Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Stupidest Things People Did to Prove They Could

People are absolutely terrific at doing stupid things. Whether it's eating 17 donuts, climbing through a bunch of poison ivy, or eating the hottest chicken sandwich ever, you can bet that people will do real dumb junk just to prove it to themselves. Here are more people's dumbest high risk, low reward moments.


Text - UniversalPolymath 27.0k points · 12 hours ago F2 & 5 More My partner was a heavy smoker, and at the time, I'd never touched a cigarette. I would subtly-and sometimes not-so-subtly, but always lovingly-urge her to quit. She told me I had no idea how hard it was. I decided to take up smoking for about a month and then quit just to show her I could do it. That was ten years ago. I'm on a pack a day. She no longer smokes.


Text - Skarface08 26.7k points · 14 hours ago 12 Cliff diving, saw a old man do a front flip off a 40 foot cliff. I said if he can do it, so can I. I did the flip alright, followed by a belly flop that Zeus could hear. Knocked the air out of me, but luckily people were floating near by to save my dumb ass.


Text - Queen-of-Beans 17.3k points · 13 hours ago In 2001, my sister got me a Sony phone, a tiny little thing with a flip down front. She worked in a phone shop and got discount. On the box, it said the phone was waterproof and there were tiny rubber seals in places. I believed them. At the pub where I worked, this aspect came up in conversation. Some guy said the phone couldn't be waterproof, and that shower proof was probably more accurate. Remembering the box, I argued the point... And droppe


Text - Hellboy32607 15.3k points · 13 hours ago Walked through the brush of our treeline to get a football to prove it wasn't poison ivy. I did it. I got the football. It was poison ivy.


Text - MasterOfOne 14.4k points · 12 hours ago · edited 2 hours ago I used to work at a shitty movie theatre. As it gets to midnight all the employees hang out behind the concessions counter and shoot the shit, eat the popcorn before we have to throw it out, etc. One of them dared someone to do a butter shot. But like, the liquid butter for popcorn is way closer to straight oil. So an oil shot. I'm always a slut for attention so I said pass it to me and I downed it without letting myself think a


Text - _citizenzero 13.0k points · 12 hours ago Won a doughnut eating contest. In 10 minutes I ate about 17 doughnuts, and seconds before the time was up and I had all my thoughts set on having a hearty cleansing puke a motherfucker who wasn't even taking part yelled that throwing up afterwards should disqualify you. Somebody counted that I took in a few days worth of calories. My appetite came back two days after.


Text - mixedwithmonet 35.1k points · 12 hours ago A buddy bet I couldn't finish the spiciest chicken sandwich at this joint known for insanely spicy chicken in under 30 minutes. I knew I fucked up when they gave me gloves to eat the sandwich so the sauce couldn't touch my skin and made me sign a waiver. Won the bet, but really I lost in the end.


Text - thefuzzybunny1 451 points · 14 hours ago In college the choir I worked for sent out an invitation for a "sweats only" party. This was clearly intended to mean "comfy/casual dress", but a rumor got started that it meant you were only supposed to wear sweatpants, no shirt. The leader of the club issued a clarification, but since we were all college students, she also found it funny to say "you absolutely can wear shirts to the party... But you don't have to!" I joked to another friend that,


Text - Hailene2092 10.8k points · 14 hours ago · edited 10 hours ago Parents put a curfew on the computer when I was -12 during summer break. No gaming from 10pm-бат. A reasonable person would go to bed at 10-10:30 and wake up at 7 to play, right? 12 year old me just steed stayed up until 6am, woke up my parents, and played until noon. Then died until dinner. Rinse and repeat for a few days until my parents got sick of waking up at 6am. Then I went back to gaming until like 2am.


Text - steffinator117 9.1k points · 11 hours ago I was about 4 years old and my grandfather was making something with buttermilk. I saw it in his hand, and I cried and screamed and begged to have some. He kept saying "No, you won't like it!", but I persisted. He finally poured me an entire glass. I took one swig and I'm sure he could see the disgust on my face, because he looked like he had won. I stared at him right in his eyeballs as I chugged the entire glass.


Text - brother_meowzone 7.9k points · 11 hours ago 3 In grade school, maybe age 11 or 12, I had these cheap jeans. I figured out that I could flex my belly and pop the button open, found this funny and guy friends in class got a laugh too. One of them turns to a girl, hey girl checkout what OP can do; I flex my belly and let out a huge fart while the button popped open. She turned away, my buddy laughed, and i never did this trick again


Text - movealongnowpeople 7.9k points · 15 hours ago I stabbed my leg with a pencil in elementary school. I told people I couldn't really feel much pain (which, at the time, was true). There was a spot on my leg from the lead for years.


Text - DemiDork231 7.5k points · 10 hours ago I told my 6th grade friends I could just off a two story roof and not get hurt. Guess who only got a scraped knee that day? Not me. I broke my leg


Text - quietfirefox 5.2k points · 14 hours ago Ate the largest box of goldfish in one night in college. Don't do this.


Text - Seqouyagjones0405 3.4k points · 15 hours ago Snuck into The Hilton and confiscated a white robe, got caught and they let me go without checking my backpack. That's alcohol for you.


Text - Iskilado 3.0k points · 13 hours ago I was learning MMA for 3 months when some guy challenged me to a fight I immediately accepted it because I wanted to impress my crush by beating him. Turns out he was a national champion and was in the state for a MMA tournament. I got my ass kicked for solid 3 rounds


Text - crazycajun660 2.8k points · 13 hours ago Did 5 pull up's on an antenna strut 400 feet up on an antenna tower not tied off.


Text - hellbentforleisure 2.4k points · 12 hours ago 3 As a kid I told my friends I could hold my breath for a long time, long enough to pass out, in fact. And that's exactly what I proceeded to do.


Text - littleredhoodlum 623 points · 11 hours ago I can do a standing back flip. The best time to prove this isn't when your 7 drinks deep wearing a short bridesmaids dress and underwear made for speed not comfort. Yep brides grandma got to see my ass but I landed it perfectly.


Text - outdoorcobbler 494 points · 11 hours ago Not me, but my dad's friend. They were all sitting around being dumb drunk rednecks. And one of them was like, "I betcha I can get this entire beer can down in one of them there coke bottles." Then proceeded to do it by shredding the can by hand, cutting his fingers to shit in the process. But damn it, he got it all in there, piece by stupid piece.


Text - adipocerousloaf 304 points · 11 hours ago The splits. I weigh 263 fucking pounds.


Text - gentlesir123 1.2k points · 16 hours ago Crushing beers on my forehead. Still stupid. I'll still do it.


Text - Sleepdprived 1.3k points · 14 hours ago Remained standing through as much taser as possible. My friend used up the battery on himself and said he was trying to "get used" to it... he said that eventually he would be able to remain standing... i said what the hell and tried... its not easy fighting electro convulsive action. We tasted ourselves and each other a bunch of times... i don't think we got better at resisting it. ( I say taser bit I really mean stun gun no prongs)


Text - oktetus 1.3k points · 14 hours ago There comes a point in every (drunk) man's life where he finds himself standing on the edge of a precipice (apartment building roof) staring into the distance at glory (a fucking tree) separated from him by a challenge (a three story fall). The weak man will shrug his shoulders. slink back to safety, and carry on with his night as if he never glimpsed what could have been. But the bold (stupid) man will look across the chasm and see the greatness that aw

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