Saturday, July 25, 2020

Boss Continually Insults Employee, Employee Takes Revenge

This boss barked up the wrong tree. Got to hand it to this guy for his heroic level of patience when it came to toughing it out, and biding his time for the ultimate pro revenge. Sounds like a great six months was enjoyed by the employee after they were fired. Would be pretty nice to get paid over $32K for doing nothing, by the very boss that thought they could fire you amidst all their HR violations, and never pay the price for it. 

Check out some more workplace drama with this employee who got fired, and proceeded to take the essential program with them.


Text - r/ProRevenge u/Divine_Squire • 1y + Join Revenge for the boss from hell. 30k+ payable to me, thanks. Greetings, I posed this story once before in days past but deleted it in fear legal reasons. I've revised it and feel more comfortable sharing. The title of the story was something like "Creamfilled karma ending for boss" or something along those lines. I enjoy the heck out of this sub along with malicious compliance and petty revenge. I can tell you as a long time lurker this story is wor


Text - TLDR: Boss was a dickhead all the time, then insulted me while I was eating lunch with a client in public. I painfully planned and executed a plan to make him pay me over 30,000 dollars as punishment , I was successful. I worked for this small business IT Consulting firm for seven years. Owned and operated by a person we will call Dick. First two years things were fine. Occasionally this guy would take things a little too far, he was just passionate about his opinion and always had to be


Text - For months l'd hear him shouting all the time at this one guy. The co-worker after leaving the meeting would go back to his office from where I had a view and I could just see the stress and misery in his face. Till finally I said to him, "what the hell man? He's always giving you a hard time here lately, what did you do?" He didn't seem to know. He confided in me right there the level of hell he's in and some of the things Dick has said or done. I couldn't believe some of the details he


Text - A few months later he finally found another job and left. I talk to him couple times a year and he always said it was the best choice in his life he ever made. Dick's sights then narrowed on to me. I can take a lot. So for the next five years I took it. He would insult me pretty much every day, each day more and more colorful. I didn't really care or take it home with me so it wasn't a problem for me, for Dick I would learn it was. Unrelated, five years in I put in my notice because he as


Text - What I learned is I was a fool to do that and money isn't everything. Go where you'll be the most happy. Best life advice I can give after this experience. He left me alone for a couple months after that, he wasn't in the office much either. Then a day struck his fancy to start things up again only he ran out of material. My work is solid and he had no opportunity to criticize that. The only method he had was bashing his ego and sarcasm around but he realized it had no impact on me. Here


Text - entitled and sarcastic tone if you were an expert on the matter and wanted to see those credentials. I learn fast, just never speak unless spoken too. Any comment or insult he made I would respond without emotion and just say ok. Because Dick wasn't able to get a rise out of me the old fashioned way he decided to create fictional content for a new direction. Our small company would go out to eat as a whole, or just order in on Fridays. I ate half my sandwich, and wrapped the remaining to


Text - This went on a couple weeks, he had no opportunity and couldn't complain. He realized he failed again. So then he came up with the next item. The Bathroom. This I actually did a little research on and couldn't find anything legally I could do. But anytime anyone would use the rest room he would blame me for the smell. Instead of hello when passing in the highway he would say "Did you use spray" or "Did you light a match" as hateful as he could, but that was his normal. It went much deeper


Text - I must have visually tipped him off I didn't approve of this because he never got bored with it. However I did at least get him to stop asking about if I used spray. Anytime I used the bathroom, even to take a piss l'd use the entire can of air freshener. This wasn't an easy task as l'd have to mask my face to empty that entire thing. Takes a while surprisingly to empty an entire can in a session. One thing is for certain when I was finished, someone used the "spray" and Dick was buying a


Text - I almost walked out. Then I remembered he drove and it's a long way back. Plus Dick is over 60, what kind of person knocks out a senior? I had to chant that in my mind to keep control. I never get pissed but after years this was the last straw! I seriously pleaded with myself all day not to do it because l'd go to jail and he would win. During this time period he also started playing with my money. Behind 4-5 months with reimbursement, week late on paychecks, stuff like that. You ask wher


Text - Then the idea came to me that night, did my research and odds were in my favorite that it could work. I'm just going to mirror him until he fires me. When he fires me he will have to pay half my current salary of 65k until I get a new job. You know what? I can live perfectly fine on 32.5k. Why not make him pay out of his pocket 32.5k for everything he had said and done? He would have to pay this over the course of six months or until I found a new job. So my goal was to make him pay me $3


Text - So I hit him where it hurt first, his favorite thing in the world is meetings. Because he loves to hear himself talk and take you step by step through his thought process with a noble tone congratulating himself for his thinking and why his way is the best way. So I started speaking up and illustrated a more efficient way that cost less. He would argue, sometimes red in the face mad. Especially if others in the meeting liked my idea. He knew he was wrong but he would dismiss them and dema


Text - Trust me when I say this guy has a massive ego and I was counting on this for pissing him off. I laid it on thick, in time it took its toll. I knew it did because what came next. His retaliation was the kitchen sink, he had nothing so he started accusing me of things, then playing coy when it came to reviewing the details or facts. He would put words in my month, I'd state he was wrong and then he would tell me I was. All he was doing was opening the door so he could play a revengeful sar


Text - While I took delight knowing he was hemorrhaging money for months, I was hoping for a lay off to execute my plan. Nothing. T have to make him want to fire me, it's the only way. T have to beat him at his own game while providing the illusion he is in control. So I turned up the heat. I was asked to travel to a client by the 2nd in command. I said "I'm sorry man, I haven't received reimbursement in six months for travel expenses and I just had my work cell phone service turned off. With th


Text - That day Dick had a meeting with me and setup a payment plan to pay the money back. After three weeks it would be paid. So I said to Dick "understood, after three weeks l'Il be on the road again, cool" just making sure he understood because he wanted to play games and not pay the amount in full Dick is now going to pay me my salary for three weeks to do nothing until the reimbursement fee is paid. Guy has a several million dollar house, goes on vacations has a boats, etc. Out of all the t


Text - Then on the third week, three days until the final payment, it happens. Dick enters my office, and gives me the filmier demeaning dog wave gesture to follow him without speaking. We sit down and he asks me what the problem is? I told him the problem is he needs a new hobby. In one hand you have someone sitting here that busted his ass for the last seven years, in the other your need to bash someone's face in the dirt with your ego. The problem with me is I won't conform and provide both.


Text - After a pause He said if you feel that way why didn't you speak to me about it? I reminded him that I did twice and both times you humiliated me for it and said "this is I.T!" What the I.T Career that I've done the last twenty years had to do with his ego l'll never know. He responded with I'm behind the times, my work has been poor and out of the kindness of his heart he gave me a raise after I demanded it. I responded with Ok. Then he finally said what I wanted to hear "I want to cal| i


Text - When I arrived home I promptly adjusted the dates on the unemployment forms I had filled out already in wait and submitted them. I called the state and confirmed everything was documented on my end accurately and now it's the waiting game. My plan wasn't realized until my boss receive the letter in the mail about a week later stating he's going to have shell out my Salary for the next six months or until I found a job. Panicked at this point he realized what I set him up for. So He claime


Text - Realizing the shit storm he's in now I'm told from the admin friend he was on the phone with them quite a while twisting and turning the fake stories out. Bottom line, the state needed to see documented verbal and written warnings, signed so he couldn't fake them. He called his lawyer and his lawyer told him he's screwed. Later my boss told co-workers he felt bad for me that I couldn't find work and he decided to give unemployment to me to save face of his ego. That made official that his


Text - For the reason I was terminated I said "Dick the owner made some poor business discussions that impacted the company losing business and clients. He let me go as a business discussion, in his shoes l'd of done the same and understand." I wrote it that way for a reason. But Dick didn't realize why. I knew what his reaction would be. The state saw a down to earth guy that was honest and understanding on paper. Then they saw Dicks predicted response of being a dick, most likely yelling and o


Text - His reaction being, his ego had to take it up the ass. Once for failing as a business man, another for me saying so on state paper work, and lastly accepting that I got the better of him and all this time I have been coaxing him to make this move. The only thing left to do is pay me, every single week. And his money goes to the state first then the state sends it to me, so he can't play games with my money or the state is coming after him. Over the next six months I took that time to enjo


Text - It was either that or knock him out during that lunch, It wasn't easy, took work but I'm proud of the way | handled it. I feel vindicated, it's pretty rare the world is balanced, evil often wins. But not this time. This time it cost Dick, 32,500 dollars to be exact. All in all I can say 10/10 would do it again. Due to his age I can't imagine that it would be a humbling experience at this point. But it was for me, money isn't everything, there is only one thing of true value, your happines

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