Saturday, August 22, 2020

Man Disregards Wife's Directions, All The Fails Ensue

Man, oh, man, this guy lived to regret trusting Google Maps over his wife's directions. We're just glad that they're alright after such a harrowing adventure. 


Text - r/tifu u/vistacruisin • 5d + Join TIFU by not listening to my wife and trusting Google Maps XL First off, this actually happened today. For a little background, we have had a camping trip planned for this weekend for 8 months, and since we are able to socially distance and spend most of our time at the beach, we decided to keep the trip as planned. The campground we are staying at is about a five hour drive from our house, and our plan was to meet my parents and my kids who were staying w


Text - Everything was going smoothly, and traffic wasn't too bad most of the way down. We were making good time until we got to about an hour away from the campground. This is where the trouble started. All of a sudden, the Google Maps GPS changed the estimated arrival time from 1 hour to two hours and showed an accident up ahead. As we got closer to the accident on the map, the distance left to travel decreased, but the time was staying around 2 hours. This indicated to me that the accident was


Text - As Google likes to do, they offered us an alternate route which looked like it should be about 20 minutes longer than the original route with normal traffic, but due to the accident was going to save us at least a half hour overall. We figured Google would send us on a route that they had properly mapped, and we wouldn't have to wait for the accident to clear, after all, it's been years since l've heard of people following their GPS into a lake or something else stupid like that. Well, we


Text - This whole detour, according to Google Maps GPS should have taken about 20-25 minutes before getting back to the highway. The road got tougher and the gravel got rockier. As we kept going, we started to see signs of logging and came across a few cars pulled off to the side of the road. In hindsight, they were definitely lost, and that should have been another huge red flag, but my trusty Google Maps GPS was showing me a clear path through, so I wasn't worried at all and I figured the othe


Text - This is where I really fucked up. The GPS had seemed pretty accurate so far and it looked as though we were maybe a half mile from racing the other side of the highway, when the direction came to turn a sharp right. The only problem was that to the right was a fairly steep cliff covered in trees; definitely not a road that we could possibly turn onto. Another red flag, and at this point, my wife told me to turn around, but I knew better, and my GPS knew better; after all, we were almost t


Text - Oops. We started running into dead ends that Google said should go through and we started getting a little higher in the hills and seeing more signs of current logging activity, but we pressed on and finally made it after about an hour of driving to a gate where we could see the road, but this gate was locked, and very substantial.


Text - Here I compounded my fuck up. I should have made some phone calls and tried to get help, but I have a great sense of direction and and my trust Google Maps GPS on my phone, so I knew we could just go back the way we came. Maybe we would talk on an hour or two to the trip, but we were still ahead of the other car coming down, so no worries. We did call my parents to let them know not to take the detour when they got closer and joked that they might even get to the campground before us. At


Text - We passed several more cars after turning around, and even flagged them down to let them know the gate was locked. A lady driving one of the other cars let us know that they were coming from another locked gate, said that someone she had talked to had made it past the accident on the highway. My wife was not happy hearing this, and thanks to my finely tuned husband's intuition, I was able to sense this without even having to ask, but I was now more confident than ever that I needed to pro


Text - As we crested one more hill that I was certain would lead us to freedom, I noticed the sound of a flattening tire, so I rolled down the window to check. Sure enough it was flat, and I stopped the car and got out to assess the damage. I opened the back and pulled out the jack. Dropped the spare tire and set to work. At this point, while I was positioning the jack, I noticed a slight hiss coming from the rear tire also. Not ideal, but it was a slow leak, and the tire was still full, so I wa


Text - This is when my wife got out of the car to call the police for help. She called and was routed to a dispatcher who said to call 911, and they could ping our location to see where we were. Before calling 911, My wife was kind enough to point out to me that the front tire on the passenger side was also flat. Not good. One flat tire i can handle begrudgingly, not three. Now I am done trying to prove my manliness, and just trying to figure out who can save us. I call AAA, who tells me that th


Text - While talking to one of the tow companies, a forest service truck came around the corner, followed by one of the cars that had passed us a couple times already. As they pulled up, I could see the great amusement in the face of the first service guy in the passenger seat. They were rightfully abused by our situation and had apparently, just helped the guy in the car behind them change his flat tire. They got out to help, and seeing 3 flat tires, they couldn't help but laugh, and they told


Text - Here was my final fuck up of the night. The first service guys weren't able to help with the flats since I only have one spare tire, but they suggested we leave the vehicle and get a ride from the guy in the car following them to the gate, which they can open with their key. They tell us that the gate is less than a mile away. They also tell us that someone can come open the gate for a tow truck to get through if we wait. I decided we should wait. At this point, T have to blame my wife at


Text - We turned off the highway about 3pm, and it was now about 6pm. We called my parents, and my dad said they had arrived at camp and checked in for us. My kids could stay with grandma, and he would come meet pick us up. He was about 25 minutes away from the point where our road met the highway, and the gate was locked, so we needed to walk. We grabbed the essentials and a cooler full of meat and started our walk; one mile to the gate, and one more to the highway. My wife is in much better sh


Text - I thought I was pretty clever, and made a a sling for the cooler out of a strap I had in the car, and we set off. On our uncomfortable hike. Partly uncomfortable because of the cooler and duffle bag, but mostly due to my fervent apologizing. Timing worked out OK here, as we only had to wait about 3 minutes for my dad to pull up once we got to the highway. He even brought us some cold water, and barely even teased me about my choices. To top it all off, we had to leave most everything in t


Text - None of the tire companies are open tonight or tomorrow, so it might be Monday before we can get the car out of the woods, and I will definitely need to buy 4 new tires and possibly even some rims, so not too excited about that, but at least I can lay down now and get some sleep. We finally arrived at the campground at about 9:30. TLDR: I trusted Google maps GPS and ended up taking a detour into a maze of logging roads, got lost, popped 3 of my tires, standing my car in the middle of the

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