Saturday, July 25, 2020

Entitled Mom Loses It Over Free Seashells

If someone is just giving something away for free, it's probably in your best interest to make your receiving of that item as convenient for them as possible. In this case, this person thought she could have free stuff delivered to her, an occurrence that is all too common with entitled folks and their frustrating demands.


Text - FREE - Free Seashells Mark as Sold More Options created this group You're not connected to 1 member Becky named the group Becky · Free Seashells. Becky changed the group photo. Hello! I'd love to take these off your hands. Awesome, I can just leave them outside on my porch for a pickup whenever you're available. Yay. I can come in a few hours when I get off work. Thanks again, I've needed some shells for a project! What is your address?


Text - It's. :In s area off 'l leave them out now in a bag on the doorstep, take them whenever. Shoot. Darn it that's about 40 minutes away from me. I don't suppose there's anyway you could meet me half way?! ( I don't really leave the area here as I'm 8 months pregnant and with COVID going on. But if you're ever in the area just let me know and if they're still available l'll leave them out for you.


Text - Yeah, sorry I won't be in that area anytime soon. I have no reason to be over there TBH. Those shells are something I need though, is it possible you could please meet me at the Walmart off - and ?? That's 30 minutes away from me. The shells are totally free and its 3 unreasonable for me to drive an hour round trip. As I said, if you're ever in the area l'Il leave them out. Uhh, unreasonable? It's just a polite thing to do to compromise with people. You're selling on a community page wher


Text - I'm interested in them because they're FREE, but l'd end up spending time and money to drive so far. Kinda defeats the purpose of a free item? At the LEAST you can hold them for me until I'm in the area. If you can't meet me at least hold them please. Thank you. 4 I have someone coming to get them shortly. I got these at the beach, they were free and easy to find, if you really need them that badly.


Text - Okay I have to say that's pretty messed up. WHY can you not hold them for me? It's not like your missing out on a sell, they're FREE. It's business etiquette, first come first serve. Extremely rude to give them to someone else. It wouldn't have inconvenienced you at all to just wait for me, like I said you aren't missing out on any money or anything!


Text - I don't have the time or ability to go to the beach, otherwise I'd have just gone there don't you think? That's why I was looking for FREE shells. This was suppose to be for my daughter's mermaid room and not having them will be a big inconvenience for me. I just wanted to let you know It's extremely rude to give them to someone else and not just hang on to them for a few day's especially after I told you how much I need them and messaged you first. Hope the other person NEEDED them as mu

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