Sunday, June 14, 2020

Woman Says Baby's Name Will Lead To Bullying

This woman asked people on Reddit whether she was wrong for saying a baby's name would result in the poor kid being bullied in life. Folks in the comments section seem to be expressing the opinion that she wasn't in the wrong for sharing her well intentioned thoughts on the matter. You be the judge. 


Text - AITA for criticizing my cousin's baby name? Not the A-hole Hi! I (21F) have a married cousin, 'Cass' (30F) who has always been sort of holier-than-thou in our family just because she is the oldest, rather successful and first to settle down. She is pregnant with her first child, a son, and has announced the name. Both are family names, and the middle actually is after our grandfather. The name would be perfectly fine if it wasn't for the surname. The initials of the name is M.O (ie if the


Text - I saw the obvious red flags in the name, and texted her saying, 'Are you sure about the baby name, just say Mo Leicester out loud.' She replied, 'yeah it's a lovely name, anyways we're just calling him mo, he'll be called by his first name at school.' I left it after that, as she's pretty hard to argue with - until she posted a picture of a babygro with Mo Leicester emblazoned across it. I then texted her, 'your kid is really gonna get bullied when his classmates can put two and two toget


Text - business. they also said i should shut up because it's fAmily NaMes, and we should be thankful that the family is being 'honoured.' My aunt even had the nerve to tell me that I was jealous as I was single and Cass had her husband at my age. I really don't care about being single by the way. My sisters also think the name is ridiculous, and so does Cass's brother, who tried to talk to her husband but he thinks the name Mo is 'cool' as every boy should have a sports hero to look up to. so y


Text - jigsawsandroses • 1d NTA oh lord poor kid. if they wanna call their kid 'mo' when their surname is Leicester they shouldn't be suprised if the kid gets bullied. I get that that's not your kid, but your concern is in the best interest of the kid. your aunt also sounds like a piece of work.


Text - elsie223 • 1d • Partassipant [3] OOF that is unfortunate. I was all ready to say it's never good to criticize a new parent's baby name choice but in this case, NTA, that nickname last name combo is gonna be terrible


Text - immafuturemama • 1d The first thing I thought about when I named my kid was what did it sound like / is it rude? I had to give up a nice middle name out of fear for my daughter getting an ASS initials. You have to do that out of kindness as you can be judged for your name and everyone deserves an equal start in life. NTA.


Text - AGirlHasNoThrowaway • 1d • Asshole Enthusiast [8] NTA. I had a similar situation come up when I was pregnant. My ex has a very unfortunate last name. It is spelled slightly differently, but the last name is De Cock. Literally pronounced (da-cock). My favorite baby name for a boy has always been Holden. But, with that last name, I had to make the choice to protect my kiddo from needless bullying by changing the name. Some people say it's just a name, it's no big deal, kids will find anythi


Text - MandeeLess • 1d NTA. Show her the episode of IT Crowd where Jen is dating a guy named Peter File lol.


Text - skizethelimit • 1d • Partassipant [1] Well, you tried your best for that kid. That's all you could do. Now just drop it. (but you can practice your "I told you so" face for when the kids is a teenager and starts complaining abut being named "molester". NTA


Text - LoveAudrey • 22h Tbh, you're NTA for pointing it out. My first and last initials are A.S., and my parents were going to have my middle name be Sophia before their friend frantically called them, telling them to try monogramming a towel. Maybe that makes me biased, but l'm super grateful to not have my initials be ASS.


Text - StayclassyK_C • 23h NTA. I'm stunned that more people don't remember the world is a brutal place before naming their children. You did her a service.


Text - Trvlgirrl • 23h NTA. I have a friend with an unfortunate last name who married a man with an equally unfortunate last name. They decided to hyphenate their daughters last name resulting in an absolutely cringeworthy surname. Her first and middle initials are IC. Her last names basically equate to female felatio. When I pointed it out, they didn't care at all, saying it would build character. I dropped it and never said another word but I def lost some respect for people who don't care the


Text - papiyawn • 1d • Partassipant [4] NTA normally l'd say stay out of it but there is a definite problem there. Do they truly know that it sounds like molester and they just don't care or has no one said it outright to them?


Text - River_Song47 • 1d NTA. There was an episode of the IT Crowd where Jen dated a guy named Peter until she couldn't take his full name anymore. Peter File. Parents who love their baby won't set them up for harassment.


Text - Prof_Lava-Hot • 1d NTA. You're trying to do the kid a gigantic favor here. She's TA for trying to name her kid that.


Text - Tapusi • 1d NTA. You mean well, but at the end of the day, the parents have the final say. Does your country allow people to legally change their names if they don't like it? If so, how hard can it be?


Text - NinjaSarBear • 1d NTA it shouldn't be an issue but it is because kids are monsters. They've been warned and I would remind them when, not if, it becomes an issue


Text - chellis8210 • 22h NTA, people really need to think about this stuff, my sisters friend had the surname Hunt, her first name was Kristin, the kids picked up on K Hunt pretty quickly, to make matters worse, she herself has had a child, no father in the picture, so same surname, and has named her daughter Ophelia Krystal. That's correct. Ophelia K Hunt. She's only 2 right now, but god, how do you not notice?


Text - sugaredsnickerdoodle • 23h NTA, it wouldn't be an issue if they just called him by his first name or even a nickname of the first or middle, but I've honestly NEVER heard of people taking just the first two initials and making a nickname out of that. Very weird. Not relevant but I feel like I saw a similar post, don't remember if it's on here but it was someone who named their kid Liz Anya and everyone was telling them they need to change it because they never realized they basically name


Text - CinderRebel • 15h NTA. My half brother is called Yordick ( no idea if that is the spelling i honestly dont know him) and the new woman wanted him to go to our primary school. We immediately said no cause maybe in Mexico he will get away unscathed but he definitely not survive being in an English speaking school. We literally started talking to my dad to explain why this was a horrible idea. He does not speak english but he understands it. I have no idea how he thought this would work.


Text - GenuineSenpai • 15h • Asshole Enthusiast [9] NTA. I was bullied my from elementary through highschool because of my name first and last name (I'm Hispanic). My last name is Anes and I always heard Anus from kids. But it's still not as bad as that name. That poor kid is going to probably have a terrible time at school. His parents are setting their child up to be bullied by not thinking about the effects that a name will have through different phases of his life.


Text - Dredgen-Wrath • 1d NTA, Oh boy that kid is gonna have a bad time in like 8 years.


Text - Myrania • 23h NTA - though I thought I would rule differently when I had only read the title


Text - sarahjd82 • 20h NTA - When I was naming my babies, the baby name book (I'm sure that dates me) had a section in the very front about things to consider while naming your baby. Among those possible pitfalls were how the name and associated nicknames would pair with your last name. Kids can be cruel, especially when they have such a rich vein of teasing to mine.


Text - Glasgowghirl67 • 20h NTA, My oldest nephew ended up having the initial SIN, my uncle died just before his birth and they honoured him with his middle name. He has no issues due to this because he finds it funny and his middle name isn't used in his day today life but in this case they are insisting his nickname is Mo and are not considering the impact it has on this child. You were honest about your feelings and the burden it can have.


Text - ringdings_n_pepsi • 19h NTA. That poor, poor kid. Kids were already making this joke when I was in elementary school 20 years ago about a boy named Morgan in my class who shortened his name to "Mo." and his last name wasn't even close to something like Leicester or whatever, but he still got called "Mo Lester." Kids are cruel and you gotta take that into consideration when naming your babies.


Text - UKRedditLurker • 19h NTA - I know in theory we shouldn't care what other have to say and so on but come on... you 100% did the right thing at least pointing it out.


Text - Recent-Horror • 19h NTA. Amy Schumer just had to change her son's name because no one pointed out it sounded like "Anal Fisure". This one is so much worse! I would be very grateful to be honest. We didn't use my grandmothers name as a middle name because the same type of thing happened. It's no ones fault but I think it's incredibly short-sighted for her to not see the problem!


Text - fullcupofbitter • 19h NTA I don't understand parents who don't consider how the names they give their children can cause them a lot of unnecessary stress in grade school... My step bro and SSIL literally slaved over trying to find the perfect names for their girls so they couldn't get bullied for their names... I mean kids are creative and you can't always think of everything, but just the effort they made was very touching... And neither of them even have names that are out of the ordina


Text - CaptainTrips1919 • 18h NTA if mom is upset now just wait til she hears what her poor kid is going to go through in school. Their teasing will put your mild protests to shame.


Text - alwaysbeenawkward • 17h NTA, even if the name hadn't been so obviously terrible. I don't know why everyone acts like criticizing a baby name is so rude and inappropriate. You would think she would want her friends and family to give her honest feedback. She is being very unreasonable by getting mad and crying just because her cousin dislikes the baby name she chose. I hope it's just hormones and she isn't normally like that.


Text - 06rockstar • 17h NTA Now, mo is a pretty cool nickname. I wouldn't mind having it if my namedsounded anywhere near that. However, if your last name sounds like lester it's probably for the best that you don't go by mo

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