Saturday, August 15, 2020

Tumblr Thread: Chaotic Good Burglar

Many of us are guilty of living in spartan conditions. Some folks don't even have a bed frame. It's a lifestyle like this that makes you think "maybe a potential burglar would find nothing of value in my house. Do I even need to lock my door?" Here are some more random, wild golden moments from Tumblr.


Text - Nice Eric - Follow @ericsshadow [burglar gently waking me] you live like this? RETWEETS LIKES I GRO 11,392 14,638 1.01 AM - 15 Jan 2016


Text - thestirge So I heard this story second-hand, many years ago, but the gist was that a friend of a friend lived in what was generally considered a bad neighborhood, because he was a super poor college student and it was what he could afford. He didn't have any furniture, he just slept on a blanket on the floor and had a milk crate for a chair and like an old wire spool as a table. No TV, nothing in the fridge, no microwave, basically just bare walls and a roof to keep the weather off. So on


Text - So, the poor college student made some friends. And he didn't ask where they got the stuff. yellawunn omg hemorrhaging-knight chaotic good

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Tagged: poor , tumblr , lol , story , funny , stupid , burglar

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