Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Twitter Thread: Woman's Wholesome Take On Relationships

Some sound advice going on here. Mattie Rogers aims to break down the negative stereotypes about being in a relationship, that are otherwise reflected throughout the media. Might be helpful to note. 


Text - Mattie Rogers O @mattie_rogers some relationship things I think a lot of people miss: 1) Don't keep score. Don't do/not do things based on what the other has done for you/to you 2) always offer/be willing to split bills/ any combined purchases. Stop with expectations & no shame in staying within your means


Text - Mattie Rogers O @mattie_rogers 3) communicate your issues instead of subtweeting/ignoring/arguing/etc. We're adults & problems are much better solved when discussed fully & directly, no matter how touchy the issue. >


Text - Mattie Rogers O @mattie_rogers 4)do things bc of the way it will make the other person feel, not just how it will make you feel. Selfless love is real and is very important. 5)verbally & physically show them that they are appreciated. You're not too cool to say these things out loud. Its more than I love yous


Text - Mattie Rogers O @mattie_rogers 6) try your best not to take outside stressors out on your significant other. It may be the hardest, but a valid effort of thinking before snapping at them goes a long way. They are there to support you, they can't do that if you put them down bc of outside reasons. >


Text - Mattie Rogers O @mattie_rogers 6) and finally, do not expect someone to just show up and make a perfect life for you like you all tweet about. It is a combined effort and an effort that must be put in DAILY. Find a relationship with substance and not based around social media's "goals".


Text - Mattie Rogers @mattie_rogers I said 6 twice but you get the point. I think social media has glorified unhealthy relationships & it is sad to see. Love yourself, love your partner & be mindful always. It is so simple but so so overlooked when everyone wants unrealistic things. >

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