Monday, August 10, 2020

Things People Accidentally Trained Their Pets to Do

Pavlovian conditioning can be a powerful thing. Just by sheer association, pets can learn very specific things, like how this smart dog learned the dinner criteria. Some pets take it a step further, like this dog who figured out how to herd a lawn roomba. Pets can learn a lot of very specific things. Usually it has to do with treats.


Text - KittenLaserFists 1.7k points · 14 hours ago The microwave means thorough petting until the timer goes off.


Text - Kayleiighm 31.3k points · 13 hours ago 3 When I was little I would constantly carry around one of my cats, Feist. Since my hands were full with her I would use one of her outstretched paws to turn on lights whenever we entered a room. Now the little bastard switches them on and off for fun.


Text - dipdipbeantot 29.1k points · 14 hours ago 32 Our cat had impacted anal glands for awhile. We had to bribe him with treats for him to let us look to make sure he was doing alright. Now when he wants a treat he comes up and sticks his butt in our face.


Text - bb_or_not_bb 26.1k points · 14 hours ago My niece loves to FaceTime my mom to talk to her dog. When the dog was a puppy, my mom used to pull her onto her lap when she would get FaceTimed. Now the dog is 80 lbs and will jump in your lap if your phone or tablet starts making the default FaceTime ring.


Text - C8H10N402Addiction 24.2k points · 11 hours ago I picked my kitten up a few times to kill some spiders up high for me. So now whenever I pick her up she looks up at the ceiling and looks for spiders.


Text - Pile_Of_Cats 23.7k points · 11 hours ago Somewhere along the way, my dog learned 'get your toy' means to pick up his nearest toy. I didn't purposely train him to do it, but it's good for when he's about to leave one of them outside and I want him to bring it in. If there's no toy around and I say this he'll grab the nearest soft thing, usually some piece of clothing laying around. One time he tried to pick up the cat.


Text - tstock415 22.9k points · 12 hours ago My dog knew he would always get some ice to chew when I went to the fridge so any time he heard the ice machine on the fridge start he would come running in. Once he became deaf he would feel the vibrations in the floor from it and knew it was ice time!


Text - FiendishLobster 22.4k points · 12 hours ago I would playfully grab (not hard, really light) my dog's snout whenever we're playing. He somehow figured out it's my favorite thing to do when ever he comes over to me. So now, everytime he senses that I'm upset or sees that I'm crying, he would come up to me and gently put his snout in my hand.


Text - aquickcupofcoffee 21.3k points · 12 hours ago I take baths with my cat by letting her float in a plastic box. I keep the box in my closet. I only started doing this about a month ago, but now when I turn the bathwater on she runs to the closet and jumps in her box.


Text - Nocoolnamesleft10 20.6k points · 12 hours ago I conditioned my cats to use the scratching post with treats and pets and lots of "good boy, good boy." For the last 7 years, whenever I have to tell my one cat to stop chewing on something or anything like that, he goes to that post and scratches furiously looking at me like "but I'm a good boy!!"


Text - not-whoyouthink 19.6k points · 13 hours ago · edited 1 hour ago Every morning when I wake up I rub my dog's belly. Now whenever I say good morning she will lay on her back for belly scratches.


Text - gallanttalent 13.1k points · 13 hours ago If he hears me on the phone with my sister it's automatically time for a walk. We usually chat when I take him out and he is now very aware of that. Also outside clothes and putting on makeup means I'm going out probably without him. If I take my backpack- I won't be back until after work (he's happy that hasn't happened in awhile)


Text - theothersoul 13.0k points · 13 hours ago After my roomate got a cat, my dog answers to "Kitty Kitty Kitty" cause he wants love and/or treats


Text - RandomlyPMsCutePics 12.7k points · 13 hours ago · edited 13 hours ago 1. My one dog sleeps under a blanket. I know he pretty much only gets a decent sleep that way, so every time he's laying down I cover him with one. So whenever he wants to have a nap, or it's time to go to sleep at night, he jumps up onto the couch, or bed, or really wherever I am, and just sits there starring at me, until I grab a blanket and drape it over top of him - to which he then lays down and falls asleep. The f


Text - notlisapizza 12.1k points · 12 hours ago · edited 3 hours ago my cat drinks out of a glass on my nightstand rather than a bowl. a couple of years ago, she was having some pretty serious dental issues (all fixed now), and was being reluctant to eat and drink. she had always wanted to drink out of the water cup i had for myself, and at that point i just wanted her to drink anything, so i let her. that was my mistake and now she refuses to drink out of a bowl on the ground, and will only dri


Text - HoopOnPoop 12.0k points · 14 hours ago "Stop eating your face." He has floppy jowls that sometimes get stuck in his teeth. I used to just casually say "dude stop eating your face" when it happened. On the occasions that he just happened to lick his teeth and spring it loose, I would give him a pat on the head and call him a good boy. Never any intentional training but now that he's an old man he's 100% responsive when I tell him. He'll clear his teeth out and present himself for his congr


Text - spaceship4parakeet 11.6k points · 13 hours ago The budgie had a broken leg in a little splint. He would climb to the roof of his cage with just his beak and good leg, then let go of his beak and hang by one leg then just stare at me. He knew I would stick my hand in and he could just fall off into my hand. He only did this when I was around because I was the only one who would stick my hand in.


Text - VeryAgitatedEngineer 10.1k points · 13 hours ago My cat meows twice (like "bless you") when I sneeze and I say “thank you" back. She stared doing that on her own. I stopped saying thank you a few times and now she won't stop yelling at me until she knows I'm okay.


Text - LizardPossum 8.4k points · 13 hours ago My tortoise stands on my foot when he is hungry.


Text - mother_of_dragons011 8.1k points · 13 hours ago My cat will open the tray to my Xbox when he thinks I've been playing too long. Even if I just started


Text - kellieowns 7.8k points · 12 hours ago My kitten will aggressively headbutt my face every night before bed, for top of head kisses before she goes to sleep.


Text - Meggs8bacon 2.8k points · 13 hours ago My dogs know the sound of the drawer the cheese is kept in the fridge. They could be asleep in a completely different area, but if you open the cheese drawer they come running and sit like good boys for their cheese. They are herding dogs and will also herd the cat away if she won't stop meowing at me when I'm busy or if she tries to scratch anything.

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Tagged: dogs , wtf , pets , learning , smart , lol , Cats , funny , animals

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