Sunday, May 3, 2020

Restaurant Owner Finds and Returns Dude's Wallet after 7 Years

Imgur User SpankusJalopy got an intriguing surprise when a restaurant owner found his old lost wallet in a booth during a tear-down of the restaurant. It feels cool that after 7 years someone would hunt down total stranger to let them know what happened to their wallet and return it. Here are some more unlikely moments that defied the odds.


Paper - 11:40 ll5GE( TIVIESsayt Thu, Apr 9, 4:42 PM Hello James, I hope this message finds you well. My name is Kevin and I'm the owner of Goat Hill Tavern in Costa Mesa and we found something you lost YEARS ago. There is still money in the wallet, although it's stuck to the inside, as well as old ID's and SSN card. Let me know if this is actually you and if you'd like me to send to your current address. u CALIFORNIA r IFORNIA DiIVERLICENsE 4342 JAKE AMERICA UNID n PASSPORT CAR iMessage Pay ENTY


Text - 11:40 ull5GE( Holy shit, that was 7 years ago! Yup, that's me. Wow, what a trip! HahHaha that's crazy! Let me know if you still want it. The pic alone says a 1,000 words. Omg seriously! Did you get my number from the wallet too? How many people have the same number after that many years! Yes, l'd like to pick it up, maybe once the quarantine is over? I don't want you to have to hold onto it tho, so lemme know I got it from some UCI paper you wrote. Haha I can also send to you if you like


Text - 11:40 ll5GE( Lol oh, from my cv. that's awesome. You're amazing. Yeah, how about you mail it to me and l'll come in and by you a drink the next time it's open. This is just too much. You're open* Sounds good to me. Send me your address and l'll mail to you soon. Thanks, Kevin! Ya'll renovating during the quarantine? Is that how you found the wallet? We are. Ripping out all the booths in that area and replacing the wood. It's been 20+ years so it's time. Ha Is the address


Text - Story time! Tl;dr @OP lost his wallet at a bar a bar 7 years ago, which catalyzed some major changes in his life, and Good Guy Kevin makes sure it's returned. About 7 years ago, I went through a pretty rough breakup and I rebounded hard into what became a very volatile relationship-something l'd never done before and, I'm thankful to say, something l've never done since. The volatility was, in large part, the product of two broken hearts finding each other in their mutual love of booze, d


Text - Leaving for what I swore would be the last time, but probably knew wouldn't be, I realized I'd lost my wallet. I retraced my steps back to the bar, no luck. I asked the bartender if anyone had turned it in, checked the booth where we'd been sitting over a dozen times, and scoured the rest of the place, but still no luck. I don't know what it was, the wallet didn't have anything in it that couldn't be replaced, but, sitting on the bar's outdoor patio smoking a cigarette that day, I decided


Text - There is another reason, too, namely because this small and for the part useless thing is a reminder. A reminder that no matter how broken you might feel or how certain your plans for the future seem to be, a little thing like losing your wallet can be both a breaking point and a catalyst, a moment where certain things need to begin in order for other things to end-or, at the very least, to subside in the effect and hold they have on you. Whenever this whole thing is over and the bar reop

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