked out of her. That's no good. She should've been giving her kid the morale boost from the get go. Either way, was definitely satisfying to see mom get tricked. 


Text - r/pettyrevenge u/ThrowRA-Barber • 1d + Join Tricked my mom into finally admitting that my cooking was good. I've been enrolled in a cooking school for over year and my mom, she's never been supportive. Because i dropped out of a nursing program to get into a cooking school. She's always making snide comments about how i should've been a nurse or a lawyer, or how i'll only ever be a subservient housewife with this, and when i do make something, she always crizicizes it. Like she's Gordon R


Text - I've cooked 3 course dinners for the family and they always get positive reviews, except for her. She had a party for her work friends, I made a whole tray of my specialty take on homemade meatballs (A recipe i conceptualized myself, my signature dish). Everyone kept going back and getting more, so many that they ran out. I asked mom what she thought, she said "They were drunk, they couldn't taste anything."


Text - So, i figured if i wanted to get her to compliment my cooking, i'd have to trick her. I cooked her a meal, one of her favorites from scratch, her biggest weakness that she can never resist. Dressed it up to look professional and put it in a generic To-Go Box and had my boyfriend take video of me preparing it, start to finish. I called her and told her that my boyfriend and i were eating at this diner (that doesn't exist), made up a fake name for it and everything. I told her they had her


Text - Her tone changed. She put the fork down and said she was lying, that it tasted like crap. My boyfriend showed her the video, she googled the restaurant and it didn't show up. She started pointing out flaws with the meal, like how there was too much sauce and it was really spicy and burned her mouth. I asked her why she almost finished the whole thing if it was so spicy. She didn't say anything, so i just asked her if she was ready to admit it. She said no, so we left but i spotted her eat

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