Thursday, June 11, 2020

Dude Turns Grouchy Professor's Phone Policy Into Prank

This power-tripping old school professor demanded all phone calls be taken publicly, so naturally, a cunning student took advantage of the situation. For school drama, here are times school presentations went off the rails as well as a teacher who lost half their class's papers and tried to fail them all.


Text - O r/MaliciousCompliance - Posted by u/Ghettoceratops 3 hours ago You can take calls, but it will be for the whole class to hear. oc M Back in my college days, I was taking a Ancient History class with a notoriously grouchy professor that we will just call Prof. He was super old school and a ripe sack of horse apples. He hated technology and insisted on using an analogue projector with actual film slides because they were "more reliable" despite the fact that he regularly had to replace th


Text - Just so you can understand how awful this guy was, we once had to write a three page essay on why a certain breed of ancient dogs (I think it was a Basenji) were the "superior breed of K9." Oh, and he just so happened to have two Basenjis. We literally were writing papers on why his dogs were cool and why he was so cool for owning them... Anyway, this asshat was a creep, and he hated phones in his class, particularly texting. We had to physically turn off our phones in front of him unless


Text - No biggie. I honestly thought Prof wouldn't have an issue with me keeping my phone on since, ya' know massive, mobile, swirling, natural disasters were roaming the city. I should have never doubted the depths of his sliminess, but he should have never doubted the depths of my pettiness. I told him that I had family and a fiancée and asked if I could keep my phone on my desk just in case. He has this awful goblin-esque scowl on his face and says, "If you want to take calls during a lecture


Text - He had said the same thing before with other people, and most of them just turned off their phones. I'm a boat rocker though. I'll stir a pot of shit like my life depends on it. Naturally, I cheerily agree and thank him profusely as I text several friends before class begins, telling them to call me at certain times with "the most ridiculous emergencies they can conceive, but keep them plausible." We aren't five minutes into the lecture before I get a call from my cousin. As the ring tone


Text - "The 'naders sucked up the entire chicken coop," says the voice in quivering tones as if the caller is on the brink of tears. I finish the call and wish him and his fictional farm well. Ten minutes pass and I get another call from a friend, "The results just came in. It's definitely erectile dysfunction, emphasis on dysfunction." Brownie points to him for getting creative. I don't think the professor could hear the contents of the calls from his podium, but the surrounding students could,


Text - Another call like this rings in, and I am told to take any future calls out in the hallway. I spend essentially the entire period sitting down at my desk, getting a call, walking out in the hallway, consoling the caller for whatever absurd malady has befallen them, and walking back to my desk. Luckily I always sat right next to the door. I don't think I could have gotten away with this if I had to walk across the entire classroom. Afterwards, Prof let us keep our phones on our desks to ch

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