Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Girlfriend Beats Upset Boyfriend in Steak Challenge

When entering a steak eating challenge with your hungry girlfriend, it's good to review your feelings and think about how you'd feel if you lost. On principle, it seems like a good idea to have a general idea of how much steak you can eat. These things happen, like this woman who emasculated her egotistical boyfriend.


Text - r/AmItheAsshole · Posted by u/SmallDare1986 17 hours ago AITA for embarrassing my boyfriend at a restaurant? Ok this is really stupid, and Im pretty sure I'm not the asshole, but this happened over a year ago, and my boyfriend keeps bringing this up as an example of me trying to undermine him. So, both my boyfriend and I love food. Not too uncommon obviously. We're also both pretty athletic. I'm a runner, so I'm relatively small (around 100 pounds at 5'4"), while he's an Olympic weightlif


Text - So last year, we went to a restuarant that has a 96 ounce steak challenge. Basically, you have to finish a 96 ounce steak plus a bunch of sides in an hour and you get the meal for free. I honestly had very little doubt I could finish it. Bf and I went to the restaurant with a few friends, and I said I wanted to try the challenge. Bf said he wouldn't pay for it if I couldn't finish it, but like I said, I was pretty sure I would finish it. He had been to the restuarant before, and he ordere


Text - Well the meal comes, and I finish in under an hour. Bf can't even finish his meal. I end up finishing for him. Our friends that were with us laughed and congratulated me and teased my boyfriend that his girlfriend of half his size could out eat him so much, and i told him to pay up. After we separated from our friends, he went off on me, telling me i embarrassed him in front of our friends and emasculated him(????) I honestly don't think i am asshole for this, but he keeps bringing this u


Text - NUTmeSHELL Galasstic Overlord [3132] 16.5k points · 17 hours ago S NTA. If your boyfriends masculinity hinges on his ability to eat more than someone else, he needs to reassess his life.


Text - traipse75 Asshole Aficionado [16] 5.2k points · 17 hours ago NTA. The word undermine, used this way, is a red flag. Just because he's self conscious doesn't mean you should change your behavior to make him feel like more of a man. That's not your job, and he's talking like he's trying to get you to do whatever he says so he feels like he's in charge around his friends.


Text - shappa357 Partassipant [3] 2.8k points · 17 hours ago Olympic weightlifter, 6 foot, 200 pounds and still so insecure he thinks his 100 pound girlfriend is trying to undermine him..ugggh.


Text - WashGodMega Asshole Enthusiast [5] 1.2k points -· 17 hours ago NTA i dont see how you would be the asshole here. This just sounds like he got butthurt over you having a bit of fun. Also, props for eating all that THEN finishing his lol


Text - Reddidiot13 Asshole Aficionado [11] 899 points · 17 hours ago Not only are you NTA. But holy fuck you're animal. I'm flabbergasted that someone your size can eat that much lol


Text - XavierDeRenegadeAngl Colo-rectal Surgeon [43] 317 points · 17 hours ago NTA. Being masculine isn't about eating a big meal faster. I would have just laughed if my petite girlfriend did this.

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