Sunday, May 3, 2020

Quora Answer: Police Officer Lists Reasons For Cops At The Door

The idea of having the cops show up at your door, knocking away, and not having any idea why, can bring people into a state of panic. This cop decided to list the possible reasons why the cops could be knocking at the door. It ain't all bad. 


Text - Is it illegal to not answer your front door if a police officer knocks? C Anthony, Police Officer (1998- present) Answered Apr 28 I've been a police officer for 20 years. Here are some of the reasons I've knocked on someone's door. 1. Because they've called the police 2. Because someone has called the police on them and now I have to figure out why.


Text - 3. To ask for their help, such as have you seen this missing child or did you see anything suspicious related to the crime that happened across the street. 4. To arrest someone. 5. To execute a search warrant 6. To interview someone 7. To notify someone about the death of a relative.


Text - 4. To arrest someone. 5. To execute a search warrant 6. To interview someone 7. To notify someone about the death of a relative. 8. To say “are you ok? Someone called and was concerned because they haven't heard from you."


Text - Bottom line there are many reasons that police knock on your door. Answer the door or don't. Be paranoid or don't. Help your fellow citizens or don't. It's entirely up to you. It's not illegal, sometimes it's just impolite. As a side note I have neighbors that knock on my door all the time. I'm someone's neighbor too. Have a great day.

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Tagged: cops , quora , legal , knowledge , illegal

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