Sunday, June 14, 2020

Tumblr Thread: Game Warden Who Let Poachers Reel Him Up In Scuba Gear

There's taking your job seriously and then there's laying in wait underwater so you can grab ahold of a an illegal fishing line, get reeled in and scare the crap out of poachers. For some other weird history, here's the very fast story of the first soldier to take way too many military grade amphetamines.


Facial expression - Terry Grosz was a fish and game warden that caught illegal fishers by waiting in the Eel river in a wetsuit and reeled himself in when the fisherman cast out their lines. After writing citations and confiscating their fishing rods, he went back into the river and swam away.


Text - ULTRA ultrafacts Source: [x] Follow Ultrafacts for more facts! theawesomeadventurer okay but this is a power move above any other hoseph-christiansen It gets even better, because he was doing all of this on a pitch black night. This dude swam towards a lure, slapped at it with his glove, and when it got caught; he let himself float and tugged on the line so the fisherman thought he had hooked a 100+ pound salmon. Once he was finally up to the shore, he turned a flashlight on in the guy's


Text - At this point, the guy who had reeled him in had literally fallen over in shock, and the other people with him were scared shitless. The warden whipped some citations out of a plastic bag in his wetsuit, made the trespassers sign them, asked if they had any questions, and then gathered all of their fishing gear. And he just. Walked back into the river. And quietly swam away, without another word. This man is a legend. do-you-have-a-flag warden coming out of his river to shame fishermankin

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