Thursday, June 11, 2020

Children of Karens Explain What That's Like

You never know how bad someone can get until you've seen an entitled person going full Karen. Being connected to someone with Karen tendencies often means you have to do a lot of apologizing for their abusive, narcissistic behavior. People who know Karens end up trying to avoid them as much as possible.


Text - TheLateThagSimmons 226 points · 21 hours ago · edited 17 hours ago My aunt is a Karen. Quite frankly, both our families flat out ignore her. She has no relationship with her kids. We didn't realize how much it impacted our lives until we grew up and saw that kind of behavior just makes everyone hate you. The only people that put up with her is Karen's husband and my mom (her sister); even then the marriage is basically done. The number of times I heard "The squeaky wheel gets the grease,"


Text - PolloMagnifico 109 points · 17 hours ago My Mom was slowly treading down the path to Karenhood. I would just hang my head and be embarassed, but I didn't really know why it was so wrong. Well, a few years in retail fixed that right the fuck up. So when that shit started up again I calmly explained that she's getting pissy at the wrong person and has to follow the same rules everyone else does. She shouldn't expect special treatment just because she's angry. Fortunately, she took the road


Text - Echospite 56 points · 17 hours ago My dad is a Karen. KFC once forgot to put barbecue sauce in our order and he spent a full half hour writing an angry email. Next time I went in with him to get KFC he had a printout to scan for store credit. He also enjoys yelling at CS reps on the phone, especially when they're in a foreign call centre. To be fair to him, he yells on the phone even when he's being happy (I can hear him from outside the house) but even if it's not malicious there's no wa


Text - mercadilly 5.0k points · 22 hours ago My Mom is a reformed Karen. When I was a kid she used to treat people in customer service like trash. When I was a teenager and in customer service positions, it finally dawned on her what a terrible human being she was being. She's turned around and been great ever since. I'm proud of her to recognize her faults and fix them.


Text - ASzinhaz 2.4k points · 22 hours ago My mom is somewhat of a Karen (mostly in regards to restaurants) and I have an anxiety disorder. It's a combination made in hell.


Text - desert_red_head 316 points · 20 hours ago When my siblings and I were younger, she was great, but she's become more insufferable as she's gotten older. She has two voices: a talking to us voice and a talking to other people voice. Her other people voice is very serial killer like. She tells us not to shop at certain stores or stay at certain types of hotels when we travel because they are "ghetto". She is never EVER wrong. For anything. Even when I tear an argument of hers to shreds, she


Text - gigglemetinkles 284 points · 21 hours ago My parents are lovely people on the whole, but they are unbelievably entitled when they go to restaurants. I spoke up about it every time and they'd brush it off. Such behaviors include: -When there is a clear 'wait to be seated' situation, they'll just walk in and sit down at any table, even if it's un-bused. -They will get multiple drinks beer, soda, water with lemon, coffee. Really anything refillable. -Tip poorly -Ask questions a normal waiter


Text - She's not exactly the "let me speak to your manager" type, but she will leave places crappy reviews on Google or Facebook if she doesn't like the service. Speaking of which, she is the queen of Facebook. The first couple months of the pandemic she wouldn't stop posting about how we all need to go back to living. Now that the protests have started, she's been ranting about how she didn't sit in the house for 2 months for it to be ruined by protesters. I've had to learn to just ignore it an


Text - Whatsredditimworking 2.3k points · 22 hours ago I knowwwww every restaurant has fucked with our food, and for good reason. I'm in my 30s now and I won't go out with my mom in public. She doesn't want to either, because I'll give her shit for whatever she did to some poor teenaged cashier until she cries. Two can play this game and no one wins.


Text - nannylittle 1.3k points · 22 hours ago It's exhausting. I can't do anything normal with her or even have a normal conversation. Sometimes I'd like to call and ask how my sister is. Instead I get a list of people who have wronged her in the last week. It's the most petty bullshit too. “Oh some child was running around at McDonalds today, if that was my child I'd have warmed her bottom!" I know mom, I was that child. Same with the entitlement. She'll give me a list of things that should've


Text - xaradevir 1.1k points · 23 hours ago · edited 23 hours ago My dad is a male Karen. I always hated listening to him call customer service on the phone, because he's such a complete asshole to whoever is just trying to do their job.


Text - My_username_is_thus 488 points · 21 hours ago My dad used to "help" obvious first-time food servers who messed up by lecturing them, telling on them to their boss, and then stiffing them on the tip. He always justified it with a story about how once in the 90's he actually had a boss thank him for doing it because his staff sucked (it was a very unique situation). I always felt so bad for the servers who were humiliated. Because of that I always tip well as an adult, out of this childhood


Text - d4ydr34m02 1.1k points · 23 hours ago I learned to end argues by saying "you're right"|


Text - doctor-rumack 930 points · 22 hours ago My sister is a Karen in recovery, and her teenage kids are mortified by her. They had a Karen intervention with her a few months ago, and pointed out that about one out of every 3 visits to a restaurant results in a meal or a drink sent back, and about 1 in 10 results in a conversation with the manager. Unresolved complaints over the phone practically have a pre-written script: "This is unacceptable! Poor customer service, etc." She's trying to be m


Text - demonardvark 587 points · 23 hours ago Frankly its embarassing. You have to sit there while they shriek at a manager and cause a big scene. If you try to chime in you get yelled at, then they are in a bad mood the rest of the day. I've sat through hour long debates with managers over 11 cents disparity on a bill. Everyone is looking at you and you are just kind of trapped there.


Text - cherrymohn 441 points · 21 hours ago Not my mum but my grandmother, it's really terrible and it fucks with your perception of reality. There is a very obvious hierarchy in her mind, which she never veers away from. So whoever in a discussion is higher in the hierarchy, is automatically right. It usually goes: - Herself - Her children - Well respected people in her local community + television personalities she likes like Dr. Phil - Her other grandchildren - Me and my brother - Everybody e


Text - For example when me and my cousins would fight, she would always side with them, but any time I got a bad grade, she would insult my teacher and say that they were probably stupid for not seeing how smart I am. It was very confusing and really messed with my self esteem. Karen's are typically narcissists who can't handle being challenged on their beliefs, and the only way they can bring people up is by tearing other people down. I recently moved far away from home and haven't seen much of

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