Monday, August 10, 2020

Tumblr Thread: Trade School and The Point of Tests

The point of school is to learn, so it would make sense that a test could itself be a learning experience rather than an opportunity to fail. We've seen cultures collide over grading scales, and the idea of a test taking on a different kind of role is an interesting concept. Lord knows they're stressful as hell.


Text - y twitblr Follow Tracy Edwards, Ed.D. @tracyrenee70 My parents seem genuinely shocked at my class policies. Yes, your 5th grader may redo any test or quiz. No, I don't care how many times they choose to retake it. Yes, they can turn in that assignment late. I'm a whole adult that requires grace & mercy. I can extend that to kids. These policies can help to improve the mental health of students


Text - snommelp Follow If the point is for the children to learn, then why wouldn't you give them as many chances as it takes? What is the benefit of telling a child "you failed and that's the end of it"? cyborg-alchemist Follow I'm 25, and in my trade school, our tests aren't judgement, they're testing to see what we've retained, and identify what we're missing. If I weld a joint, and the CWI comes up behind me with a radiographic test for it and finds that I just laid hot metal on cold metal o


Text - When there's actual work to be done, we don't leave it at the first attempt if that attempt was shit. We don't leave a trail of "what's done is done." If it takes you four attempts, that's what it takes, and next time it'll take fewer because you learned how to do it right after the third time. School, as it's set up, with unforgiving deadlines and single attempt high stakes tests are building a shitty work ethic. It says "I tried once, and that's all you're getting." It sets you up to le

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