Monday, June 29, 2020

Entitled "Influencer" Expects Haircut For Cheap

This entitled "influencer" expected a big discount on a haircut because they were rocking ten thousand followers. Um, first off, these influencers need to give it a rest. Second, ten thousand followers is nowhere close to actually being able to call yourself an influencer. 


Text - I saw your post on twitter of hair and it's really pretty... how much Hi, I'm is it to do something similar for me? 20:06 Hey! It costs £120. That includes the cost of my trip to your place. 20:08 That's pretty much. Can I pay £50 though? 20:10 No, £50 is too low. I can do it for £100 though just bc you're one of her friends referred you and she says 20:12 W


Text - Can I pay £55? I'll tag you on IG and i have over 10k followers so you'll get great exposure 20:14 Still no. £100 is as low as i'll go unfortunately 20:14 w But said you did her hair for free? I'm just asking for a discount, why are you being such a bitch? 20:15 All you're doing is making the hair 20:16


Text - is my sister?? And she does my nails for free so I don't charge her either. Also, this is literally the cheapest you'li find someone making hair around here so Lmaooo. Um take it or leave it 20:19 Come on... I've got tons of followers and you should be doing it free Cos l'll bring you a lot of clients but ... I'm giving you £55.. be grateful and accept it 20 19 Hard pass, mate 20 20


Hair - Okay fine... I'm gonna do this instead... should be like £45, Yh? 20:21.


Text - Okay fine... I'm gonna do this instead.. should be like £45, Yh? LMAO 20 21 W Girl, first of all, this is way more complex than hair and you're offering less??? the absolute LEAST I would do this hair for is £150 20:22 And tbh, I wouldn't do it for that price for you bc i don't like your tone 20:23


Text - Oh fuck off, you dumb dt. I was only trying to help you out because you look broke anyway. I shouldn't even be paying anything Cos l'm really popular and so many people would love to do my hair 20:31 The braids were absolute trash anyway I just wanted something cheap to carry for a bit 20:31 LOL okay. Keep that same energy when I see birthday party on saturday x you at 20 42 Today Hey, sorry about yesterday I was having a bad day and i took it out on you 07:20 Hello? 07:36


Text - It's fine. 07:37 W So can you still do the hair? 07:38 For £150 I can 07:39 w How about for £60? 07:40 For £60 I cannot. 07:40 Oh, come on! £60 is great. I'm not being cheap or anything but it's a great deal for you. I'll recommend you to all my friends if you do it. 07:45

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