Thursday, May 7, 2020

Senseless Tinder Jerk's Antics Catch Up With Him

Everyone should just play nice with each other. But instead, we have dudes like this guy "Evan", who run around and spill negative, toxic chaos everywhere. Evan thought he'd play a "game" with his friends by bullying a Tinder match for the way she looked, from afar. 

Well, that whole operation definitely went on to catch up with him. I would've loved to have seen that date going down, as it experienced all the (intentional) customer service disasters. I wonder if there was ever a point where it occurred to the dude, "man I wonder if all my negativity is catching up with me?" Maybe, so. 


Text - r/ProRevenge u/donotfuckwfatty • 3y + JOIN 4 Sometimes the customer is wrong for unrelated reasons Due to the well of my friends' "def not an axe murderer" date recommendations drying up, I have turned to that most sacred of modern relationship institutions: online dating. As a very busy person trying to get it in with other very busy people, I prize honestly and directness above all else when it comes to profile creation. I include full body shots in my photos, try to minimize the use of


Text - About a year ago I met "Evan" via Tinder. We exchanged friendly messages for a few hours one night and agreed to meet up for drinks the following evening. I waited for a full hour past the designated time, and just as I was getting up to leave, the texts started rolling in. "I can see you sweating from here." "How long does it take you to roll out of bed every morning?" "Is there an earthquake or are you just getting up for more pretzels?" Really idiotic, juvenile shit. Four separate numb


Text - I ran into Evan about 3 weeks later. We got on the same elevator, and he tried really hard at being super interested in the emergency phone instructions. Tjust confronted him, and he admitted it was just some "game" that him and his friends play. He knew I was fat before agreeing to meet up; they all did, because that's what they do. Match up with fat women, then either ghost them or "troll" them at the meet-up. It was also kinda obvious he'd never seen any consequences from this bullshit


Text - I saw Evan just as he was pushing in his date's chair. My name isn't on the restaurant, and he didn't see me. I checked the section up at the hostess stand and saw that one of my favorite old-timers, Nan, was going to be his waitress. I went to the bar till, took out $400, put it in her hands, and said, "This is going to be your only table for the rest of the night. You are going to make this the worst date he has ever been on." She spilled every single thing she brought out to the table,


Text - She poured ice water on his dick. She smacked the back of his head with the edge of a tray. Spilled soup on his shirt. Dropped every fork he asked for. I personally oversalted his food, used the shit liquor for his drinks, used flour instead of sugar on his dessert. To be honest, I don't know why he didn't just walk out. He must have really wanted to fuck this woman. Finally, he cracked. Demanded Nan find the manager and bring her out. I was only too happy to emerge from the kitchen with


Text - I will savor the look on Evan's face for the rest of my life. He was a little too flummoxed to explain, so I pulled a chair up to the table and introduced myself to his date, Amanda. Told her how I met Evan. Showed her some fun old messages. Then I told gave her a voucher for a free meal on her next visit and told Evan to get the fuck out and never come back. He deleted his Tinder profile.

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