Monday, June 1, 2020

Things that are Surprisingly Dangerous

If you needed some more stress in your life, here are some seemingly mundane things that can be more dangerous than you'd expect. It turns out a lot of stuff that you see and do every day is heavy, poisonous, and otherwise surprisingly deadly. For some more bummers, here are not-so-fun facts to feel bad about.


Text - BadlyDrawnMemes 5.5k points - 14 hours ago Blunt kitchen knives It may seem obvious but there more dangerous than sharp kitchen knives


Text - _Duh_Vinci_ 34.9k points · 13 hours ago Driving tired, sleepy. hastily_named 13.8k points · 13 hours ago Man I've done a full shift driving hundreds of miles getting in and out the car for hours and filling in the reports. The worst one was I had like 2 hours sleep the previous night and at the end of my shift I thought I saw a UFO, I was absolutely convinced. Turns out it was the moon.


Text - BellatrixLenormal 24.3k points · 13 hours ago People know that rip currents are dangerous, but don't think about them as a real threat often enough.


Text - godhasmoreaids 23.1k points · 13 hours ago Listening to loud music using earbuds, or really any headphones. Having permanent hearing damage sucks.


Text - smartlikehammer 23.1k points · 13 hours ago Towing a stuck car with a chain, there is a list of people who have died from having the chain come through the back window and kill them


Text - Famous-Bobcat 21.9k points · 12 hours ago - edited 7 hours ago Moose. Bigger threat to people up here than bears. EDIT: clarification by “up here" I mean Canada. Another clarification we have a lot of Moose and not a lot of Grizzly bears. The more common bears- black bears- while still shouldn't be provoked, are a lot smaller and more timid than Grizzlies. Not to mention everyone knows to be afraid of bears. They're large carnivores. Most people don't know to be afraid of Moose.


Text - Blah81 21.1k points · 14 hours ago Attempting to change garage door springs without knowing what you're doing can kill you.


Text - Calliophage 18.9k points · 11 hours ago Being knocked unconscious. Lots of popular media makes it seem like a minor thing that an average person can shrug off after a short period. In reality, if you are ever knocked out, then you have suffered brain damage. It's possible there might not be any lasting effects, but it's a serious injury and you 100% need to see a doctor if it ever happens to you.


Text - yeahbuddy186 17.5k points · 12 hours ago Eating a lot of spinach. Believe it or not people have had kidney failure from 3 spinach smoothies in a day. This is due to the high levels of oxalic acid.


Text - DeathSpiral321 15.4k points · 13 hours ago Living alone. If you get seriously injured or ill at home and you're unable to reach a phone, your chances of survival are much lower than if you have at least one other person in the household.


Text - Dinny77 13.1k points · 11 hours ago A kind of random one, but don't eat uncooked slugs or snails. They can have parasites that will make you paralyzed and eventually kill you. An Australian kid died a couple of years ago from it, an awful way to go.


Text - DerpWilson 11.6k points · 12 hours ago · edited 12 hours ago Deep cuts on your fingertips. They're called felons and can infect your blood stream. Clean them out and if you see a red line traveling up your arm, get yourself to the ER immediately! My neighbor almost died from this when she cut her finger on her violin string.


Text - Donaldtrumphentai 11.5k points · 13 hours ago Anything under tension can be dangerous. guitar strings hold around 200 pounds of tension. A game of tug-of-war can put thousands of pounds of tension into a rope. It's even been known to kill people. Here's a list of-war-fatalities/


Text - desherro 8.1k points · 11 hours ago · edited 3 hours ago 3 Newts. Many newts, such as the rough-skinned newt, produce a toxin that is ten times more potent than cyanide. They are only dangerous if you handle them and then don't wash your hands afterwards, or if you eat the newt. There have been multiple reports over the years of someone eating a newt as part of a hazing ritual for a college fraternity, and then dying. The toxin that some newts produce can kill you inside of 15 minutes bec


Text - purposefulthrowawaye 6.1k points · 13 hours ago 3 Hiking in Arizona heat


Text - tomato_soup_ 6.0k points · 12 hours ago Palm trees. They are so much heavier than they look and their branches can kinda just fall off without warning Echospite 1.8k points · 9 hours ago Aussie here. Beware a eucalypt on a hot day in the middle of a drought. Eucalypts shed branches when stressed. Usually it's small clusters, but sometimes you'll jump six feet to hear a massive CRASH outside and see a huge motherfucker on the lawn. The amount of times we've almost had one land on our car..


Text - CurvyNB 1.9k points · 13 hours ago Roosters are dicks. Make sure you're on their good side. Mine has bitten and scratched me more times than I can count.


Text - theresgoodintheworld 634 points · 12 hours ago Powerwashers fluffychonkycat 308 points · 9 hours ago • Guy at my work literally held the nozzle of one up to his face to see what it was working and thank christ the doofus was wearing a face shield, it blew the face shield right off but he was fine

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